Dragon Tamer

Chapter 465: Not a level 1 opponent


Did not see An Qingfeng.

If An Qingfeng can be drawn out and solved together, I believe that this fire-making ceremony will be much safer.

An Qingfeng is still cautious. After all, he is An Wang's dog son. He is as scheming as his father. Without absolute certainty, he will not do it himself and put himself in danger.


Chayuanshan, Mingyuanzhai.

The little prince Zhao Yu sat upright on the velvet futon, his manners were generous, grandiose and extravagant.

Beside him, there was a little red dragon entwined. The scales of the red dragon were golden. Although it was still very young, it was already quite extraordinary.

However, this golden scaled little red dragon is just the pet of the little prince Zhao Yu. Some special dragons can feed people like beautiful jade. The breath can nourish the face and even delay aging...

He played with the golden scaled little red dragon with one hand, with a cynical look.

"Zhao Yinge and Lu Mu, have been dealt with by Zhu Minglang? It's expected." The little prince Zhao Yu said lightly.

Lu Mu, with good strength, is a very useful assassin, but he is also a subordinate, he will die if he dies, at least he can reveal Zhu Minglang's general strength.

Zhao Yinge is a pity.

At any rate, he is the elder son, and Zhao Yu can be regarded as relatives.

So far, An Qingfeng hasn't figured out how Zhao Yinge was taken away. It can only be said that the few people around Zhu Minglang are not wine bags and rice bags.

"Well, now we at least know that Zhu Minglang is indeed coming alone, and there is no expert Zhumen Inner Court behind him." An Qingfeng said.

The appearance of Zhu Minglang did bring some vigilance and fear to An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu.

If their plan has already been Zhumen's inner court, and there are some Zhumen's top elders behind Zhu Minglang, then they can only continue to bear it and let them take the ground fire.

Although Zhao Yinge and Lu Mu were dead.

But it was worth the death.

"In fact, I really hope that he can make some storms. To be honest, since he was abolished, the emperor has become a bit boring. Whenever I see the so-called peerless geniuses coming out of the big forces, I look at them with pride and pride. , I find it ridiculous, they don't even have the qualifications to compete with me." Zhao Yu didn't care about the death of the two men at all.

"It's also pitiful and sad. The person we used to be a threat is now like a frog in a pond. Except for screaming disturbing people, nothing can be stirred up." An Qingfeng said with a smile.

Zhao Yu, who is about to be crowned king, will become the youngest king of this Great Court Continent, not to mention, he will move towards a higher cloud where the mortal world does not even have the qualifications to pay homage, a true heavenly person.

And he, An Qingfeng, now also controls the destiny of hundreds of large and small forces on the Ji Ting Continent, more than a dozen nations, and those who once rebelled against Prince An's Mansion are not still surrendered one by one, one after another...

Zhumen is really hard to chew, but they can't be airtight, after all, they still have weaknesses and flaws.

This small inner court of Zhumen was basically An Qingfeng's pocket under his strategizing.

Take a look at this again.

What is the difference from a stray dog ​​who dare not return home.

I thought I had insight into some things, but it turned out to be the frog in the pond under the heavy rain.

"It's not on the same level anymore." The little prince Zhao Yu raised his mouth. His attitude towards Zhu Minglang was not disdain, but rather regretful and distressed.

"Yeah, there are only a handful of people who can play with us now, but there is one thing I am confused about. Was Concubine Wen Ling from the country deliberately doing it? Why did she choose this waste?" An Qingfeng said. Said.

Speaking of Concubine Wen Ling, the little prince Zhao Yu's pupils shrank, and the little red dragon, who had been swimming slowly on his arm, seemed to perceive the breath of his master, and was so scared that he immediately hid under the table.

After a while, the little red dragon got out and saw his master's gentle look, and then slowly returned to his palm.

"Miao Guo has always been reluctant to have an affair with the emperor, especially the emperor. The attitude of Concubine Wen Ling is also expected." The little prince Zhao Yu said lightly.

"After all, she doesn't know good or bad, pretentious, she will regret it!" An Qingfeng snorted coldly.

The little prince Zhao Yu named the king.

There are several candidates for the princess, and every little prince Zhao Yu will visit him in person. It stands to reason that every princess candidate should be greeted grandly. If he is fancyed, he will be even more honored and flattered.

But one of the candidates refuted the dignified face.

This person is the concubine Wen Ling of the country.

As one of the candidate princesses, she categorically refused to say anything, and indicated to Ji Ting Dynasty that she had a marriage contract, and that person was Zhu Minglang.

Originally, there was no need for Zhao Yu to come here in Qincheng, because the only woman he liked most, who could match his identity, strength, and power, was Concubine Wen Ling.

As a result, when he went to Miao Country, Concubine Wen Ling stated her identity as Princess Luoshui, and everyone in Quan Miao Country knew that Princess Luoshui had already chosen her son-in-law and entered the Princess Palace for a beautiful night. People in the entire capital of the country have witnessed the extremely gorgeous and romantic fireworks blooming in the palace...

After losing this princess who seemed to Zhao Yu to be the most suitable, he went all the way to Qincheng to meet the next candidate, Li Caimo, the daughter of the lord of Qincheng, one of the nine Nihai tribes.

"Zhumen and Jianzong have always been interdependent. I can predict this result." Zhao Yu said coldly.

"Why don't I be ruthless and get rid of Zhu Minglang completely? This Li Caimo is indeed a good candidate, but it is still a bit inferior to Concubine Wen Ling, and her cultivation level cannot be compared with Concubine Wen Ling." An Qing Feng whispered.

"Haha, do you think this prince is like the kind of picking up other people's broken shoes!" Zhao Yu's words were a bit chilly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Zhao Yu's face change, An Qingfeng immediately realized that he had said something wrong , Hurriedly patted his face with his hand, and then said with a smile: "My brother didn’t mean that. The orthodox princess has no qualifications, she just accepts it as a plaything. As the prince, even if it’s a plaything, it has to be a female sword sect The head of this level!"

These words made Zhao Yu's expression somewhat relieved. He slowly hung up a smile and said to An Qingfeng: "It depends on your Ancestral House. Your Ancestral Palace gnaws off Zhumen, and your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. How could Jianzong dare to disobey our royal family?"

"Our Prince An's Mansion will not disappoint the little prince." An Qingfeng continued to smile.

"Take it away," Zhao Yu said.

"What to do...oh, oh, brother, I will do it, and promise that before you leave Qincheng, Zhu Minglang will disappear from this world!" An Qingfeng immediately understood and said hurriedly.

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