Dragon Tamer

Chapter 477: The real purpose of the prince

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Where Zhu Minglang could see, the strongest Elder Yuan was sitting on a piece of rock crystal, and it seemed that his condition was seriously injured.

The elder holding the big sword, he fell in a pool of blood, motionless, life and death unknown.

The other two elders, Zhu Minglang, didn't see it, but most of them were too bad.

Somewhat tragic!

"Zhao Yu, if you do this, do you think Princess Zhu will let you go!!" Zhu Wangxing's voice came with extreme anger.

"Wish Wangxing, I promised that the imperial concubine wished to help you clean up all the people in Prince An’s Mansion in your small inner court. Now look around, don’t you have enough people in Prince An’s Mansion to die? Didn’t the prince have done his duty faithfully? Just, I Didn't say, don't you wish you a good start?" The little prince Zhao Yu smiled.

"You make me feel sick!!" Zhu Wangxing roared.

"Your internal organs are probably broken, so close your mouth and enjoy this last bit of time." said the little prince Zhao Yu.

"What can you get this way, you are a lunatic!!" Zhu Wangxing scolded.

"What can I get? Then you watch it!" The little prince Zhao Yu continued to smile.

He is the last person to laugh in this struggle between Zhumen and Wangan.

From the beginning, he didn't intend to assist which side, he only cared about one thing!

The little prince Zhao Yu walked towards the Earth Vein Huorui, his eyes were a little enthusiastically reflected by the red light emitted by the fire liquid, and his face was slightly shaking with excitement.

"How can you take away these fire fluids? Just for this benefit, you have to do such a shameless thing. Do you think you have done a perfect job? We are dead. Can your little prince stand in the court! "An Qingfeng also resents the sky.

He never thought that the little prince Zhao Yu was assisting Zhumen.

Of course, the people of Zhumen couldn't think of it, and Zhao Yu even killed the people of Zhumen.

In this cave, the only person safe and sound is the little prince Zhao Yu. He let the people of the An Palace and the Zhumen fight both losses, and finally he took action to solve the big sword elder who barely won...

The Elder Sword was killed on the spot.

Zhao Yu's Holy Candle Dragon King is entrenched on the downside down rock bell stone, looking down at these ruined people indifferently and proudly!

"How do I stand?" Zhao Yu suddenly laughed. He stood in front of Dimai Huorui, his smile becoming more and more arrogant, "I will let you see how Zhao Yu will stand next!"

Zhao Yu slowly raised his right hand, and a fiery flame suddenly appeared from the half-holding hand!

The flame suddenly spread in his palm, turning into a huge flame totem!

In the flame totem, a creature with a hair of fire whiskers slowly appeared! !

Zhu Wangxing leaned against the corner of the cave, his eyes staring at the ancient totem in amazement, watching Zhao Yu call out a fire-chicken dragon, at this moment, Zhu Wangxing finally understood the real purpose of the little prince Zhao Yu! !

"People only know that I have the Holy Candle Dragon, but they don't know that I am the Fire Chilong. It is the dragon with the highest bloodline I have, and it is the Ancestral Dragon."

"In this world, spiritual resources are scarce, and divine veins are scarce, and my fire chilong can't ascend for a long time!"

"Earth Vein Huorui has the qualifications of the Divine Vein, and it is just worthy of my Fire Chilong. Let it burn up all its energy and help my Fire Chilong soar through the catastrophe!!"

Ascend to cross the robbery! ! !

What the little prince Zhao Yu plots is precisely this opportunity to fly into the catastrophe! !

Zhao Yu doesn't help anyone at all, everything he does is for himself! !

The Fire Chi Dragon has a very high bloodline, and it is an ancestor dragon. Once it successfully ascends through the Tribulation, its strength will even far exceed the Holy Candle Dragon King he currently has!

What Zhumen, what An Wangfu, in the end, you have to surrender to your own feet! !



The Holy Candle Dragon coiled on the inverted rock body suddenly raised its head, and its head moved above the mark of the veins. It should have heard some movement.

"Is there anything?" Zhao Yu asked the Holy Candle Dragon King.

"Oh~~~~" The pupils of the Holy Candle Dragon King looked vigilant, and he should have sensed that a dangerous and powerful creature was approaching.

"It should be the Holy Spirit who inhabits the scars of the earth veins. This kind of divine fire veins will inevitably be guarded by some creatures that have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. Go and take a look. You don't have to fight it dead, just drive it away. Yes," Zhao Yu said calmly.

The body of the Holy Candle Dragon King slowly unwinded, the holy scales were dazzling, and the breath was powerful and terrifying.

It flew up along the cracks in the veins, looking for the dark aura that made it feel a bit threatening!

The Holy Candle Dragon King left, and the aura that was oppressing everyone in the Zhumen and the An Palace was slightly dissipated, but the people who were still alive were basically seriously injured and severely disabled, let alone the Holy Candle Dragon King. Killing them, even Zhao Yu's unflying fire dragon can ravage their lives at will.

Moreover, the Fire Chilong bloodline is extremely high, comparable to some Shenlong. Once it uses this earth vein fire core to soar successfully, the Fire Chilong strength will be far above that of the Holy Candle Dragon King!

Naturally, the ascension crossing the robbery should not be disturbed by other creatures. The little prince Zhao Yu also didn't like being too dead. Such an important ascension ceremony would not be a bit boring if there were not a few half-dead audiences.

Whether these people died in the end or survived, Zhao Yu didn't care at all.

As long as the Fire Chilong can finally ascend, the four major sects will not dare to provoke themselves easily, so why be afraid of these two forces?


"It may be that evil flood, Dad, I will find a chance to take you to escape into that crack in a moment..." Zhu Rongrong stood by Zhu Wangxing and said quietly.

Since the Holy Candle Dragon King was led away, then she had the opportunity to take her father to flee here.

Zhu Rongrong is also looking for a suitable opportunity, but her strength is too weak. Under the suppression of the dragon king's breath, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even call out her own dragon beast, let alone resist the struggle.

Zhu Wangxing shook his head.

There is no difference between his current situation and death.

"My internal organs were broken, my soul was severely damaged, and I couldn't live long. Alas, I blamed me, and I was still too anxious to get it done. I thought that this time the small inner court could rise up. In the end, even the most important sacred fire of our Zhumen door was not held... …" Zhu Wangxing's eyes have lost their vitality.

"Father, haven’t you noticed that there are not many Tranquility Fire Liquid? My cousin had already been here the day before yesterday and took away a large portion of Tranquility Fire Liquid. Although it will be difficult for us to make fire again in the future, it’s better than nothing, Dad. , You must cheer up, we still have a way to leave." Zhu Rongrong said.

There was barely a hint of luster in Zhu Wangxing's eyes.

"Fortunately, Zhu Minglang is not there, otherwise I will become the guilty man of Zhumen, and his life alone is worth all of our small inner court..." Zhu Wangxing said weakly.

"Father, listen to me. When his dragon is about to overcome the catastrophe and soar, he must have no time to pay attention to us. We fled to the crack to hide." Zhu Rongrong said anxiously.

"Rong Rong, did Dad fail?"

"How come, Dad is the most powerful caster, and also the most amazing master!!"

"Help me up." Zhu Wangxing said.

"Father, what are you doing?" Zhu Rongrong asked in surprise.

Zhu Wangxing reluctantly got up, but he was a little shaky.

His muscles were broken, his internal organs were also broken, and the genius doctor could not save him alive. It was nothing more than some spiritual energy that could barely hold his life.

"Zhao Yu, you have a limited understanding of the fire core of this earth vein. If you can't control the fire, you will have to turn to ashes!" Zhu Wangxing said to Zhao Yu.

"As a cultivator, if you are afraid of these, then just be a prince who eats and waits to die." Zhao Yu said indifferently and proudly.

"I tell you the rhythm of the fire tide, you let Rong Rong leave, and with me to help you, your fire chilong has a greater chance of ascending successfully." Zhu Wangxing said.

Zhao Yu glanced at Zhu Rongrong, then at the dying Zhu Wangxing, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

"If you don't help me, I won't hurt your daughter. I, Zhao Yu, said that if I didn't care about your revenge from Zhumen, I didn't care. An Qingfeng, you can also leave, don't be so afraid of me, this prince will act There is also a principle." The little prince Zhao Yu said confidently.

"Hehe, since the little prince has become a big wicked person, why should he look hypocritical again?" An Qingfeng sneered.

"Why don't you believe me?" said the little prince Zhao Yu.

The expression in An Qingfeng's eyes is comparable to a grieving ghost.

Believe in you Zhao Yu? ?

They ended up here just because they believed in you! !

An Qingfeng can't wait to eat Zhao Yu's meat and drink Zhao Yu's blood!

As a royal prince, so cruel, hypocritical, and selfish, there is no principle to act!

Recalling the things Zhao Yu sent himself to do before, An Qingfeng was even afraid for a while!

"Those are restless fire liquid, forming a circle, the temperature is extremely high, guarding those central fire cores, once touching those restless fire liquid, it will cause a fire wave, the fire wave even Dragon King can't bear." Zhu Wang Xing said slowly.

The small inner court has exhausted Zhu Wangxing's whole life.

But even so, it is less than a tenth of Zhu Rongrong.

Wish Wangxing now only hopes that his daughter will be safe and sound.

He knew he had made a big mistake.

Even though he hates the little prince Zhao Yu, Zhu Wangxing has to beg...

"That is the place where the majestic energy is gathered, surrounded by many fire stalks..." Zhu Wangxing continued to describe, and suddenly his words stopped.

"Why don't you say what you are surrounded by!" The little prince Zhao Yu said anxiously.

"There is blood phlegm in the throat, and the roots that are clustered there are more powerful substances than tranquil fire liquid. You need to let your dragon peel off the restless fire stalks first." Zhu Wangxing returned to his senses, and then said The little prince Zhao Yu said.

On the surface, Zhu Wangxing was the same as before, haggard and weak, but there was a wave in his heart.

Just when he was speaking, he saw a person hiding behind the imperceptible craggy crystal rock. That person was Zhu Minglang!

He used gestures to tell himself ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let the little prince Zhao Yu peel away the restless fire!

"Is it the Holy Candle Dragon King Zhu Minglang led away?" Zhu Wangxing secretly surprised.


The fact is so.

Zhu Minglang let Tianshalong lead away the Holy Candle Dragon.

If the Dragon King does not leave, Zhu Minglang will not act well.

The reason why he didn't take the shot immediately was that on the one hand, the little prince Zhao Yu was unfathomable in strength, in order to hope that the current situation would be very difficult to take him down unless Zhen Hailing was used.

But Zhenhailing will hurt Zhu Rongrong, Zhuwangxing, and other people whose life or death is uncertain, so don't use it as a last resort.

At the moment, Zhao Yu covets the Fire Core of the Earth Vein, and intends to use it for his own fire dragon to fly through the catastrophe...

That is just to help yourself peel off the fire stem, avoiding the fire when cutting off the Nuwa dragon's lifeline Rusi! !

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