Dragon Tamer

Chapter 478: How is a sword?

Although Zhu Wangxing had many doubts in his heart and was secretly worried about Zhu Minglang's safety, he still did what Zhu Minglang said.

"Is it this fire stem?" The little prince Zhao Yu pointed at the fire liquid substance wrapped around Shenrui at a distance.

He didn't have much doubt about Zhu Wangxing.

At this point, Zhao Yu didn't think that Zhu Wangxing could do anything else.

What's more, even without the guidance of Zhuwangxing, he can contribute to this triumph. The Fire Chilong is an ancestral dragon, and it has a certain soul and fate. It can be said that this earth vein fire core itself was born for its ascension and triumph. of!

The fire chilong covered with flame scales began to approach the ground vein fire core, and it stretched out its claws, trying to peel off the fire stalk.

With this touch, the restless fire fluid immediately surging, and it can be seen that the fire stalk has turned into fire tentacles, like a blazing octopus king!

The fire tentacles flicked and bound the Fire Chilong, and then pulled the Fire Chilong into the restless fire liquid little by little.

The fire-chicken dragon is also extraordinary. It raised its head, and the golden flames all over its body soared in vain. The exuberant golden fire lingered on its huge scales, making this fire-chicken dragon with its own powerful flames become more powerful and noble. , The body is also huge because of this golden explosion!

Those imaginary fire tentacles couldn't pull the fire dragon, but the fire dragon's claws fell heavily, tearing the fire stalk to pieces! !

The Fire Chilong scored a few more points. It relied on its golden explosive scales, like an immortal fire phoenix, without fear of any spiritual fire or flames.

"Go on, tear open the fire stalk, then Shenrui will help you promote the Dragon King!" Zhao Yu laughed.

Each fire stem is very aggressive, and they will transform into the form of some ancient creatures. At this time, when the fire dragon peeled off the second fire stem, a layer of fire suddenly curled up in the flowing restless fire liquid. In the waves, an ancient flame slug rushed out of the red flame wave, and slammed into the fire dragon.

That flaming slug is ancient and sacred, and his body is also covered with a red flame helmet, and there are bunches of flame thorns on his back, domineering!

The fire chilong opened his mouth and bit, the ancestor dragon who also dominates the flames did not put these phantoms in his eyes at all!

Subsequently, the other fire stalks turned into fire leeches, flame whales, fierce salamanders, red sunflowers...

Although the Fire Chilong is only a supreme master-level cultivation base, it can be seen that its strength is much higher than this cultivation base. Compared to the monarch-level, it is also invincible. It may not be possible for a group of opponents of the same level. Contend with it.

After all the fire stalk phantoms were resolved, although the fire dragon had some scars, it could be seen that the fire dragon was still fighting spirit.

"Shenrui, this is something that only creatures of the gods are worthy of possessing..." Zhao Yu's eyes had already revealed enthusiasm and excitement.

At the king level, the spiritual resources in the world become far from enough, especially those that impact the king level, even in the sacred soil like the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud, harvested every year to enable the king to advance to the king level. There are very few things.

This sacred core is too perfect. With the fire spirit energy contained in its center, not only can the fire dragon soar, but it can also create a spirit of life!

It is rumored that creatures possessing the spirit and life style have no obstacles or bottlenecks on the path of cultivation, and there is no so-called transcendence. For them, they are creatures of gods and spirits, and for them, their practice is just a bit of fading away. Fetal soul!

Fire Chilong has a bloodline with sufficient qualifications, and now he has obtained this **** core to wash his flesh and bones, and becoming the dragon king is just the beginning of his becoming a god!

"Fate?" Zhu Minglang heard this word for the second time today.

However, this is not the time to think about this matter, Zhu Minglang is still dormant, waiting patiently.

"Go, devour this goddess to your heart's content. From now on, no one will dare to say nothing to us!!" Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes. He stood at a certain distance from the gathering fire core, but He could already feel the powerful energy of the divine fire core pounced.

Bathed in the brilliance from such a **** core, his body seems to be absorbing this air, with a feeling of washing impurities.


The Fire Chilong roared, showing the grandeur of the ancestor dragon.

It flew to the central god, and the restless fire fluid could not hurt the ancestor dragon born in this ancient flame.

It opened its dragon's mouth and bit towards Shenrui with greed!


The dragon teeth seemed to be gnawing on some hard metal, and the fire chilong screamed, and the sharp and strong Ancestral Dragon's teeth actually shattered several!

Why is this earth vein flame core so hard? Shouldn't it be the same as those tranquil fire fluids, which contain powerful strength, soft and gentle like spring water!

"What's the matter, why is this godlike metal?" The little prince Zhao Yu turned his head and asked Zhuwang to walk.

Zhu Wangxing couldn't explain it himself.

In fact, the flame stamen looked a bit strange, like a huge metal flower bud, which seemed a little different from the stamens I had seen before.

It seems to have been disturbed and angry. I saw that the gods shook suddenly, and the metal fire buds were opening from the top. The center of the metal fire petals was not surrounded by gods, but a handful. Peerless Spirit Sword!

The body of this sword is flushed red, and it has been refined so thoroughly. Through the body, you can even see that there are inscriptions similar to blood vessels and blood vessels glowing with a spirit, dazzling, mysterious and ancient!

"Is it an illusion again?" The little prince Zhao Yu asked in confusion.

Fire stems will ring to form some creatures, obstructing some people who covet Shenrui, then Shenrui itself will be transformed? ?

So this Spirit Fire Sword, born from a metal sword bud, is the last sacred fire test? ?

"Who! Sneaky, get out of this prince!" At this moment, Zhao Yu, who had a keen sense of ability, sensed the breath of a person.

This person is not a member of these half-dead and half-cuffed Zhumen and An Prince's Palaces. Zhao Yu firmly believes that no one can pose a threat to him under the scars of the earth.

He turned his head and looked in Zhu Rongrong's direction.

Zhu Rongrong didn't know when it disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was like being given away by someone. After all, Zhu Rongrong's legs had been severely injured. Even if she had to climb on her own, it would be difficult for her to climb.

Those who take Zhu Rongrong away are naturally Zhu Minglang.

But soon he turned back again, this time not hiding.

"Wish Minglang???" Zhao Yu quickly saw what this person looked like.

At first, Zhao Yu was still a little nervous, thinking that he had ignored a certain strong man, but after recognizing Zhu Minglang, the smile on his face slowly piled up.

"Who am I? It turns out that it is you little thief. You took Tranquility Fire Liquid." Zhao Yu said.

He smiled so that his body was a little swaying, and his words, smiles, and actions showed Zhu Minglang's disdain and ridicule at this moment.

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