Dragon Tamer

Chapter 473: Nuwa Dragon

Demon dragon? ?

Zhu Minglang remembered that Han Wan had a rare demon dragon, very similar to the demon girl in Bitan that he saw at this time.

It’s just that the person I saw has more obvious physical characteristics, and the lower body of the dragon body is more slender and graceful, like an immortal dragon and a jade snake! !

It is not appropriate to use the description of the witch dragon to describe her. To Zhu Minglang, it is more like a legend...

"It's Nuwa Dragon!"

"Wish Minglang, that is Nuwa Dragon!!"

Suddenly, Mr. Koi cried out with excitement.

Zhu Minglang was taken aback by Mr. Koi who emerged from behind him. Under this vein, in the secluded pool, Mr. Koi's voice was really infiltrating.

"Nvwa Dragon?" Zhu Minglang felt that this description was more appropriate.

The banshee dragon is similar to the sea monster, similar to the shark man, with a fascination on its body, and its facial features and physical characteristics are obviously in the same category as the banshee.

And the spiritual girl who was scared away by herself just now reveals a sense of purity and holiness, as if the fairy of Dongfu who has not been contaminated by the world at all, and her human body and the graceful dragon body are perfectly combined, without any abruptness. The feeling of weirdness, on the contrary, makes people think that this is the most beautiful appearance of human beings at first.

"Good luck, I wish Minglang you this is good luck. The Nüwa dragon heralds the grand cause. Those emperors are struggling to see the Nüwa dragon in everything, for good luck and peace, and for the practitioners , Nuwa Dragon also heralds longevity, her sanctification and ancestorship. Zhu Minglang seems to be the ruler of the earth if you will be the worst in the future. If you work harder, you may become the ruler of the world." The gentleman was surprised and happy.

As a mascot, Mr. Koi knows better than anyone what the fortune ancestor in this world is.

Nuwa Dragon, this is much more advanced than Koi.

Rumor has it that Nüwa is the mother of the earth and the mother of the sea. She created the human beings and blessed the first all souls. There have always been Nüwa temples among the people and worshipped by the world.

Although Nuwa Dragon may not really be related to the mythical Nuwa, she is also comparable to the Ancestral Dragon and is one of the beasts!

Among the omen beasts, there is the beast of omen.

Naturally there will be the spirit of great omen.

The Nüwa Dragon is definitely the dragon of great fortune, and everyone who sees it will be prosperous and full of luck!

The appearance of the Nuwa Dragon in such an underground place where there are no living creatures is an incredible thing in itself.

"It should be a gift after the seven bad omen beasts, it should be like this." Mr. Koi said.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Minglang puzzled.

"You think, when you go to a scarlet place, you will gather all the evil beasts. The dragon is still the incarnation of the big evil beast. Now it is the dragon by your side. If it weren't for this Koi carp to suppress it The evil spirits and evil spirits, you drink water to drink tadpoles, eat to eat gravel, open dragon eggs only to worms, and the cast armor must be scrapped!"

"I still don't understand what you are saying?" Zhu Minglang always felt that Mr. Koi was cursing himself.

"God can't let a person be unlucky forever. You've even seen the seven evil beasts, then it's time for you to see the spirit of the great omen. You walked around like this, and you just happened to be on the ground. Longtan, I saw a Nuwa dragon. Isn't it God's compensation for you?" Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang finally understood this time.

Mr. Koi just wanted to say that his face was so dark before that he didn't see any good things around him!

Even seeing the spirit of heavenly luck like Nuwa Dragon is just balancing his previous bad luck.

Too lazy to pay attention to Mr. Koi’s silly theories, Zhu Minglang felt that the Nuwa dragon was not malicious, so he approached the green sacred lake.

When he reached the edge of the lake, Zhu Minglang found that there were some soft scales like petals in these geocrystalline rocks, showing a green glow, and even a faint fragrance.

As expected to be the Hong Zhaolong, he was completely different from the fierce and evil omen beasts he had encountered before. Zhu Minglang didn't even have any guard against this kind of dragon, just wanted to get closer.

Zhu Minglang stared at the emerald green lake. After a while, the pool water gently pushed aside, like a bead curtain, it was obviously a spell being imposed.

A delicate and petite face appeared, a little wet, even though it seemed that it was not a human being at a glance, it still gave people the feeling of a beautiful girl, arousing love.

Nüwa Dragon obviously hadn't seen other creatures, and hadn't seen humans much.

She only showed a small horned head, keeping a certain distance from Zhu Minglang, and then looking at Zhu Minglang with alert and curiosity...

"Can you speak?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Can you speak?" Nuwalong slowly said, learning to wish clarity every word.

"Mr. Koi, she can talk!" Zhu Minglang said with joy.

Mr. Koi’s fish eyes gave Zhu Minglang a feeling of contempt.

"Mr. Koi, she can talk!" At this time, the Nuwa dragon also followed Zhu Minglang to say these words, her voice was ethereal and beautiful, just like the song she had hummed softly before.

"Why are you learning from me?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Why are you learning from me?" Nu Walong continued in the same tone.

"She can't speak, she's just learning to speak from you." Mr. Koi said irritably.

Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

She was just imitating her own language, but she obviously didn't know what these words meant.

This is easy!

"Eat mints?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"???" On the side, Mr. Koi was blowing bubbles, and the shape of the bubbles was all this.

The fish eyes widened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mr. Koi seriously suspects that Zhu Minglang's purpose is impure! !

"This is our folk mint candy, made with mint and syrup. The taste is good, you have a taste." Zhu Minglang said.

Because he wanted to enter the fire core like a stove, Zhu Minglang also specially prepared this special mint with frost and fire reduction effect in his mouth. He just met a rare Nuwa dragon and gave her a taste. .

Nüwalong did not learn to speak Zhu Minglang this time, she began to look at Zhu Minglang vigilantly.

It’s just that Mr. Koi around Zhu Minglang is quite special, giving her a feeling of being close to the same kind, plus this human smile is indeed very kind and kind...

Nuwalong's mind was not as complicated as she imagined, she swam to the side of the Shentan.

Zhu Minglang peeled off the sugar paper, took one in his mouth, and then fed one to Mr. Koi for a demonstration. Mr. Koi would not eat this kind of deceptive things to children, but the mouth melted The taste of the fish made Mr. Koi unconsciously show his favorite expression, and the fish's tail swayed happily.

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