Dragon Tamer

Chapter 474: Lure Dragon

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Nu Walong stretched out her hand, her hand is not much different from that of a girl, her delicate skin is as smooth as jade, although it can be seen that the skin is composed of some patterned scales, but her scaly muscles are like amber and jade crystal...

She took one and held it in her mouth as if she was wishing bright.

At the moment of the entrance, Nu Wa Long's face showed joy, and she, who lived deep under the veins, had obviously never tasted anything like this.

"Do you want more?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Seeing that Zhu Minglang handed over the candy paper with many mints, Nuwalong didn't hesitate anymore and took one more slowly.

She didn't put it in her mouth immediately, but waited for the mint in her mouth to lose its flavor, and then she added a second one.

She swam back and swam around the emerald lake, revealing the exquisite and elegant dragon tail. Her graceful and graceful figure reveals a sense of holiness, innocence and kindness, which makes it difficult to arise in her heart. A trace of blasphemy.

Zhu Minglang also smiled, like a kind uncle, but slowly, slowly, his eyes narrowed, the purity in his eyes gradually disappeared, and replaced by...

Nuwalong seemed to be tired from swimming, and the two candy made her completely let go of her guard against Zhu Minglang. Her slender body was lying on the crystal pool stone not far away, and she looked sleepy.

It didn't take long before the Nuwa dragon really fell asleep, calm and beautiful, even if it was a dragon below the waist, it still gave people a sense of perfection.

Seeing Nuwa dragon sleeping fast, Zhu Minglang's smile became brighter.

It's just that this smile is so treacherous to Mr. Koi! !

"I wish Minglang, what have you done!" Mr. Koi asked with staring eyes.

"You don't mean that this is the **** of the world's omnipotent spirits. If one glance can bring luck, then I will bring her by my side instead of directly becoming the chosen son of God?" Zhu Minglang raised his eyebrows and said.

"Oh my God, you will be condemned by God. This Nuwa dragon can only be seen from a distance and cannot be captured!!!" Mr. Koi said in surprise.

Zhao Ling, the most representative of the fortunes and disasters in the world, will be grateful for God's prostrate on the ground when ordinary people see him. You wish Minglang to see the true face of the Nüwa dragon is already out of luck and intends to abduct it! !

"You said it yourself. I have all the seven evil omen beasts. It is no different from Heavenly Scourge. Besides, you can't say that. I think God just wanted to trouble me, so I made such a non-worldly one. Nuwa Dragon arranged in front of me and entrusted me to take care of her. Alas, seeing her beautiful body and outstanding appearance and possessing the two attributes of rock and water, I reluctantly accepted this gift. Isn't it a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks..." Zhu Minglang said solemnly.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Mr. Koi said.

"First of all, I am a dragon shepherd. If you see that this rare dragon does not have the idea of ​​owning it, then I am not a qualified dragon shepherd." Zhu Minglang said.

"It's okay if you want to say that, but is this Nuwa Dragon too deceitful?" Mr. Koi said.

"Normally, I am a female emperor with outstanding strategy and wisdom. She will be lonely for several years and decades under the scars of the earth, and she will be as simple as a three-year-old child. I guess she also wants to go outside. Take a look at the world, you must know that even the fairies are nostalgic for the beauty of the world..." Zhu Minglang said.

"I wish Minglang, I found out, what is the art of knowing the dragon, what is the art of controlling the dragon, you may not have learned the way in this life, this dragon turning art, you have reached the peak and do not need to hone!" Said the husband.

The truth is this truth.

As a dragon shepherd, seeing this rare, strange, mythical dragon, not taking it as one's own is simply against the moral code of the dragon shepherd!

But even if you want to conquer, you have to use more normal methods, such as telling the truth and moving affection, and finally convincing the dragon with force. The process always goes away. I wish Minglang this will be mixed with a drunken candy. In the mint, the human nvwa dragon was drunk and then abducted, which is really like the treacherous people among human beings.

The question is, you wish Minglang a dragon shepherd, an upright man, what the **** is it with mints and drunken candies of the same color around him? Why is this technique so skillful? ? ?

"Anyway, be careful. After all, it's Nuwa Dragon. I don't know what cultivation level and realm she is. In case it is a transcendent female dragon god, you want someone to smash it into scum!" Mr. Koi still has a sense of awe.

Zhu Minglang was puzzled.

What is your intention?

Isn’t it a normal idea?

Even fair ladies are gentlemen, so as a dragon shepherd to see such a fairy-level Nuwa dragon, there is no reason to be uninterested.

As for his own method of controlling the dragon, Zhu Minglang didn't think it was a problem. He couldn't see people so cute and loved, and he would call up a big evil like Tianshalong to bite people all over his body and ask her whether to surrender or not.


Zhu Minglang stepped forward and looked at the drunk Nuwa dragon.

The drunken sugar is actually added with a little glutinous rice wine, it tastes particularly mellow, and it is used by some good people to relieve their hunger if they can't drink it.

This Nvwa dragon probably hadn't touched any whole grains before, and he would get drunk when he was drunk. This gave Zhu Minglang a good opportunity.

Her forehead is very smooth, and the two deer-like dragon horns are very bright, adding a bit of a fairy temperament. Zhu Minglang gently placed his hand on her forehead, just like ordinary concern.

Zhu Minglang was not impatient, he first tried to establish a soul bond with this Nuwa dragon.

Just like branding a soul bond to a young spirit, this bond is not a sign of a soul contract, but only produces some communication, and there will be some resonance in the soul, for example, it can be roughly experienced emotionally.

No rejection!

Probably it was dizzy to drink, because this gentle human gave himself candy to eat again.

Zhu Minglang can clearly feel that the mark of the soul bond is being established, and can also feel a simple and simple soul, step by step, stepping into his heart full of evil spider webs.

It seems that the joy of mints is still in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang can feel the joy of her drunkenness, and she seems to regard soul fetters as a way of communication. Based on her previous friendship, I am still willing to share my thoughts.

Since I was still very happy, Zhu Minglang continued to go deeper.

Hey, why is the atmosphere so wretched?

He is a sacred and noble dragon shepherd, and it is upright to conquer the rare dragon in the world.

Zhu Minglang began to try the soul contract.

Soon, Zhu Minglang felt a kind of gentleness like water, and the soul contract was easily integrated into the heart and soul of the Nuwa dragon, but at the same time Zhu Minglang also felt a huge loneliness and sadness. I wish Minglang caught off guard!

If the sweet joy just now was this pool of turquoise water, then the loneliness and sorrow that struck from her soul at this moment is the vastness of the neon sea! !

What's happening here? ? ?

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