Dragon Tamer

Chapter 476: Life Soul Fire Core

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What is fate?

Zhu Minglang has never heard of this kind of vocabulary.

"You can understand that immortals have been demoted to mortals, they have lost their supreme power, immortal energy, and the qualifications to ascend to the heavens." Mr. Koi explained that Zhu Minglang did not understand.

"Is her realm high?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"It must be tall, and even what you see may not be her body, but an incarnation of her desire for freedom. Her body may be as magnificent as the ridge, and it has grown together thoroughly. Anyway, you try and She communicated and asked if she was willing to lose her life." Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang has a soul bond with this Nuwa dragon. Now she is equivalent to her own spiritual pet. It is not difficult for Zhu Minglang to communicate with her. It is for her to understand that if she wants to leave here, she must abandon her original cultivation. for.

Nüwalong didn't even know what the cultivation base and fate were. She just accepted Zhu Minglang's proposal. As for the price she would pay, she didn't seem to care much as long as the ridge was not allowed to collapse.

A god-like cultivation base, or how high a life he possesses, but as long as he is imprisoned under this dark and skyless underground, I am afraid that there will be no nostalgia.

"Can you take me to find the root of the spine that locks your life and soul?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Nuwalong blinked, and after a while, she seemed to understand that Zhu Minglang was going to help herself, so she swam out of the green water pool and followed the cracks in the ground that Zhu Minglang had crawled into before.

When she walks, she swings with her waist and tail. If she only pays attention to her upper body, it looks like a girl is walking on a catwalk.

Zhu Minglang followed her out of this crack in the ground.

Zhu Minglang herself was lost in this maze of ground veins, but Nuwa Dragon was very familiar with it. She swam into a very narrow ground vein mark, which Zhu Minglang had not discovered before.

Following the traces of the veins, Zhu Minglang discovered that the rock mass was gradually getting hot, and from time to time, you could see the flames that penetrated in, like flowers of rocks, blooming beautifully.

"This is the path to the fire core of the earth veins. I want to help you remove the lock of life and soul and release you. I don't want you to help me find the exit." Zhu Minglang said to Nuwa Dragon.

Nuwa Dragon is too kind, and her heart is pure as if she has no trace of harmful thoughts at all.

"Na~" Nu Walong stretched out her thin arm, and then pointed forward, as if telling Zhu Minglang to be there soon.

Zhu Minglang continued to follow Nuwa Dragon with a bit of confusion.

The light of the flame has shined the dim ground vein a little brightly, Zhu Minglang knows that this place is very close to the ground vein fire core.

Suddenly, Zhu Minglang realized a problem.

Is it possible that the fire core of the earth vein is actually the **** root of the earth spine? ? ?

Zhu Minglang carefully recalled the empathetic dream before...

The cracks in the bottom of the sea, the corridor leading to the veins, and the core of the earth that burns in the underground world without any reason, releasing the majestic flame energy!

That earth vein fire core is the life soul of Nuwa Dragon? ?

She has been supporting under this fragile ridge for too long, her life soul and the ridge have grown together, turning into a cluster of fire cores that are constantly burning, like a continuous transmission of ancient power heart!

So the so-called fire wave swept through, in fact, it was just a beat of her heart...

"Mr. Koi, the earth vein fire core is the soul of her life!" Zhu Minglang suddenly realized.

"Her deity is really the **** of the Nüwa-level salvation, and this Nüwa dragon is her incarnation." Mr. Jinli said in surprise.

"No wonder, no wonder..." Zhu Minglang recalled that groggy dream.

"That's easy, that's easy." Mr. Koi said.

"How to say?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Her deity has been completely integrated with the veins and ridges of the earth. It must be a certain era when a huge catastrophe occurred here, and the living beings were extinct. With her flesh and blood, she used her flesh and blood to become the earth veins that carried the fall , With her own heart and soul turned into the fire core that strengthens the ridge of the earth. And the Nüwa dragon we see is transformed by her immortal soul in this earth vein for a long time, which is equivalent to a new birth For life, as long as you cut off the fire core connected to the earth vein fire core, it is equivalent to cutting the umbilical cord, and she is an independent life." Mr. Koi said.

I wish Minglang very happy.

That said, there is no need to completely crush this Nihai, she can also get a free body.

Zhu Minglang let out a long sigh of relief. If just cut off the core of the bond that connects to the earth vein fire core, she can regain a new life, which can be called complete!

Is it really because I gathered the seven evil beasts, and God arranged for myself to go under the veins and take away the Nuwa dragon wandering underground?

"Others come, they really can't take her away, after all, they don't have a special existence like the sword spirit dragon, as long as they encounter the restless fire liquid, they will be burnt completely! I wish Minglang, Zhu Minglang, thanks to this. Fuxing, you have this luck. Otherwise, even if you are one of the few who can rescue her, you will never just go around here and meet the Nuwa Dragon. You will have to sacrifice some good wine and meat to the fish in the future. Lord, you know what!" Mr. Koi began to preach himself.

"Mr. Koi, there is a problem with your words. When I met the seven evil beasts, you were there all the time. Why didn't you see your destiny and magical powers work?" Zhu Minglang said.

"I ask you, did the Tianshalong become your dragon in the end?" Mr. Koi asked.


"Do you have any losses?"


"That's not it, it's called "Feng Xiao Hua Ji", and now this one, "Fu Xing Gao Zhao!" Mr. Koi's spirited appearance, if his fish beard grows a little longer, it is really a bit of a fairy carp!

However, no matter how immortal carp is, it can't stand the high-temperature roasting of the earth vein fire core. Mr. Koi sniffed slightly, not knowing why it seemed to smell a special fragrance!

"Wow, why don't you say that Lord Yu is about to be burnt!!!" Mr. Koi doll yelled.

It flew around Zhu Minglang a few times, the smell was even more tangy, and some green onions, cumin, spices, chili powder...

"Remember, I want to thank Ben Fuxing!!" Mr. Koi finally let out a cry, and hurriedly turned into embroidery, hiding behind Zhu Minglang's clothes.

"Chuck chuck~~~~~~" Nu Walong looked at Mr. Koi running away in flames, and kept laughing. Her laughter was as crisp as a bell, giving people a sense of innocence.


Moving on, Nuwa Dragon stopped, a fiery red mark appeared on her chest, as if her heart was burning violently, and the brilliance of the flame reflected from her crystal clear skin and reflected all over her body.

Nuwa Dragon backed back again and again in fright.

This is the limit where she can move, she can't even get close to the earth vein fire core.

Otherwise, her fragile soul will be burned completely.

"You're waiting here, I'll cut the chains of life and soul." Zhu Minglang said to Nuwa Dragon.

"Nanana~" Nuwa Dragon hadn't learned the complete language yet, just groaned.


No matter what, Zhu Minglang finally found a way back to this earth vein fire core.

This is a slit formed by an indestructible rock crystal layer, and Zhu Minglang will even have to crawl before he can pass.

Finally arrived at the big cave where Earth Vein Huorui was located. Zhu Minglang was about to climb out along the rugged rock crystals, but he heard the sound of a quarrel outside!

Someone? ? ? ?

This is the secret realm of Zhumen, how could there be outsiders coming? ?

Hearable voice, Zhu Minglang felt a little familiar.

Zhu Minglang poked his head and looked into the big cave of Dimai Huorui, only to see a group of people falling to the ground, dead and wounded!

Zhu Minglang was surprised.

Has the fire-making ceremony started? ?

Have you been lost in the veins for so long? ?

Under the ground, there is no concept of time at all. It took Zhu Minglang a long time to make fire. Later, he lost himself in the veins, and then met the Nuwa dragon. As for the empathetic dream, it seems that a long time has passed, Mr. Koi I also specially reminded myself!

Has the fire-making ceremony been carried out?

But why did these characters fall to the ground? In addition to a few important personnel of Zhumen, there are also some people wearing red and black clothes. Some of these people are also very high in cultivation!

"Zhao Yu, you are so venomous, it's worth noting that An Qingfeng believes you like this!!" An Qingfeng's voice came from a place where Zhu Minglang could not see.

He seems to be paralyzed in a corner, losing his mobility, even speaking with a little effort.

An Qingfeng was seriously injured.

As for those masters wearing red and black clothes, they are obviously strong in Prince An’s Mansion. They broke into this secret realm and were trying to plot a misconduct. As a result, the little prince Zhao Yu was put together. All the masters of Prince An’s Mansion died tragically. Near the fire core!

This is a very powerful force~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Prince An’s Mansion is fully prepared and has gathered many masters, some of whom are even king...

But they died in the end!

"This Zhao Yu is a double agent?" Zhu Minglang was a little surprised.

In the small inner court of Zhumen, there are many eyeliners and internal responses of King An, and there are even people who have long defected. They have been planning how to take the small inner court.

Wang An is unable to gnaw at the large inner court of Zhumen of the imperial capital, so he focuses on this remote small inner court...

Instead, the little prince Zhao Yu caught them all, and then caught them all in one go? ?

In this way, the secret of Zhumen Dimaizhirui was known to outsiders because it was revealed by Zhumen himself. The purpose was to use the little prince Zhao Yu to draw out all the people in the An Palace and to clear the door. ?

However, this time cleaning up the door and sweeping away the forces of King An has caused the small inner court to pay a heavy price.

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