Dragon Tamer

Chapter 461: On the thief ship

Zhu Rongrong looked at Zhu Minglang for a long time, but couldn't make up his mind.

If you are discovered by your father when you do this kind of thing, you probably don’t want to drink tea with the little sisters in your life, you can only be locked at home and wait to be married...

But what Zhu Minglang said is really justified.

The small inner court of Zhumen is indeed not as strict as the main inner court, but being assassinated is too outrageous. If it weren't for Zhu Minglang to take precautions from the beginning, maybe they would let those people succeed.

Zhu Minglang is going to die here, and their small inner court will also face the disaster.

Coupled with the leakage of the earth veins, Zhu Rongrong feels that today's small inner courtyard is like a tiled house. It's fine when the weather is clear and won't feel any discomfort. But once a storm hits, the tiled house is basically Play less than the slightest occlusion.

"Then I will try my best." Zhu Rongrong finally nodded and agreed to Zhu Minglang's request.

Zhu Minglang breathed a long sigh of relief. Just now, I was really worried about how to convince Zhu Rongrong to do such a sneaky thing. I didn't expect Zhu Rongrong to trust him quite high.


In the afternoon, Zhu Minglang, Zhu Rongrong, Zhu Huo, and Wu Peng gathered in the hut on the cliff. Since they were going to play games with the two cunning old foxes, Wu Qingfeng and Zhao Yu, no helpers would definitely be at their mercy.

Zhu Rongrong had obviously had some exchanges with Zhu Huo. From Zhu Rongrong's eyes in the afternoon, she could be seen that she was calmer and more sober than she was confused in the morning, and she was determined to protect the small inner courtyard in secret.

"My son, Wang Xiao has been dealing with the outer court trade. Not long ago, a huge sum of money disappeared out of thin air. Later, it seemed that Hall Master Xia Haian suppressed the matter. According to my subordinates, Wang Xiao likes to gamble. Dragon, the amount of money spent on gambling on dragons every month is extremely exaggerated." Zhuhuo said.

"You mean, Hall Master Xia Haian might be Wang Xiao's boss?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, besides that, Miao Sheng, who is in charge, has a son who committed an adulterous crime and was almost beheaded on the spot by the law enforcement officers in Qincheng. It was also Hall Master Xia Haian who came forward to let Miao Sheng's son live. But this incident was probably three or four years ago.” Zhu Huo continued.

Both Wang Xiao and Miao Sheng have received the favor of Hall Master Xia Haian.

Xia Haian was the taciturn female hall master, one of the eight.

She manages the small and large things in the small inner court and supervises all the members. She is the most capable assistant of Zhuwangxing.

"Aunt Xia doesn't look like she will be bought. She has always been childless and solitary. Her mind is basically on our Zhumen. What she communicates with me the most is our future development... "Zhu Rongrong said.

"What about the elders, which elder do you think is more suspect?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Lao Yuan is my mentor, if the son can trust me, then you can also trust Lao Yuan." Zhu Huo said.

Yuan Lao.

It was the elder who spoke for Zhu Huo before, and he seemed to be the strongest among the four elders.

Whether it was the Haoyi Ancient Dragon King or the Abyss Dragon King, Zhu Minglang was deeply impressed.

"Continue to check and look back as much as possible to earlier events. There may be some clues, especially those who may be in contact with external forces... In addition, I plan to steal the earth vein fire liquid before the fire ceremony. It is kept in a place that only the four of us know, so please help me with all your strength." Zhu Minglang said to the four seriously.

The faces of Zhu Huo and Zhu Rongrong were full of consternation.

Steal the ground vein fire liquid? ?

There is no reason to steal your own things!

Zhu Huo and Zhu Rongrong felt that they couldn't keep up with the young master's ideas! !

"I know this is ridiculous, but for the time being there is only this way to deal with it, especially since we don't know what means the enemy will use to deal with us..." Zhu Minglang said.

Since a traitor has appeared among the eight people, the only person who can believe is himself.

Zhu Minglang decided to steal the earth vein fire liquid to prevent unpreventable problems in the fire ceremony.

If An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu are just bluffing, then Zhu Minglang can then give the Earth Vein Fire Liquid to Zhu Wangxing.

If something goes wrong during the fire-making ceremony, at least the Earth Maid Fire Liquid is safe.

"How come I accidentally got on the thief ship." Zhu Rongrong was a little bit dumbfounded.

I said in the morning that I only need to steal the specific location of the secret realm from my father. How come in the afternoon, it has evolved into stealing my secret realm **** fire!

No wonder this matter cannot be said to Zhu Wangxing, how could Zhu Wangxing agree to such a ridiculous thing.

"I believe in the son, after all, even the foster father may not be able to make up his mind because of his friendship with several others." Zhu Huo said firmly.

From being assassinated, to being framed, to standing on the united front with Zhu Minglang, Zhu Huo felt that there must be a traitor in the small inner court, and more than one.

If it cannot be completely eliminated, this fire-taking ceremony in the small inner court will cause immeasurable damage.

The biggest responsibility of the small inner court is to protect the fire of the gods of worship...

"Well, I will try my best. Actually, I have some eyebrows about the location of the secret realm, but I have to go to my father to confirm it." Zhu Rongrong also said what was in his heart.

Probably because he was worried that he would encounter some accidents, when Zhu Wangxing usually talked about Zhumen with Zhu Rongrong, he would tell Zhu Rongrong something about the secret realm.

Zhu Rongrong was also considered smart, and he roughly understood the message of Zhumen Dimai Huoye hidden in these words.

Before, I listened but didn't remember.

But if you analyze it carefully, you can still guess the approximate position.


A few people left, and Zhu Minglang went to Haigaopo, planning to collect more dandelion grains.

A bottle of earth vein fire liquid plus a bag of dandelion crystals, the resulting picture is simply not too exaggerated, even the monarch-level powerhouse may be buried directly in the sea of ​​flames without reacting!

It just happens that I lack some powerful magical tools like Voodoo Tide, and if I can carry more objects with this kind of flame storm breath effect, it can indeed have a miraculous effect.

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhu Tianguan should know that Zhu Minglang would use the sacred fire of Zhumen as an explosive, and he would probably be so angry.

This is violating the heavens, is it no hands or something? Can't you rely on real talents in fighting? !

Probably this is why Zhu Minglang is not suitable to be a caster. Seeing such a sacred fire, the first thing he thinks about is how to make a lethal weapon, rather than forging a peerless product!

"Good fun, in this laid-back dragon training, even I almost thought you had nothing to do with Zhao Yinge's disappearance." An artificial voice sounded from the slope.

Zhu Minglang had already noticed this person. He looked at the woman walking slowly, pretending to be confused and unknown.

"Why, I don't recognize me, and I don't know who was when the slave family wanted to serve the son, the slave family was burned with a fire so that there was no ashes left, so ruthless, so cruel, so likable!" Oiran Lu Mu said with a smile.

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