Dragon Tamer

Chapter 460: Steal my own secrets

"If I hadn't heard what Zhao Yinge said, I wouldn't dare to believe it." Zhu Huo said in a daze.

They tortured some more later. Maybe Zhao Yinge didn't know who the inner should be, but he learned many things that only the highest level of Zhumen knew.

Regarding the marks of the earth veins and the fire liquid, basically only those who have been there can describe it in such detail.

However, Zhao Yinge could also tell about the secrets of Zhumen. This is completely certain. Someone sold the secrets of Zhumen to people outside the clan.

Eight people.

Who the **** is it?

But no matter who it is, Zhuhuo feels terrified to think carefully!

"The specific location of the secret realm is only in the hands of Uncle Wang Xing and the four elders?" Zhu Minglang asked Zhu Huo.

"Yes, but the four elders actually only know a part." Zhu Huo said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know more details, but it can be understood that if there is a map, then the four elders each hold a quarter. That is to say, unless the four elders betrayed at the same time, it is impossible to find To the secret place." Zhu Huo said.

"Then the complete position, only Uncle Wang Xing has his hands?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, after all, it is related to the lifeblood of Zhumen, and the three masters have always guarded them carefully." Zhu Huo nodded.

"The outsider learned the location of the secret realm from that Neiying, and it's impossible to sneak in secretly." Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Minglang himself has been to that place.

If some secret organizations want to take people to some forbidden place, most of them have to blindfold people and deliberately circle a few circles, so that they can be assured of bringing people into the secret realm...

In the secret realm of Zhumen, in the endless sea, the traces of the earth veins are more deeply hidden in the seabed without a little sunlight. People are in the air, and it is impossible to insight from the sea.

There is no need to blindfold and confuse the eyes, just take Zhu Minglang a hundred times and a thousand times, and it is impossible to find the specific location of the trace of the earth on the ocean without any reference.

Therefore, Zhu Wangxing should have a special way of positioning.

In this case, Zhao Yu and An Qingfeng's idea of ​​fighting the Earth Vein Fire must follow them, otherwise they will not be able to enter the Earth Vein Scar.

But Zhu Wangxing and the four elders are not decorations. In such a vast sea area, it is too easy to detect if anyone is trailing, unless there should be some way to leave a special mark in the vast expanse of the sea.

"Can the fire-making ceremony be postponed?" Zhu Minglang asked Zhu Huodao.

Zhu Huo shook his head and said: "You have been there, and you know that Earth Vein Fire Liquid can only be taken out when it is quiet. Once this time has passed, when you go to the marks of Earth Vein, what you may see is the boundless abyss of flames, don't It’s difficult to even get close. Moreover, I heard from the three masters that this year should be the most stable of the earth vein fire liquid, and at the same time the most suitable year for casting. If you miss it, you must get such a perfect practice. Fire, it is estimated that in twenty or thirty years..."

"In other words, it is unlikely that Uncle Wang Xing will cancel this fire-making ceremony before we can produce absolute evidence. We told him it is not meaningful." Zhu Minglang got a headache.

"Yes, and the Earth Vein Fire Liquid is too special. It is impossible to send more people there. If someone who is not loyal is mixed in it, if he stirs the Earth Vein Fire Liquid, the tranquil fire will turn into an engulfing everything. The Molten God Demon... No matter what, we should inform the Sanmen Master of this matter as soon as possible, and let the Sanmen Master make the final decision. If it doesn’t work, we can only reluctantly abandon this year’s perfect earthly fire." Zhu Huo Seriously.

"There are still some days. Don't worry. You will continue to check the clues from Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng. I will pay more attention to the movements of An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu, and find out how they implemented the plan as much as possible." Zhu Minglang said to Zhu Huo.

"Ah? Don't you tell the three masters, such a big thing!" Zhu Huo said a little surprised.

"Gather more information, in case An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu just know some of the fur of the earth vein fire, deliberately bluffing, let us miss this fire-making ceremony, we are not in vain." Zhu Minglang said.

"The son is still thoughtful. I will find out the people behind Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng as soon as possible. The son is also careful to deal with them these days." Zhu Huo nodded and said.

This time the fire-making ceremony is not only related to the small inner courtyard, the entire Zhumen will be changed because of this fire-making. If the casting art gets another qualitative improvement, the Zhumen’s dominance will be stronger and the leader of the family. The position of the company will also be stronger.

Although no one has told Zhu Minglang about these things, as a member of Zhu Men, Zhu Minglang is naturally very clear.

If the fire-making ceremony were cancelled, Wang An and Zhao Yu would have achieved the goal of suppressing the development of Zhumen.

It is still necessary to find out the inner response and understand the actions of An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu in advance, so as to respond in the fire-making ceremony.



Early in the morning, Zhu Minglang started to train the dragon after feeding as usual.

After knowing that Zhu Minglang is now a dragon shepherd, Zhu Rongrong prefers to stick to his cousin. While listening to Zhu Minglang talk about some interesting things that happened during his travels, he learns Zhu Minglang's method of training dragons.

"Rong Rong, like me, is it the first time to go to the Mark of the Earth Vessel?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, my father never let me go before, saying that he was afraid that I would not understand the rules and annoy our Vulcan." Zhu Rongrong said.

Zhu Minglang looked at Zhu Rongrong, hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhu Rongrong: "I have to tell you something very serious, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone, including your father."

"Huh?" Zhu Rongrong looked at Zhu Minglang, some small faces showing a little nervousness.

"You don't want to know, it's a bit difficult for you after all." Zhu Minglang said seriously.

"What does it matter?"

"I wish the door rise and fall."

"Then it is my duty, brother, don't underestimate me, I am the future successor of this small inner courtyard, and my casting skills will soon surpass my father!" Zhu Rongrong said.

"Then this matter should start from when I was assassinated." Zhu Minglang said to Zhu Rongrong.

From the assassination that night, to Zhu Huo's investigation, and finally to the information about the fire of the earth confided by Zhao Yinge, Zhu Minglang clearly told Zhu Rongrong that there must be Zhao Yu and An Qingfeng's internal responses among them.

Zhu Rongrong was the same as Zhu Huo at first, and couldn't believe it...

It took a long time for Zhu Rongrong to calm down a lot.

"Then... what does the brother want me to do?" Zhu Rongrong asked.

"I need you to steal the location of the secret realm from your father." Zhu Minglang said to Zhu Rongrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But brother, as you, ask your father directly, and father will tell you too. "Zhu Rongrong said at a loss.

Zhu Minglang is the only son of Zhumen, even if it doesn't involve anything about Zhumen, his status is above Zhuwangxing.

Zhumen has a main inner court and a large inner court, and Qincheng is only a small inner court. Although Zhu Wangxing is called the master of the three doors and the master of the small door, his status is equivalent to the elders in the main inner court...

Zhu Minglang shook his head.

He has to use his method to protect the earth vein fire liquid.

And this method, most hope and hope will not approve.

Right now, Zhu Minglang felt that the person with the least suspicion was Zhu Rongrong, who was like himself, who went to the Scar of Earth for the first time.

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