Dragon Tamer

Chapter 471: Faerie Sword

At this time, Zhu Minglang couldn't communicate with the sword spirit dragon, after all, it didn't break out of its cocoon...

After pondering for a long time, Zhu Minglang asked tentatively: "You want to come out?"


Metal Jianbao continued to respond.

Zhu Minglang wondered, if you really want to come out, then smash the outer metal sword buds. Obviously, the degradation and stinging have not been completed, so why are you so anxious to be born?

"The sword spirit dragon belongs to the tool spirit. If it wants to complete the sting change faster, the phoenix nest probably has no effect on it, right? Does the sword spirit dragon want this earth vein fire core?" Zhu Minglang made one Bold guesses.


Metal Jianbao's response has become more intense!

It really is!

But that is the earth vein fire core!

Zhu Minglang worried that as soon as the metal sword bud was put in, it would be melted away before it had time to absorb the energy of the divine fire of the earth vein!

"No, this tranquil fire liquid was originally used for forging, which means it is difficult for living creatures to withstand this high temperature, but some of the most refined ore iron in the world will not only not be melted, but can also be tempered to be more perfect!"

It is impossible for creatures to touch the fire core of this earth vein, but the sword spirit dragon as the spirit of the weapon can!

There is a large treasure cherished under the violent fire current. This is the sacred fire liquid that Zhumen’s current skills cannot get. If it can overcome this barrier...

I wish Minglang a burst of joy.

He took out the metal sword bud made by the sword spirit dragon, and the metal sword bud could move by itself.

The metal sword bud floated above the earth vein fire core, and then slowly sank.

The fire core is huge like a tree, and the layer of fire liquid flowing is like a bright red curtain fire. Some are wrapped around the earth vein fire core, and some completely wrap the fire core.

The metal sword buds that the sword spirit dragon turned directly passed through the layers of violent fire, and immediately, a more powerful earth pulse surged, and Zhu Minglang saw the violent fire sweeping deadly fire waves in all directions. Later, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, turned and fled to the depths of the crack in the mark of the earth veins.

Behind the scenes, destruction-level fires flooded this gloomy underwater world, Zhu Minglang, as the only living person here, almost evaporated directly from the world!

"Sword Linglong, you say hello anyhow!!"

Zhu Minglang cursed while running away.

The degraded sword spirit dragon is simply a bear child, and he doesn't take care of the owner's situation.

Run slower, the sword spirit dragon will become an orphan!

The world was blazing red, and Zhu Minglang couldn't even open his eyes. He only felt that he was in a volcano that was venting magma.

The fire wave is still spreading, and even the smallest rifts in the veins are filled. Zhu Minglang doesn’t know where he escaped. There are many branches in the vein marks themselves, and some lead to thicker veins. Some lead to the seabed rock formations, while others lead to the lower earth vein black abyss.

After all, Zhu Minglang is still very worried about the sword spirit dragon.

If it can't resist this horrible turmoil, wouldn't it want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person?

"Sword Spirit Dragon, Sword Spirit Dragon, I hear a response!"

Zhu Minglang is using the soul covenant to sense the life breath of the sword spirit dragon.

Lingyue did not break, which is good news, at least the sword spirit dragon has not been melted.

But the sword spirit dragon is undergoing degradation. Even if it is a spirit weapon, it is a baby spirit, and it is too fragile. If it is seriously injured, it will also hinder its future growth.

No response...

Think about it, the sword spirit dragon is still in the metal sword bud, it doesn't even know how to respond.


It's no use worrying, you can only wait.

Lingyue did not break, and the sword spirit dragon was still alive.

This time the turbulent fire wave was even more terrifying, and even burned many of the vein rock formations, and the road back was completely blocked by the vein fragment rock.

Zhu Minglang had to find another way for him, but Tianshalong was not by his side. Zhu Minglang gradually lost the dark vision of Tianshalong. As he walked, he was lost in this complicated earth vein.

Although the cracks returning to the earth vein fire core were also found, those places have either collapsed or a large group of long-lasting high temperature fire pools have accumulated. Zhu Minglang is rather helpless, and can only wander around in the earth vein scars.

On the other side, in the center of the earth vein fire core, the metal sword bud that the sword spirit dragon has transformed has been completely immersed in the most central fire core.

The reason why they are called fire stamens is that the tranquil and sacred fire stamens are like huge bunches of flower stamens, clustered together, very luxurious and beautiful, and even more mysterious.

The sword spirit dragon is also very good at finding a comfortable position. Its entire metal sword bud penetrates into these huge cores, like a cunning bee, stepping into the fragrant flower heart, slowly The whole body is submerged. From the outside, the stamen is beautiful, pure and flawless, which makes people feel pity. In fact, a little flower thief is sucking wildly in the stamen, sucking away the most perfect nectar...

This little flower thief is naturally a sword spirit dragon!

It even regarded this earth vein fire core as its own perfect tempering den, and did not intend to return to the spiritual realm, but planned to live here.

The Sword Spirit Dragon is condensed with many ancient sword souls, rusty, blunt and mixed, but the essence of many ancient swords is still quite the upper layer of metal, after the most perfect forging by the caster, but the years make them old.

Now the strongest fire fluid in this earth vein fire core is completely the honey that makes them youthful. The rust can't withstand such high temperatures and is quickly melted away, and the true essence of the sword body does not just bloom again. With a sharp edge, it becomes more glorious and sacred in such a perfect and powerful quenching! !

Many famous swords are awakening, and the ancient inscriptions are blooming in this perfect tempering, and the huge flame energy contained in the fire core is being absorbed into the metal sword bud of the sword spirit dragon.

Fire Scar Sword, this is a sword of flames.

At this moment, the fire mark inscription has been tempered to the extreme in a short time, and is even sublimating!

At first, Zhu Minglang evoked the fire-scarred sword inscription after the battle with the evil star dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the fire-scarred sword inscription dimmed, but this time it was fully charged!

The metal sword bud has many layers, and each layer is like a layer of prohibition that needs to go through a long time to fade away bit by bit. As an instrument spirit, its sting is more special...

It has degenerated from a peerless sword to an ordinary iron sword, but every time the restraint of a layer of sword buds is broken, its sword body and quality are sublimated.

Originally this would be a slow process, but because of this special Earth Vein Divine Fire, layer after layer of sword buds were broken at an unimaginable speed.

Every time the sword cocoon is broken, the sword spirit dragon gets the most perfect tempering, and the brilliance of the inscription on its sword body is more holy!

Metamorphosis, tempering, the inscription pattern awakening, a layer of sword buds slowly fall off, the sword spirit dragon seems to have given a stronger soul character, from the ordinary sword to the absolute sword, and from the absolute sword to the holy sword, and then From the holy sword to the fairy sword! !

The spirit sword is just extraordinary, just remarkable.

The fairy sword is self-respecting, even if there is no one who holds the sword, it can dominate the world.

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