Dragon Tamer

Chapter 466: 1 net catch

Retiring from Mingyuanzhai, An Qingfeng, who maintained a respectful face, slowly closed the door.

The moment the door was closed, the compliments on An Qingfeng's face disappeared, replaced by some dissatisfaction and contempt.

"Clearly thinking of Concubine Wen Ling, but still pretending to be disapproving. In the King's Palace and in the Qincheng Garden, you Zhao Yu is not an attitude. Concubine Wen Ling ignores you at all, and you are right. Isn't Li Caimo indifferent and uninteresting." An Qingfeng underestimated it.

How could An Qingfeng not know what kind of person Zhao Yu is.

Indeed, there is not much he cares about in this world, he may seem to be very generous to the enemy, but that kind of enemy is actually not in his eyes.

In the end, don’t you have to deal with Zhu Minglang?

Zhu Minglang is a relatively special person.

After all, they are the sons of Zhu Tianguan. If they want to do it, they have to catch the alive as much as possible. If they want to die, everything must be handled very properly. They can't fall into the hands of Zhumen, otherwise they will bear it. I wish Tianguan crazy revenge.

I have tried Zhu Minglang a few times before. On the one hand, I need to find out whether there is a master Zhu Minglang behind Zhu Minglang, and on the other hand, I am disgusting Zhu Minglang. How could it be possible to let Zhao Yinge and Lu Mu be the two...

"It was you who made the murderous intentions, but in the end you asked Wang An's Mansion to carry this scapegoat!" An Qingfeng curled his lips.

Taking down and killing are two different things.

With Zhumen's current strength, they would dare to capture Zhu Minglang alive at most in Prince An's Mansion, and then use him as a bargaining chip to force Zhu Tianguan to submit.

If he really killed him, even if Prince An's Mansion could bear the revenge of the next Zhumen, it would be a great loss of vitality, which would be of no benefit to them.

Of course, unless it can be made seamless...


After An Qingfeng left, the little prince Zhao Yu still sat on the futon.

The surroundings were quiet and the night was dark, and a gust of wind blew the leaves, and the leaves made a very comfortable scrolling sound.

At this moment, the little prince Zhao Yu stared at the curtain of the door, and a figure floated in silently and stood beside the quiet lamp.

"An Qingfeng is dealing with Zhu Minglang, do you know that?" the person under the lamp asked.

"Of course, some actions are still my instructions." The little prince Zhao Yu replied with a smile.

"Why?" The man from Dengzhan's tone increased a little.

"It fits my identity, if I am not hostile to Zhu Minglang, how could he, An Qingfeng, believe me. Zhu Wangxing, you still have to doubt me now, since you have been entrusted by Princess Zhu, help you get rid of I wish An King forces inside and outside the door, of course I, Zhao Yu, did my best..." The little prince Zhao Yu said frankly.

Zhu Wangxing walked out from under the lamp, and he slowly bowed a salute, saying: "Don't dare, but Zhu Minglang suddenly appeared, which made us somewhat unexpected. After all, we did not mention this matter with Zhu Tianguan. Ever."

"I wish Tianguan didn't believe that I was normal. But I wish Huangfei was equal to my mother, and if I were to go towards Prince An's Mansion, do you think I would be able to win the king smoothly this time? Do I still have a foothold in the Ji Ting Dynasty? "" said the little prince Zhao Yu.

"Then why do you instigate An Qingfeng to deal with Zhu Minglang?"

"Do you think that if I really want to deal with Zhu Minglang, will he still be safe now?" Zhao Yu asked rhetorically.

Zhu Wangxing thought about these words carefully, and felt that the little prince Zhao Yu did have some truth to it. With the current strength of the little prince Zhao Yu, Zhu Minglang could not resist.

"Four days later, it will be the fire-making ceremony. At that time, we may have to use the power of the little prince. After all, if we bring any more people, it will make Prince An's mansion suspicious." Zhu Wangxing said.

"Don't worry, everything will follow the plan. The eyeliners and internal responses of Prince An’s Mansion, including the masters they sent to destroy the fire-making ceremony this time, will be swept away! After this time, Prince An’s Mansion will be damaged and it will be difficult for you Zhumen poses a threat." The little prince Zhao Yu replied.

"Then thank the little prince for your help!" Zhu Wangxing bowed to the little prince.

"Where, where, I will be the king in the future, and I still need your Zhumen's support, otherwise the crown prince will drive me to the most remote place, and maybe send me to Lichuan. I am just trying to survive." The little prince Zhao Yu also returned a salute and said humbly.

Zhao Yu at this time was completely different from the appearance when he communicated with An Qingfeng before. He was steady, calm and humble, without the arrogance and arrogance of a prince.

It seems that this is his true face.



Zhu Wangxing returned to the small inner court.

He sat in the room, carefully pondering what the little prince Zhao Yu said.

Not long ago, Zhu Wangxing visited the imperial capital.

Princess Zhu introduced the little prince Zhao Yu to herself, and indicated that the little prince now needs Zhumen's support, and he can help them to deal with the eyeliners, internal responses, and traitors inserted in the Zhumen by the Ancestral Mansion.

Therefore, Zhu Wangxing had joined forces with the little prince Zhao Yu earlier, deliberately revealing the secret information of Zhumen to the people of An Palace, taking this opportunity to inflict a heavy blow on An Palace.

Everything went well. Wang An’s third son, An Qingfeng, also appeared in person, but Zhu Minglang appeared without saying hello, making Zhu Wangxing a little worried...

Fortunately, I wish Minglang will not have much influence on this whole plan.

There are many internal responses in the small inner court, and there have even been some early betrayals. Zhu Wangxing has noticed it early. If there is no strong medicine, the small inner court will be restricted everywhere, and there is no real development.

I hope this time, it can be completely wiped out.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a great contribution to the Zhumen, and severely inflicted a heavy blow to the An Palace.

The little prince Zhao Yu was personally recommended by the imperial concubine Zhu, and with the imperial concubine Zhu, the little prince Zhao Yu would fall to the side of Prince An's mansion, he would not end well.

I'm still very relieved at this point~www.wuxiaspot.com~Father, where did you go just now? "A sweet voice sounded, and Zhu Rongrong opened the door and walked in with a plate of snacks.

"I went to relax. After all, it's almost time for the fire-making ceremony. I will inevitably think about it." When Zhu Wangxing saw his daughter, the sorrow on his face quickly disappeared, a smile appeared, and his eyes showed no consciously. A little bit of spoiling.

"It's been so many years, wouldn't dad be nervous?" Zhu Rongrong asked.

"After all, it is the most perfect year. You also know how long Dad has waited for this year. We wish the people to say that the noble point is called the casting master. In fact, it is also a craftsman. For a craftsman, nothing is more proud than others. Shout, this thing is so good, could it be from the hand of XX! Haha, few people knew that I wished to go, but after this year it will be different. The inner courtyard of our piano city will be different, and my castings will be different. The same..." Zhu Wangxing faced Zhu Rongrong and immediately opened his heart.

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