Dragon Tamer

Chapter 470: Trembling metal bud

The scars of the earth veins were not as horrible as imagined, especially when they arrived at the fire core of the earth veins, looking at the flowing living fluid that bloomed with red light, there was even a sense of peace and holiness.

"Go, you go find that evil scorpion, I'll take a look around here." Zhu Minglang said to Tianshalong.

Naturally, the celestial dragon is not interested in this red liquid of fire, and the element of fire can’t be combined with it. No matter how extraordinary and mysterious you are, the celestial dragon can’t take any interest. The red one only cares. It's blood donation!

Tianshalong didn't have much resentment this time, after all, Zhu Minglang did find it a delicious dish.

Throwing Zhu Minglang under the scars of the veins, the dark and scaly feathered Tiansha dragon swam into the deep darkness. Its dragon-saving nature is perfectly manifested at this time. The natural killer makes it treat those The breath of living creatures is very sensitive!

Zhu Minglang walked into the fire core of the earth vein by himself. He saw that today's fire liquid was quieter than last time, just like red ink, which looked extremely peaceful.

The container for the fire of the earth veins is specially made.

For this reason, Zhu Minglang specially asked Zhuhuo to prepare enough for himself.

Although it would be a bit cumbersome to pack and pick up bottle by bottle, it is better than being thought of by the culprit of his own secret treasure. Only by putting it here, I wish Minglang to have absolute security.


Following the appearance of Zhu Wangxing and a few elders, Zhu Minglang also worshiped.

At the beginning, the capacity of the net bottle is very small. Zhu Minglang is also very patient. After all, this is still very different from picking well water. Well water is well water after all, but this fire liquid is invaluable, especially in tea gardens. I wish Minglang use it as a gunpowder grenade, the effect is simply not too good!

After loading about ten bottles, Zhu Minglang found that Tranquility Fire Liquid began to become agitated.

The red liquid seeps out from under the sturdy ground veins, like a fairy spring in the mountains, and the fire liquid on the surface is indeed quieter and peaceful. Zhu Minglang is no different from taking water, but after this layer of tranquil fire liquid is loaded away, The deeper fire liquid is not so friendly.

As long as Zhu Minglang breathes a little harder, you can see a terrible flame on the surface of the fire liquid, the temperature is extremely high, if it touches the skin, the skin will be burned instantly!

"It seems that the fire that can be taken is limited. Those relatively quiet fire liquids will float on the surface and cover the entire underground fire vein, which is equivalent to suppressing the deeper violent fire liquid." Zhu Minglang carefully observed this special ground vein. Fire core.

Zhu Minglang estimated that the amount of Earth Vein Fire Liquid that can be carried is about 30 bottles, and the deeper layer of Earth Vein Fire Liquid may require more advanced skills to be removed. A slight error may cause the entire Earth Vein Fire Core. Turned into a year of terror!

The movements became more careful, Zhu Minglang took another ten bottles...

Tightly seal it, and then complete the perfect isolation, these twenty bottles of extremely precious earth vein fire liquid were packed by Zhu Minglang.

After waiting for a while, Zhu Minglang began to take the rest of the tranquil fire liquid.

But at this moment, a floating obsidian crystal drifted into the fire core of the earth vein that was flowing with the fire fluid.

It is just a piece of obsidian spar that has lost its gravity, but it is like a spark falling into an oil barrel. When will the entire earth vein fire core burst out with terrifying energy, Zhu Minglang saw the peaceful fire core turned into A violent breath, like a large group of wild fire beasts, rushed to the surroundings extremely viciously, the vastness of astonishment, as if it could burn thousands of creatures to ashes in an instant.

Fortunately, Zhu Minglang is mentally prepared, and Zhu Huo also confessed to himself that he must guard against sundries in the fire core when the fire is taken...

Zhu Minglang immediately retreated and hid in the cracks of the ground veins.

The sight of the fire phoenix in person, the wild flames almost filled all the traces of the earth, if it is above the sea, I am afraid that there is a flower in the vast and deep dark ocean. The huge fire lotus is reflected at the bottom, the scene is magnificent, but also full of danger! !

At this time, just wait quietly for this wave of restlessness to pass.

Moreover, restless fire liquid is the easiest to detonate. After the restless fire liquid is completely burned, more tranquil fire liquid will seep out from the cracks in the ground veins.

Quench with fire.

The reason why tranquil fire liquid is quiet is not that their energy is not strong enough. On the contrary, tranquil fire liquid is the essence of the entire earth vein fire core. It is formed by the intermittent riots of restless fire liquid, which are like gold particles and silver nuggets in the sand.

Fortunately, this wave of fire core restlessness was not too strong, and it calmed down before long.

Zhu Minglang walked out again, the surrounding area was like a terrifying Red Flame Demon Territory, the vein rock layer was burnt red, and the surface was quenched into lava crystals by the high temperature fire.

Approaching the earth vein fire core, Zhu Minglang saw more tranquil fire liquid appearing on the surface.

It seems that this tranquil fire liquid is actually slowly extracted.

Zhu Minglang saw the flowing red molten liquid tumbling, and at the same time saw a lot of quiet and peaceful fire liquid buried under the dangerous and restless fire current.

They are like a clear spring in a silt pool. They are very easy to distinguish, but because the violent fire stream presses them down, they can only accidentally seep to the surface every time the fire core is restless, and float on the surface. .

I wish Minglang a burst of joy in his heart.

It turns out that there is more tranquil fire liquid in this deep layer, as if a pool of pearls is covered by silt!

It’s just that Zhu Minglang became melancholy again soon. What should I do with the restless fire? I won’t fetch things in the air. Even a small spar touching them will cause the uproar. This is tantamount to giving Those tranquil fire liquids added a terrible restriction, which was completely impossible to overcome.

"Uncle Wang Xing shouldn't be able to solve this problem either, so I take the tranquil fire liquid that seeps from the surface~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The output is low, and it can be considered a long history." Zhu Minglang shook his head helplessly.

There is absolutely no way to remove the lower layer of fire liquid, even the dragon king with the fire attribute dare not provoke those restless fire currents.


At this moment, a familiar voice rang in the spiritual realm.

Zhu Minglang was puzzled. It stands to reason that this buzzing only occurs when the sword spirit dragon is present. Its sword body contains countless abandoned ancient swords. These ancient swords will use the trembling sound of the sword to express their indomitableness from time to time. soul.

Isn't the sword spirit dragon still in that huge metal sword bud?

Zhu Minglang checked the spiritual realm and saw the same peaceful and peaceful metal sword bud...


There was another tremor, and the metal sword bud seemed to be a huge metal egg, and the life conceived in it was expressing something.


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