Dragon Tamer

Chapter 468: Evil Jiao

Crossing the boundless sea, Zhu Minglang looked at the sea level. If Zhu Rongrong hadn't told him to use the tide in a fixed direction to distinguish, he would have been lost in this ocean without any island.

Following the tide, only one direction can be known.

The blue sky and blue sea, Zhu Minglang let the Tianshalong stop on the water, and then quietly feel the wind blowing.

If the direction is correct at the beginning, the wind direction will also be constant.

When the direction of the wind and the tide just form an intersection, this sea is the sea area I am looking for.

Fortunately, Master Mu Long had a keen perception of nature, otherwise even if he knew these conditions, he would still be lost.

There is no sea fog, no storm, and the surroundings are exceptionally quiet.

After Zhu Minglang found the deep sea area where Earth Vein Fire Core was located, he began to feel the pressure.

Air pressure is something that is difficult to distinguish. Sometimes poor breathing may be a psychological effect, and changes in air pressure may also cause changes in wind direction...

Surge, wind direction, air pressure!

After a whole day, Zhu Minglang, who was floating on the sea, finally found the area that best met these three conditions.

But this area is about fifty li in a radius. If you slopped into the bottom of the sea in a daze, you might hit a black lacquered seabed rock.

Without one element, the most precise cannot be achieved, and the rest can only be explored slowly.


Suddenly, the tranquil sea suddenly surged, and a large wave of waves could be seen soaring into the sky, and a huge tail appeared in the waves that spread in all directions.

The tail was covered with cone scales, and the roots were extremely sharp and terrifying.

Its body is in the water, about fifty meters in length, strong and sturdy.

It is a tyrannosaurus shark, and some metamorphosis has taken place in the tail. I am afraid it is a variant of the tyrannosaurus shark, with exaggerated physique and sharp fangs. I am afraid that some national military warships will be directly affected by its tail Take it to pieces! !

The Tyrannosaurus Shark did not know why it came to this sea. At first, Zhu Minglang thought it was coming for himself and the Tiansha Dragon.

But when you think about it carefully, the Heavenly Fiend Dragon is the Dragon King. This Tyrannosaurus Shark is indeed a bit hideous and terrifying, but as long as it is not mad, there is no reason to provoke a Dragon King!


The sea continued to be beaten, and the waves blasted into the air for several tens of meters. Just when Zhu Minglang was confused by the behavior of the Tyrannosaurus shark, a long and terrifying outline appeared in the deep and gloom of the sea!

The lengthy creature swam to the vicinity of the Tyrannosaurus Shark, and suddenly made an attack, using its pointed head to directly penetrate the extremely violent dragon shark!

Like a zipline, the long creature passed directly through the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus shark fifty meters, and then got out!

The blood blossoms exploded, just like the waves picked up around.

The Tyrannosaurus Shark was killed on the spot, and at this moment Zhu Minglang also understood why it rushed to the surface. This guy was not showing off his might at all, but was escaping from the hunt of a more powerful and terrifying creature!

Alive and dead, the lengthy marine creature half jumped out of the water, and the body was covered with blood plasma and internal organs of the Tyrannosaurus shark, but when it fell back into the sea, the dirt on its body was quickly washed away. Gradually reveal its light blue scales!

"Evil Jiao!"

Zhu Minglang recognized this extremely powerful creature at a glance.

There are evil dragons in the deep sea. Some even if they don’t have a dragon, they have lived for a long time. In addition, there are no creatures on the sea floor that can disturb their cultivation. You will become the overlord there, the predator at the top of the food chain!

"Hey, this evil dragon is afraid that the cultivation base is still above the Sea Eagle Emperor." Zhu Minglang used his spiritual knowledge to make insights, and he immediately felt a cold and terrifying killing intent!

Evil Jiao's cultivation base is even more exaggerated than he thought.

Without 30,000 years of cultivation, there are also 28,000, 29,000...

Zhu Minglang has met this level of Jiao Holy Spirit for the first time!

The ocean is really terrifying, and the creatures living in it are even more terrifying!

"Is this evil scorpion the one that was driven away by the elders?" Zhu Minglang suddenly remembered this.

At that time, in the earth veins, there was a sudden noise above his head. When Zhu Minglang looked up, he could barely see a long shadow.

Zhu Wangxing told himself that it was a wicked flood with its perennial aura near the mark of the earth veins, with a cultivation base of 30,000 years.

What Zhu Wangxing was talking about was the guy in front of me!

What is the fourth key element of the secret search? Zhu Minglang may not be able to comprehend it, but seeing the evil flood in front of him means that he is very close to the mark of the earth vein! !

"It is estimated that it lives in the mark of the ground vein, that is to say, following it, you can definitely find the ground vein fire core!" Zhu Minglang couldn't help but smile.

But, smiling, Zhu Minglang realized that something was wrong.

The Evil Jiao nearly 30,000 years old, then its strength has mostly reached the level of the lower Dragon King, and it is no longer at the same level as that of the Sea Eagle King!

So why should I be so calm! !

"Look, I said that this time I promise to find you one who is more than 20,000 years old. How about this evil flood, does it have an appetite for you?" Zhu Minglang said to Tianshalong.

Tianshalong snorted.

Twenty-nine thousand years, the taste is too right.

The human dragon shepherd really has a reliable time!

After drinking the blood of the Holy Sea Eagle Emperor’s Holy Spirit, its cultivation level gradually stabilized at the level of the lower dragon king. The blood of the Holy Spirit drank more than ten thousand years ago, and it was not fresh. Shalong was a bit uncomfortable.

This time, it really was a big meal!

The blood of Jiao is definitely more delicious than that of the Sea Eagle Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, Jiao is a close relative of the dragon!

Thirty thousand years, there is no dragon.

This Jiao is also quite special.

It's just that it's not important to a dragon overlord of this level that it can transform into a dragon. It has stood on top of billions of creatures, and its strength is not inferior to the orthodox Dragon King!

The evil dragon holy spirit naturally also discovered the Heavenly Fiend Dragon staying on the sea, and its eyes showed deep hostility.


It uttered a cry, as if asking what the Tianshalong meant here.

The face of the Tianshalong dragon showed a bit of bad intentions, and its mouth slowly opened, revealing two rows of good dragon teeth.

The Dragon is a blood-drinking creature. It has two particularly sharp drinking teeth. Although it has now transformed to use **** scale feathers to absorb blood, if you see Mei Jiao like this, it still doesn’t mind turning the pointed The dragon's teeth plunged into the blood vessels in his neck and sucked slowly!

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