Dragon Tamer

Chapter 451: Advanced Deadpool

The string was plucked, and the string swept over sharply like a throat cut.

The golden cup in front of Zhu Minglang was cut open, no different from tofu made.

And Zhu Minglang seemed to have been prepared for this harsh piano sound. He protected his five senses with spiritual sense, and pushed the table with the trend. The whole person took the chair and leaned back, and when he was about to lose his balance, he used The tip of the leg hooked the edge of the table.

Avoiding the killing strings, Zhu Minglang quickly returned to his original sitting position. Suddenly, flames were burning in his pupils, and the black fire became more and more surging in the depths of his eyes...

He stared at the oiran Lu Mu, and suddenly the luxurious flower room of the pair of moon towers was attached by a faint fire. The wool blanket was full of flames, but the blanket was not burned. The sandalwood, pear wood table and chairs were also swallowed by the faint fire , The same did not burn to darkness.

Only the oiran Lu Mu screamed in pain.

Her skin was covered with dead fire, and her clothes showed no signs of burning, but her body had been festered open! !

"I didn't intend to ask you who ordered you to kill me, so before I burn you to ashes, say something that can change my mind." Zhu Minglang's eyes are exactly the same as those of the little black dragon before.


At the same time that the little black dragon gained this ability, Zhu Minglang unexpectedly discovered that his eyes had also undergone some changes. It seemed that he could also use this powerful dragon pupil domain!

Zhu Minglang Zhengshou didn't know what to do for the experiment. He didn't expect to have a drink and he would send it to the door.

This oiran is a luthier, one of the gods, but this oiran is not good at cultivation, and his technique is not very good. Zhu Minglang has once seen a luthier strong enough to block thousands of troops with a guqin!

This oiran Lu Mu was far behind.

"You... how did you know that I'm here to kill you!" The oiran Lu Mu was somewhat stubborn, she spit out these words hard to endure the burning pain.

"You may not believe it. You are pretty handsome, but to be called an oiran is a bit of an insult to the overall appearance of Qincheng. When I was sitting in a carriage and looking at the scenery along the street, I saw no fewer than ten faces on you. A pure passerby woman in Qincheng above." Zhu Minglang said.

When Oiran Lu Mu heard these words, he immediately felt that the flames burning her skin became more fierce!

Just because you are not good-looking enough, the other party suspects your true identity? ? ?

Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world, and it is not an insult to Oiran Lu Mu!

Yes, Lu Mu is not a real oiran.

She is a female killer with a small reputation in Nihai, but she has done more than a hundred times in playing the role of an oiran to kill, so she has never missed it!

Today's goal, is the brain not normal? If you have any flaws in other areas, and you can see it through, then forget it, because you are not long enough to sink a fish and a goose? ? ?

"Take people's money to help people eliminate disasters. Since I fall into your hands, I will do what you want!" Lu Mu endured the burning pain in the faint fire, and put on a look not afraid of death.

"Qing is not a beautiful woman, so I still want to be a thief. Of course, no matter how good you look, you can't get the slightest sympathy from me. I've never been kind to the enemy." Zhu Minglang said.

Lu Mu felt a huge humiliation!

But before she could respond, she immediately felt a surging flame burning around her.

The translucent dead fire filled the flower room. She could no longer see any objects, except for the mercilessly rolling flame, which was ten times stronger than the previous pain, making her unable to spit out from her throat at all except screaming. Half a word.

She was just stared at by Zhu Minglang, but she fell into the red flame purgatory, and even this kind of soul suffered from the burning pain, so she couldn't tell whether she was dead or alive!


Putting away the pupil domain, Zhu Minglang poured himself a glass of wine, splashed into the ashes, his eyes became sharp and cold.

This Lu Mu, if it is really taking people's money to eliminate disasters, Zhu Minglang can let her make a living.

But even if burned by the fire, she was unwilling to speak out the mastermind.

Zhu Minglang does not believe that a cunning killer would rather die than stick to his professional ethics.

Not to mention, there is only one possibility, this woman is a senior deadpool cultivated by a powerful force.

This high-level Deadpool will never betray his master under any circumstances.

"Is Zhao Yu's dog?" Zhu Minglang touched his chin, thinking for a moment.

It doesn't matter if the female dead waiter didn't confess. The key to implementing this plan is not the female oiran, but who invited herself to drink the flower wine.

I wish Huo and Wang Xiao.

Unexpectedly, the interior of Zhumen was eroded.


Walking out of the flower room and down into the hall, Zhu Minglang saw Zhu Huo and Wang Xiao waiting for him there.

They drank and flushed. They didn’t notice when Zhu Minglang came down. Zhu Huo smiled lewdly, and said to Wang Xiao: “We wish you great man, did you hear the scream of ecstasy just now? , If it were not for telling others not to disturb their lone men and widows, I would have thought it would be fatal!"

"Yeah, yeah, that oiran's eyes are so charming, it's me, I guess... Ah, young master, you're done?" Wang Xiao saw Zhu Minglang and immediately stood up.

Zhu Huo also turned his head and saw Zhu Minglang with a bit of surprise on his face. It seemed that the other party came down earlier than he thought.

"Go back." Zhu Minglang said.

"Okay, please, my son." Zhuhuo leads the way

"Where is Lu Huakui?" Wang Xiao asked.

"She went back, walking from the other side." Zhu Minglang said.

I wish Huo didn't ask much, and Wang Xiao didn't dare to ask again.


Back in the small inner courtyard, Zhu Minglang walked into his courtyard.

Zhu Huo and Wang Xiao arrived at the door all the way. Zhu Minglang suddenly turned around and said, "When I came here before, what did I see?"

"The flame, like a wild fire, and like a raging fire, is like stepping into a ghost gate accidentally." Zhu Huo said.

"Yes, yes, it's terrible!" Wang Xiao said.

"Do you want to taste this taste? The flame will burn your skin first, then burn your bones, dry your blood, and finally burn you to ashes!" Zhu Minglang's tone is cold, his expression is cold, and there is no sign Just kidding.

The two were so scared that their faces were pale ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gongzi, the subordinates don't understand, what annoyed the subordinates. "Zhu Huo said nervously.

Before Zhuhuo's words were finished, Wang Xiao had already stepped back, backing back, and he suddenly ran towards the outside, looking desperate!

Zhu Huo frowned, he glanced at Zhu Minglang, and then at Wang Xiao who was running away.

Soon, Zhu Huo realized something, his eyes gradually filled with consternation.

"My son, that oiran..."

"Dead, killed by me, she is a senior deadpool." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

Zhu Huo's face was even more shocked, he turned his head to look at Wang Xiao who was running away, his face was full of anger! !

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