Dragon Tamer

Chapter 469: Dark vision

The dragon's wings suddenly opened, and the entire clear sky suddenly fell into darkness.

The strange dark stars were all over, and one after another slid down from the dark sky, and then flew into this fairly calm sea.

The extremely exaggerated power of the evil star made the evil dragon, which has been nearly 30,000 years old, jealous. It saw the dark long stars falling into the sea, and also saw the strange dark long stars touching the ocean. , It turned into a hole of black spots that can **** in all the surroundings!

Many dark long stars finally joined together, forming a terrifying black star hole, and sucking the sea water from all directions into it!

The black star hole is terrifying. The evil dragon swims in the surging water, and it constantly swings its body. If the swimming speed is slower, it will be directly sucked in by the black star hole.

The evil dragon is also tough. Seeing that its speed is slowed down by the sea, it doesn’t simply run away. Its tail starts to stir the sea. You can see its shining scales. An undercurrent in the depths of the ocean is like that in the deep ocean. The black wild beast rushed towards the black star hole under the control of the evil flood! !

The black star hole obviously has a limit, and it is impossible to **** in the sea water of this entire sea.

As the undercurrent collided and shook, the black spots of the black star hole were gradually filled, and the terrifying ability of the evil star dragon was completely resolved.

However, from the beginning, the evil star dragon did not expect this black star hole to be able to absorb the 30,000-year-old evil scorpion. It caused a huge void to appear in the center of this sea area, even if the water in the distance was slowly filling up. , It also takes a few minutes.

The celestial dragon flew into this empty abyss, and its pair of dragon eyes stared at the 30,000-year evil flood in the water...


Suddenly, the seawater around Kongyuan surged violently, as if it had been boiled by some terrible force.

Nine giant floods transformed by the undercurrent of the deep sea suddenly drilled out. They formed the lock of the nine palaces, and shrouded in shock on the top of the dragon.

The Tianshalong waved its wings and escaped into the darkness. The splendid scales and feathers on its body flipped neatly, turning into a black dragon, perfectly blending into its dark realm.

The giant Jiao Nine Palaces Lock couldn't trap the Heavenly Fiend Dragon, and finally naturally disintegrated into sea water, and fell back into the ocean.

As for the evil flood, he was still swimming nearby, but suddenly he couldn't see it. Zhu Minglang couldn't feel the breath of the 30,000-year evil flood on the back of Tianshalong.

"It doesn't seem to want to fight you." Zhu Minglang said.

Tianshalong didn't want to miss this delicious meal, it glanced at the deep black water below.

Without hesitation, Tianshalong put away his wings, his body plunged into the depths of the sea like a snake, and dived to the bottom of the sea with his slender and flexible tail!

The **** feather scales of the Sky Fiend Dragon are special, especially after drinking the blood of the Sea Eagle Emperor last time, its feather scales seem to change into various forms.

When its scales are neatly laid out, its body is as smooth as crystal jade, and there are almost no gaps between each scale, just like a perfect piece of skin.

And when its feather scales stand up slightly and become as hard as feather scales, not only can it absorb those blood energy to replenish its own energy in battle, but also its defense and resistance capabilities will be greatly improved.

These are the capabilities it had before.

Now its feather scales can be turned back neatly, turning into a dark color, and at the same time the hard scales are retracted, mainly with soft feathers, so that it will become quite flexible, and the soft feather dragon muscles will also adapt to the surroundings. environment of……

As soon as it entered the bottom of the sea, Tianshalong turned its scale feathers into this dark form, so that it looked like a dark wandering dragon, with a slender and evil figure swinging in the chaotic waters, which was not inferior at all. Yu flying in the sky.

The wings have been completely folded, and they are tightly attached to the back, and at the same time, it is equivalent to giving Zhu Minglang a layer of perfect protection behind him.

The Heavenly Fiend Dragon could move so freely in the water, which made Zhu Minglang a little surprised...

"Following it, we happen to be going to a very important place." Zhu Minglang communicated with Tianshalong soulfully.

Diving all the way down, the Tianshalong body did not receive much resistance, and the water pressure of the deep sea did not have much impact on it.

In fact, it's not that the Celestial Dragon is omnipotent, that is, it can fight in the air and swim in the ocean, but the sea is dark and there is almost no sunlight. This cold and dark environment is the secret of the Celestial Dragon's free movement in the depths of the sea.

Its dark form at this time allows it to swim freely in the dark, not how familiar it is with water.


Following the evil flood, Zhu Minglang began to perceive his surroundings with his spiritual sense.

I remember that when I came before, what Zhu Minglang's spiritual sense could "see" was only an outline of the bottom of the sea, and it was even very vague, like watching a mountain in the dark night.

But this time, because of the Heavenly Fiend Dragon's call, Zhu Minglang seemed to have the Heavenly Fiendish Dragon's dark vision, so that he could see everything on the bottom of the sea clearly.

The mud on the bottom of the sea, the magnificent sea rock underframe, some creatures wandering on the bottom of the sea...

Even Zhu Minglang was able to see far, far away. Just at the most extreme point of his vision, there was a long magical shadow that was swimming toward the deeper seabed at a faster speed.

The submarine frame is inclined, slanting to a deeper place. Zhu Minglang vaguely remembered that there was also a huge submarine **** near the seabed ground vein at that time, although he could only perceive a contour at that time.

"It's there, catch up!" Zhu Minglang pointed to the submarine slope.

The Tianshalong swims there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Deep in the sea, its speed is not as fast as that of the evil dragon, and it may not be seen after a while after chasing it.

However, this evil dragon did a good thing, that is, with Zhu Minglang successfully found the mark of the seabed ground vein!

The seabed landslide tends to be the trace of the ground vein I am looking for. It is a seabed to deep ground vein crack. Seawater cannot be poured in. If you don’t go and explore it, you might even mistake it for just a seabed silt. It's a deep ditch.

"found it!"

Zhu Minglang let the Tianshalong swim to the mark of the earth vein.

As soon as he approached there, Zhu Minglang felt a kind of heat. Even though the earth vein marks themselves were very deep and deep, the strength of the fire core penetrated the thick seabed rock layer and radiated to the surrounding area.

Entering the mark of the earth veins, the endless ocean is above your head. Below it is not as difficult to breathe as you imagined, and you don't even need to hold your breath like in the seawater.

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