Dragon Tamer

Chapter 458: Capture Zhao Yin Ge alive


Returning to the small inner courtyard, to the courtyard of Zhu Minglang, Zhu Huo still hasn't recovered.

Although the previous assassination process was thrilling, it was not as shocking as what Zhu Minglang said to him.

Is there really a traitor at the highest level of Zhumen!

I wish Huo Tsai carefully pondered the words that Zhao Yinge accidentally said, and thought of some incredible things he had encountered in the past.

"Unfortunately, there is no evidence, and I don't know how to talk to Uncle Wang Xing about this matter." Zhu Minglang said.

The last time I went to the secret realm, Zhu Minglang could also see that Zhu Wangxing respected the four elders, including the female hall master who didn't speak much. Zhu Wangxing was also a peer.

If I go to Zhu Wangxing to tell Zhu Wangxing that there are traitors among the eight people, Zhu Wangxing will be a little wary of him, after all, he has eliminated Zhu Huo from the core staff.

"My son, you just came to the small inner court, and you don't know the situation here very well. If the son can believe me, I will let me find out the matter. If you don't say it, I don't dare to think about more terrible places. When I was investigating Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng, I actually found some very suspicious things. Considering that I had to get rid of Zhao Yinge for the son, I didn’t investigate further.” Zhu Huo suddenly fell on his knees, serious. Said.

"You are still injured..." Zhu Minglang said.

"This little injury won't get in the way. Hosting a banquet to murder the son originally meant that there was a problem in our small inner court. If the secret of the trace of the earth veins is stolen by others, what else will our little inner court take to establish a foothold in Nihai? It was quickly crushed by the surrounding forces and eroded!" Zhu Huo naturally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Alright, I'm in the light, you're in the dark, you have to find the traitor, we should go to the Scar of the Earth Vein to make fire again in a few days. If these guys are really coveting the Fire Liquid of the Earth Vein, they will definitely choose Do it at that time." Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Huo nodded. When he was about to elaborate on his investigation of Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng, a night pigeon suddenly flew from a distance to the eaves of the house.

This night the pigeon had a pair of amber eyes. It stared at Zhu Huo, and after a while, it flew from the eaves to Zhu Huo's shoulder, like a spiritual pet kept by Zhu Huo.

After Zhuhuo saw this night pigeon with Amber Eyes, his eyes lit up. He opened his mouth and said to Zhu Ming: "My son, the task you gave me has been completed!"

Zhu Minglang is rather confused.

Zhu Huo squeezed a smile on his somewhat scorched face and said; "This time I assassinated Zhao Yinge, I made two-handed preparations. If I fail, one of my brothers who was born and died will start when Zhao Yinge relaxes his guard."

"It's done?" Zhu Minglang asked in surprise.

"Well, my original plan was to throw stones and ask for directions. In fact, I am not sure that it was Zhao Yinge himself who had a tryst with the little princess, nor whether this tryst was fraudulent, but if I did not do it, I would never know what Zhao Yinge himself was. Where, it is impossible to predict his schedule..." Zhu Huo said.

"So you are just a stone thrown out, and your brother is the real assassin?" Zhu Minglang's eyes showed some approval.

"Yeah, I was ready to die. After all, it was worth it to replace the life of the boy with a Zhuhuo. I never thought that the son had been observing secretly and saved Zhuhuo's life." Zhuhuo Said.

It's worthy of a hopeful person, he has a back hand, and he really won Zhao Yinge!

"Is the person alive?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Alive, there must be more valuable information in the mouth of this young man." Zhu Huo said.


Zhuhuo led the way, and the two left Qincheng and walked along the towering sea cliffs. Finally, in a lighthouse stone house facing the ocean, they saw the brother who Zhuhuo said was born and died.

The man was taciturn, with scars on his forehead, and looked a bit ugly. After seeing Zhuhuo, he immediately showed an expression of excitement. It seems that he had been worried about Zhuhuo's life and death.

"I'm okay, Wu Peng, how did you catch him?" Zhu Huo glanced at the room. The room with the brazier lit was a bit dim, but one could clearly see a burned man being chained to a pillar... …

Wu Peng was a dumb man. He told Zhu Huo in sign language how he sneaked into the medical hall. When the other guards were not paying attention, he knocked Zhao Yinge unconscious and took him away.

Zhao Yinge was burned by the fire liquid, and Wu Peng, who was observing in secret like Zhu Minglang, hid in the famous medical hall in Qincheng.

"The temperature of the fire liquid is abnormal, and only the holy hand of the medical clinic can eliminate the burning pain. You are clever, and you hid in it first. They would never think that there is another medical clinic that they decided to go to temporarily. Assassin, good job, Wu Peng!" Zhu Huo said with joy.

Zhu Minglang also made a difference to Zhu Huo Da.

Dare not to say it, and even more courageous. It is estimated that An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu are going crazy. Not only did they fail to catch the small characters in their mouths, they also lost a young son, Zhao Yinge!

"My son, Wu Peng said, if it wasn't for the other person's higher cultivation level, he wouldn't dare to take risks, he could even catch the other person together." Zhu Huo said.

Zhu Minglang nodded. One Zhao Yinge is enough. After all, An Qingfeng is the son of King An. Even if he is injured, he is not a soft persimmon. It is wise for Wu Peng to be not greedy.

"Is there any water? Splash it on him. His hands and feet are artificial limbs. Splash it on him." Zhu Minglang said.

Wu Peng immediately took a basin of water and spotted the spot on Zhao Yinge's body that was reddened. A basin of water was on the wound!

This pouring of water into the wound is not to cool Zhao Yinge. In fact, the ground vein fire liquid can't be wiped out with ordinary cold water, and it may even worsen the wound again!


The cold water and the fire liquid reacted, and the cold water boiled, and the fire boiled Zhao Yinge’s wound. The unconscious Zhao Yinge was immediately awakened from pain, he screamed, and was poured into his mouth again. The cold water made him cough violently!

"Where is this??"

"who are you!!"

"Do you know who I am~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am Zhao Yinge, the son of the dynasty!!"

When Zhao Yinge woke up, he found himself in a strange place, and faced an ugly person with a scar on his forehead, his expression panicked.

But soon, Zhao Yinge saw Zhu Minglang and Zhuhuo.

His eyes couldn't be bigger!

Aren’t you in the hospital? ? ?

How could it fall into the hands of these two people.

"Zhao Yinge, this is not the imperial capital anymore, you have no exemption gold medal!" Zhu Minglang sneered.

"You... what do you want to do to murder the royal family? This is the crime of destroying the whole family!!" Zhao Yinge said in horror.

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