Dragon Tamer

Chapter 457: Aeolus mixed fire liquid

An Qingfeng, Zhao Yinge, and a puppet master princess...

Moreover, the voice of the puppet master princess sounded a bit familiar.

Oiran Lu Mu? ?

That senior deadpool who was burned to ashes? ?

Could it be that she is not a real living person, but a puppet of this princess!

No wonder he didn't resist, he didn't beg for mercy, and he didn't spit out any valuable information.

At that time, Zhu Minglang used the purgatory pupil domain for the first time. He was not skilled at mastering the fire, and he did not deliberately inspect the body of this high-level dead servant. He never thought that she was just a puppet to assassinate himself!

Not bad, Zhao Yinge...

Now that he has grown a little bit, he actually invited such a powerful puppet master to deal with him.

Zhu Minglang focused on An Qingfeng and Princess Puppet Master.

Perhaps Zhao Yinge is still the idiot Zhao Yinge, but An Qingfeng and the puppet master princess are really powerful.

If you want to turn yourself into anger because of the assassination, you should find Zhao Yinge to settle the account. The person who fell into this trap is yourself.

"Whether this guy wants to live or die, it takes more time to live, he is not weak. If he wants to die, it's easy." The princess puppet master asked.

"Be alive, Zhuhuo still has a little value."

"What's the value, he didn't even have the chance to go to the secret realm of Zhumen this time, huh, Zhu Minglang too underestimated my Zhao Yinge, so he appointed such a trash to deal with me?" Zhao Yinge said disdainfully.

This sentence fell to Zhu Minglang's ears, and Zhu Minglang's expression immediately changed.

Zhumen Secret Realm...

Whether it is going to the secret realm or the personnel going to the secret realm, it is a very confidential matter at Zhumen.

How did Zhao Yinge know that they had gone to the Zhumen Secret Realm a few days ago, and how did they know that Zhuhuo was excluded? ?

There were only eight people travelling that day.

Zhu Wangxing, the four elders, Zhu Minglang, Zhu Rongrong, and the female hall master who doesn't speak much.

Among these eight people, are there their internal responses? ? ?

I wish Minglang felt waves in my heart!

That is the secret realm of Zhumen, the most concealed and sacred forbidden area, and the entire small inner courtyard is qualified to step into it but the eight of them!

Zhuhuo can basically rule out suspicion.

"First of all, when we went to the secret realm, it was impossible for anyone other than the eight of us to know..."

I wish Ming Langzi carefully studied it again, and finally decided that there must be a traitor among the eight of them!


In the tea field, Zhu Huo is still struggling to support, his injuries have gradually increased.

In the face of so many Deadpools, Zhu Huo still killed a few, but it was impossible to get out.

As the injuries increased, Zhu Huo's sword skills were limited, his speed slowed down, and his body skills were not as dexterous as before.

When he was gradually exhausted, Zhu Huo saw a small particle glowing with crystal luster, floating inexplicably near him...

As a core member of Zhu Men, he is very familiar with what this kind of small crystal particles are, it is those wind crystal dandelions, but here is the tea field, why these small spirit bodies appear.

Suddenly, a bottle of scarlet liquid was thrown from nowhere, and the liquid fell heavily to the ground, and then a terrifying flame erupted from the small bottle of fire liquid, instantly burning itself Where is this tea field!

Zhu Huo was stunned for a while, but soon reacted.

He immediately raised the sword in his hand and slashed at the wind crystal particles violently.

The wind crystal particles shattered and immediately swept a strong wind!

There were hundreds of these wind crystal particles, and after all of them were broken, a shock wave of air suddenly occurred in the tea field!

The air wave was extremely violent, it engulfed the terrible flames of the liquid fire and increased the energy in the liquid fire!

A hurricane-carrying raging spread of flames swallowed this elegant Tianshan in an instant.

Those dead servants who besieged Zhuhuo had never seen this kind of power at all, and a group of people were all burned to death by the flames of the fire liquid and wind crystals! ! !

I wish Hobby these people know what these two things are. He hid in the wind reversal for the first time, and escaped to the other direction of Chashan through this terrifying tyranny of flames...

The tea pavilion is not far from the tea field, Zhu Huo even deliberately swept Fengjing here, so this extremely irritable flame rushed towards Zhao Yinge, Princess Puppet Master and An Qingfeng!

These three people were also unprepared. They were swallowed by the fire wave, and the tea pavilion was completely wiped out. The three of them used all the life-saving things, but they were blown away by the strong flame, and burned all over!

They are far away, and their cultivation base is relatively high, barely being burned to death.

But none of the masters who besieged Zhuhuo survived. They didn't even know what happened. They only saw a horrible breath exploding, and then they were burned to the point that there was no ashes left!


I wish Huo Ben to the top of the mountain. He looked back at the tea field that turned into a sea of ​​flames behind him, watching Zhao Yinge and others who were also hit hard by the flames...

He gritted his teeth and didn't even mean to leave.

Holding the sword in his hand, he was ready to kill him.

In order to regain his trust, he must kill Zhao Yinge, not to mention a person who dared to assassinate Zhumen's only son, if he were not removed, wouldn't it be an insult to Zhumen!

I wish Huo Tie his heart, even if he would be killed in the flames, he would kill Zhao Yinge.

"Don't go." Suddenly, a person stopped in front of Zhu Huo.

"Master!" Zhu Huo looked at the person in front of him in astonishment.

At this moment, he realized that the person who helped him escape and created this fiery feast was Zhu Minglang.

"My son, this is an excellent opportunity to kill Zhao Yinge, and there is even a chance to get rid of An Qingfeng..." Zhu Huo said.

"Zhao Yu is nearby, let's go, you have done well." Zhu Minglang shook his head.

I wish Huo naturally know who Zhao Yu is, a prince who is about to be crowned king, if he is present, he will never be able to assassinate successfully.

Sure enough, while he was staying on the top of the mountain, Zhu Huo saw a holy candle dragon appearing on the edge of the flame spreading. The holy candle dragon had a terrifying cultivation base, and with his own body he blocked the flames that continued to raging...

Zhao Yinge, An Qingfeng, and Princess Puppet Master were protected by this Holy Candle Dragon, and barely got rid of the crisis of being burned continuously, but Zhuhuo did not see anyone else showing up.

"That is the Holy Candle Dragon King!!" Zhu Huo said in astonishment.

Fortunately, Zhu Minglang stopped him in time, otherwise he just jumped in, and probably hit the claws of the Holy Candle Dragon King, killing him instantly!

Zhu Minglang is already very satisfied with being able to force Zhao Yu to show up.

May Huo be able to kill Zhao Yinge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not important to Zhu Minglang, what is important is whether he is willing to do it...

"The traitors are not only Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng, they are also just small characters. The true traitor of Zhumen is among the eight people who went to the secret realm together." Zhu Minglang said to Zhuhuo.

Zhu Huo can't believe what Zhu Minglang said.

The eight people who went to the secret realm of Zhumen are the most authoritative in the small inner courtyard of Qincheng! !

If there is a traitor in it, wouldn't the small inner court be quite dangerous! ! !


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