Dragon Tamer

Chapter 453: Submarine veins

"An Qingfeng has some masters around him, and his subordinates don't dare to investigate further." Zhu Huo said.

"Then tell me how Zhao Yinge persuaded Wang Xiao?" Zhu Minglang said.

An Qingfeng is not a small character. Although Zhu Minglang has not dealt with him much, but the tiger father has no dogs, An Wang is insidious and cunning, deliberately trying to crush Zhu Men, he caused a lot of trouble for Zhu Tianguan in the emperor capital. In the same way, An Qingfeng is also very difficult to deal with. Prince An's Mansion has many small sects, small forces, and small sect vassals. It is said that these are all in charge of An Qingfeng.

Zhu Minglang didn't expect Zhu Huo to be able to deal with An Qingfeng, he was able to pick this person out, and he had some abilities.

"It's the gatekeeper, the one who received you during the day. He is probably the one who has been in the door of our wish for a long time. It is also the housekeeper who suggested to me that since you come all the way, saying nothing will make you feel bored and let Wang Xiaoqian Come lead the way." Zhu Huo said.

Zhu Minglang is seriously analyzing what Zhuhuo said.

In fact, Zhu Huo's suspicion has not been completely eliminated. Zhu Minglang just wants to hear the results of his investigation. If there is something unrealistic, Zhu Huo basically does not want to leave alive.

Speaking of the housekeeper during the day...

Zhu Minglang and Zhu Rongrong came back, and after having dinner, they confessed their duties, don't let people disturb themselves.

Zhu Huo and Wang Xiao suddenly broke into the courtyard, which in itself was also the negligence of the housekeeper.

It turned out to be the thread of this guy.

"I have controlled people, do you want to ask the question in person?" Zhu Huo asked.

One is Wang Xiao who is in charge of trade in the outer court, and the other is the manager of the court...

Although neither of them is a core member of Zhumen, they have already been able to touch a lot of things.

Moreover, things like internal responses and traitors have never been inserted in a day or two, and Wang An's hand has long been extended to the small inner courtyard of Qin City.

"I'm not interested, whoever did this, you can bring people to me." Zhu Minglang said.

"Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng, the manager of the court, can handle it well, but Zhao Yinge is the son of the elder..." Zhu Huo hesitated, but when he saw Zhu Minglang's eyes, he immediately realized that if he wanted to completely clear the suspicion, he would not catch the principal culprit Zhao Yinge. It is impossible anymore.

"If you can't do it, you can explain the matter to the three masters yourself." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

As a core member of Zhumen, Zhuhuo’s mistakes like this are actually unforgivable. If it weren’t for the few meetings in the early years, Zhu Minglang had a good impression of Zhuhuo. When he solved the Oiran Lu Mu, he would have done it. Wang Xiao and Zhuhuo are all gone.

"My son, I will catch Zhao Yinge and give my son an explanation." Zhu Huo said something seriously, half kneeling on the ground.

Zhuhuo doesn't want this to reach Zhu Wangxing's ears, so his efforts over the years will be completely wasted.

He is the key person trained in the small inner court. In the future, the second and third in command of the small inner court. Even if he did not do it, it was caused by his kind invitation. Once there is a stain of murdering the only son of Zhumen, basically It will no longer be reused, and may even be dispatched to a remote outer court...

You have to pay a price to make up for your mistakes.

"Go, An Qingfeng, you don't need to check again, just deal with Zhao Yinge." Zhu Minglang said lightly.



In the next few days, Zhu Minglang didn't go out much.

If Zhao Yinge is in Qincheng, they must be like flies, looking for opportunities to disgust themselves.

Zhu Minglang has no interest in Zhao Yinge for the time being. An Qingfeng and Zhao Yucai Zhu Minglang cares more.

The storm weather gradually subsided, and the sea in the distance looked as quiet as a blue painting. The sea breeze was soft, mixed with the fragrance of the sea cliffs and the blooming flowers and grasses of the sea slope. Spring is approaching, and many early spring flowers are gradually growing. The streets and corners of Qincheng are dotted with...

On this day, Zhu Wangxing called some people to him.

There are a total of eight people, four of whom are elderly, the other four are Zhu Wangxing, Zhu Rongrong, Zhu Minglang, and a female hall master.

"Why do I wish Big Brother Huo didn't come? Didn't he always be there every time?" Zhu Rongrong asked in a puzzled way.

"He has other important things to deal with." Zhu Minglang said.

"My son, Zhuhuo is a rare talent, and one of the key takeovers cultivated in the inner court of Qin City. Usually it's okay to ask him to do something, but this trip to the secret realm is particularly important..." At this time, one of the elders in brown clothes said.

Zhu Minglang glanced at the brown shirt elder.

At this time, Zhu Wangxing smiled and said: "Old Yuan, I wish Huo to be able to do things for Zhu Minglang, it is naturally his honor. This time it is just a routine check. It does not matter whether he is there or not."

The elder who was called Yuan Lao couldn't say anything more. He called out an ancient dragon with giant fleshy wings on its back. Everyone took the fleshy winged ancient dragon and flew toward the ocean~www.wuxiaspot.com ~The secret realm is only known to me, the sect master of the small inner courtyard, and these four elders...When it is almost here, I will explain to you in detail. "Zhu Wangxing and Zhu Minglang said.

"Is it a special tempering flame?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, this kind of flame is not extraordinary, and its location is also very weird. We need to get the fire every once in a while." Zhu Wangxing nodded.

"But we are looking at Ni Haifei." Zhu Minglang said in confusion.

"Nephew, I have said that this flame is an extraordinary thing... By the way, is Zhuhuo getting into any trouble? If it is not a big problem in principle, my nephew will try to give him something for my old face. A chance to change." Zhu Wangxing asked tentatively.

There is only one woman in Zhu Wangxing, Zhu Rongrong.

Zhu Huo has adopted it, but Zhu Wangxing regards it as his own, and intends to train him to become the second in command and third guard of the small inner court.

This time, when he went to the secret realm, Zhu Minglang kicked him out directly. Naturally, Zhu Wangxing was also worried.

"Uncle Wang Xing should have candidates to train people." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes there..."

"I'll give him a chance to see if he can grasp it. If he is unwilling to do so, Wang Xing should change his personal training as soon as possible." Zhu Minglang said directly.

Zhu Wangxing heard Zhu Minglang's tone, and he understood something.

It seems that Zhuhuo has committed a big problem in principle.

Zhu Minglang said that he was already giving him a chance, otherwise the matter would reach Zhu Tianguan's ears in the main inner court, and Zhu Huo would not even be able to stay at Zhumen.

"Actually, the fire we want to take is under the ocean." Zhu Wangxing turned the subject away and began to talk about the fire.

"Under the sea?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Deeper, in the bottom of the sea!" Zhu Wangxing said.

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