Dragon Tamer

Chapter 472: Fairy fight

Zhu Minglang, who was isolated to the other side of the Earth Vein Scar, did not know how the sword spirit dragon was changing now, but he could barely perceive some of the differences in the sword spirit dragon through the spirit agreement.

What Zhu Minglang worries most is the comfort of the sword spirit dragon. Since it is good and it conveys a very comfortable feeling, Zhu Minglang is also relieved a lot.

For a while, there will be no way to return to the earth vein fire core, and even if it is now going back, it is of little significance. The restless fire current is still venting its anger toward the earth vein marks, as if to all The intruders were all burned to ashes.

However, this kind of restlessness is meaningless. The sword spirit dragon lies in the most comfortable, peaceful, and most energetic place. This nourishment and shaping surpasses all the spiritual resources that the dragon herder can collect!

After all, it is the Earth Vein Fire Core, an extremely special existence. If you want to come, the Earth Vein Fire Core itself has a certain degree of intelligence. The restless fire current formed does not allow any creatures who covet it to approach, which is why it does not need any powerful guardian creatures. reason.

But Dimai Huorui didn’t think that there would be a special existence like the sword spirit dragon in this world. I don’t know if the tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, will eventually become the nanny of the sword spirit dragon baby. The most annoying thing is that this guy is full It's enough, and still rely on not leaving...

The fire can only vent toward the surrounding earth veins, but the creatures on the ocean floor are the ones who suffer. The fire of the earth veins will not be extinguished when encountering water, and a large area of ​​the seabed rock formations burns out, so this sea area has a shocking wonder. .

The sky is blue and the sea is green, and a vast fire field appears in the lower part of the ocean. Although their energy does not spread to the entire sea area, they force the sea behemoths, sea monsters, and sea monsters to escape to the sea. One by one looks homeless!

Most of the sea monsters hide very deep, and even the overlord of the sea area like the evil dragon is not easy to find them.

As a result, because this earth vein fire core was invaded by a small thief, all those thousand-year-old sea monsters were blasted out, making the evil dragon happy! !

It usually takes a lot of effort to catch a 10,000-year-old sea monster to eat. Today, it is all near the shallow sea surface-New Year, New Year! !

The evil flood is like a tiger entering the flock, and it begins to enjoy the gluttonous feast. With its cultivation base and strength, those ten thousand-year-old sea beasts are just relatively large pieces of meat!

However, the evil dragon does not do whatever it wants, because there is always a mad dog dragon behind its tail!

This mad dog is really mad. The whole sea area has exploded with the Holy Spirit for thousands of years. If it were to drink blood, it would have been drunk and dreamy.

As a result, this mad dog dragon had no interest in other Wannian Holy Spirit Sea Beasts, so he chased the evil scorpion and bite, not to mention picky eaters, the taste was extremely nasty!

"Oh!!!" The evil dragon was furious and yelled at the mad dog dragon.

The sea of ​​delicacies of the Holy Spirit are available with spurs. The big deal is in my place. You drink your blood and I eat my meat. I don't care about you. What do you mean by chasing the dragon? !

"Hey~~~~~~~~" Tiansha Dragon King also responded.

They are all too low in age, and they don't taste full-bodied, but your blood of nearly 30,000 years is more delicious!

"Oh!!!" The evil flood was furious, and slammed towards the Tianshalong, a posture like an old lady fighting you!

In this vast sea, countless monster races swarm over the sea, and many sea monsters can be seen everywhere, and there are also many 10,000-year-old holy beasts. There are a few of them for 16,000 and 18,000... …

However, this group of demon saints shivered at first, thinking that they were struggling under the fear of the two dragon kings, but they found that they were fighting each other, and the demon saints gradually realized that they did not have it. After his life was in danger, he even grabbed a few seafood and watched the **** fight with his eyes wide open while gnawing at it!


Under the mark of the earth veins, Zhu Minglang has unknowingly walked to a deeper place.

Zhu Minglang even saw a ridge made up of Hongwu rock crystals, which pierced through multiple veins in magnificent majesty, lying in this underground world.

The ridge is the spine of the earth. If the ridge can be understood as the bones of the earth, then the ridge is the fulcrum connecting all the ridges. Once the ridge is crushed, the countless ridges will collapse, and then there will be landslides and landslides. Horror scene.

Zhu Minglang saw a lot of rare ores. Red basalt stone is very valuable. Zhu Minglang picked up some of them, and also specially selected good quality. It was not for selling it for money, but occasionally he could polish it for his dragon pets. molar.

Walking along the magnificent ridge, Zhu Minglang found a new crack in front of him, which seemed to be caused by the restlessness just now, and there was a big cave under the crack, and there was turquoise water in the cave, like a bitan pool. !

Zhu Minglang also secretly called it.

I am afraid that I have already reached the very depths of the earth veins, and even saw the ridges, and in such a mysterious and unknown place, there has been a cave with blue light!

Zhu Minglang couldn't help being curious, and crawled down the new crack.

The pool is crystal clear, like a fairyland holy spring, which makes the dark, icy rocky underground world seem to have an oasis...

Zhu Minglang suspected that he had been in the dark for too long and began to hallucinate.

But when he got closer, he could clearly feel a comfortable breath, like a haze, gradually eliminating his tension and fear.

Zhu Minglang continued to climb down, but suddenly saw a person sitting next to the emerald lake, and this person was graceful, with exaggerated curves, and his long aqua-blue hair covered his waist. ...

I wish Minglang a big surprise!

How could there be a woman sitting here!

This is in the veins, who can still live in such a place? ?

The woman was humming softly, Zhu Minglang only heard the beautiful melody after getting closer. Hearing such a fascinating singing in this mysterious and unknown underground world, I don’t know whether to use weird or wonderful To describe.

Finally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the woman sitting in Bitan noticed something.

She turned her face suddenly, it was a bluish-white face, her eyes were very big, a little bigger than the pupils of most human beings.

Her nose is so small that it is not even noticeable. There are two horns on her forehead, like baby antlers, and her chin is very sharp...

It can be said that all her facial features are somewhat strange to human beings, but integrated into this petite face, it actually gives people a very delicate and slightly strange beauty!

She covered her chest with her hands, obviously she still had feminine characteristics, and she was particularly full.

It's just that when she noticed Zhu Minglang, she seemed a little flustered.

Before she could see the people clearly, this somewhat weird woman entered the water skillfully and plunged directly into the emerald pool. With her extremely slender waist plunged into the water, Zhu Minglang saw her tail—a dragon. tail!

To be precise, under her waist is a dragon!

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