Dragon Tamer

Chapter 452: Zhumen Secret Realm

"My son, my subordinates have absolutely no idea of ​​harming my son!!" Zhu Huo realized that he had been regarded as a traitor by Zhu Minglang, and hurriedly explained.

"Let's check, I only believe you once. Either give me a reasonable explanation, or three days later, I will state the matter to the elders in the inner court and you will know what will end." Zhu Minglang said to Zhuhuo.

Zhu Huo is not that internal response, Zhu Minglang cannot make a judgment.

But Wang Xiao must have a problem, he has already panicked himself.

"Thank you, son, thank you son, I wish Huo will find out about this matter, and will never let go of those who are conspiring to harm the son. If you can’t give the son an explanation, after three days, you don’t need the son to do it. See you!" Zhu Huohan was raining, and he dared not look at Zhu Minglang's eyes.

Zhu Minglang waved his hand and let Zhuhuo leave.

Zhu Huo knelt repeatedly, and knelt ten heads in a row before daring to get up and leave.

As the chief deacon of the inner court of Zhumen, his position is no longer low.

Regardless of whether this matter was done by Zhu Huo, he has to take this responsibility.

The small inner court of Zhumen is so big that Wang Xiao will not be able to get out for a while...

Zhu Huo gave an order, and soon Wang Xiao was screwed back by the guards of the small inner court. Zhu Minglang didn't bother to even bother about interrogation.


A little turbulence will not affect the good quality of sleep.

In the imperial capital, similar assassinations are also commonplace. Zhu Minglang can sometimes understand why Zhu Tianguan didn't let himself participate in clan disputes and let himself travel outside.

The higher the clan gate is, the more it walks on thin ice.

Before going to bed, I checked the bloodline shaping of the black dragon of refining Cinder, and I have to say that the essence of the blood of the evil dragon is indeed a good thing, and it gave the black dragon of refining a power almost beyond its own level.

This purgatory pupil domain, I am afraid that even the monarch-level cultivation base can't bear it, and it will obviously become stronger as the little black dragon's cultivation base improves, which is equivalent to giving the little black dragon an ultimate dragon skill.

Bloodline shaping will not increase the dragon pet's cultivation base, but it will allow the dragon to control some more extraordinary abilities, often surpassing its own cultivation level, and at the same time increase its growth limit by a few points!

It seems that when the little black dragon reaches adulthood, it can once again be an existence that can run wild in the domain of the monarch!

Shouldn't it also prepare sufficient resources for the little black dragon in advance, so that it can really sweep everything away!

Dragon armor!

There is also a dragon armor with an inscription pattern on the little black dragon, and it is a molten armor!

It's also time to strengthen this molten armor, this armor made by Zhu Tianguan himself, has a very high plastic space.

"The little black dragon will reach adulthood quickly. These days, we should sort out the forging methods of the two dragon armors as soon as possible." Zhu Minglang made plans.

The two dragon armors are naturally sacred items to prepare for Xiao Qingzhuo and Da Heifang Longjun.


Since Zhuhuo was given a chance to investigate, the assassination will not be made public.

As if nothing happened the next day, Zhu Minglang continued to ask Zhu Rongrong about the engraving of the wind marks.

Zhu Rongrong taught very seriously, and specially drew dragon armor drawings for Cangluan Qinglong to ensure that the entire dragon armor could perfectly fit the characteristics and attributes of Cangluan Qinglong.

On the third day, cousin Zhu Wangxing finally returned.

As the head of this small inner court, Zhu Wangxing belongs to a relatively low-key person.

The strength of the Zhumen Small Inner Court in Nihai is equivalent to that of the Nihai Nine Clan, but most people in Nihai believe that it is the Nine Clan that rules the Nihai, not other forces.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I remember that you were a handsome young man at the beginning. How come you now have a sense of vicissitudes that only a man of 40 or 50 years old can have?" Zhu Wangxing looked at Zhu Mingliang and laughed. Jokingly said.

Well, what Mr. Koi says every few days is "old success".

"No, I think my brother is still very good-looking right now. It is the kind of temperament that is as gentle as jade and clear and clear, um...just like my brother's name. At the Camellia Party that day, there was a little princess and several others. The young lady secretly asked me about my brother, my brother can be liked by girls." Zhu Rongrong said seriously.

Zhu Minglang glanced at his cousin Zhu Rongrong, and then at Zhu Wangxing.

Sure enough, the cousin is a cousin, and this uncle doesn't know which distant relative came in.

"Uncle Wang Xing, have you heard something about the family?" Zhu Minglang asked.

The appearance of Zhao Yu always made Zhu Minglang uneasy.

This guy is not as simple as it seems, young and cunning.

"Fortunately, the family gate is big, and there will be some troubles after all. We are far away in Qincheng, and we have always been relatively low-key. We are not as good as in the imperial capital... The days when I went to the imperial capital, as long as others were outside. Drinking tea in places like this, I feel that the tea is poisonous, and I don’t know how your father lived in such a place. I am the one who was killed by those old foxes within a year, or I went crazy! "Zhu Wangxing said.

"Why talk about this kind of thing again? It's better to talk about how to forge dragon armor." Zhu Rongrong didn't like to listen to this content.

"Speaking of dragon armor, I was about to ask my uncle about the control of fire tempering." Zhu Minglang said.

The second top secret of the small inner court is naturally controlled by Zhuwangxing, and he will know better than anyone.

"I can't say it clearly, just a few days later, I'm going to our secret realm. Then you will come with me." Zhu Wangxing said.

"Father, can I go?" Zhu Rongrong asked with eyes flashing.

"I told you things, have you done it?"

"Of course, a whole bag of Fengjing Dandelions!"

"Okay, some inheritance of the clan should also let you know." Zhu Wangxing nodded.

The secret of the small inner court?

There seems to be a so-called clan secret realm in the main inner courtyard of Dishui Lake, but Zhu Minglang has never been there.



Three days have passed, and the time Zhu Minglang gave Zhuhuo will come soon.

In the courtyard, Zhu Minglang collected a large bag of wind dandelion grains back. He always felt that this thing had other magical uses. You can prepare more. It happens that Cangluan and Qinglong also have to practice. These days, its speed and flying skills are great Rising, it is estimated that it will take some time for Tianshalong to catch Cangluan Qinglong.

Before sitting down, Zhuhuo's voice came from outside the door.

"My son~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his subordinates have found a person." Zhuhuo's voice is a little low, and it seems that the person found is not small.

"Is it Zhao Yinge?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The son already knows?" Zhu Huo asked in surprise.

"This kind of method can only be made out of that straw bag." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

"This assassination was indeed done by Zhao Yinge, but his subordinates also found a more important person. This person is the son of King An, An Qingfeng, and I am afraid that this incident has a great relationship with him." Zhu Huo Said.

King An! !

Why is this dog thing again!

And his dog son appeared in Qincheng...

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