Dragon Tamer

Chapter 479: What about your dragon?

Of course Zhao Yu felt funny.

It's like a lion hunting a pack of wolves and has killed the leader of the pack, and then while enjoying the delicious wolf meat, a prairie mouse suddenly sprang out from behind and stole some minced meat...

"I wish Minglang, how about playing a game?" Zhao Yu said.

At this time, the fire-chilled dragon with broken teeth had already turned around and entangled Zhao Yu. The ferocious and powerful flames of the flames fluttered like tongues of fire!

Fire Chilong stared at Zhu Minglang proudly, just like its owner, full of disdain!

Zhu Minglang didn't respond. He faced the Fire Chilong calmly and calmly. On the palm of his right hand, a trace of fire was spreading along his palm lines!

"You can run away now, I won't stop you."

"But you have to run fast enough to fly faster than my Fire Chilong Dragon, or you won't wait for you to find a safe refuge. You wish Minglang will be my first bite of fresh meat from my Fire Chilong Dragon!"

"You have always been good at escaping. You escaped from my Dragon King's claws many years ago. This time I don't know if you will be safe."

The little prince Zhao Yu narrated calmly and unhurriedly. In fact, how confident is this calmness, confident that Zhu Minglang can not only make a little storm, but also let him escape, and he can't escape his palm!

"This dragon is good." Zhu Minglang pointed at Huo Chilong with his fingers.

"Of course, the fire dragon is the best in the world, and it is also my fire dragon." Zhao Yu's tone revealed a bit of pride.

The cultivation base of the Holy Candle Dragon King is indeed higher than that of the Fire Chi Dragon, but it is only temporary. Once the Fire Chi Dragon ascends to the Dragon King, it will have a certain level of spiritual life, and its subsequent cultivation will increase faster than the Holy Candle Dragon King. Faster.

The Holy Candle Dragon King is already a precious dragon in the world, but it is still far behind the Fire Chilong.

It is precisely because of Huo Chilong that Zhao Yu has the confidence not to put Zhumen and Prince An in his eyes now!

What's more, he is a prince, trampled on a small inner court of Zhumen, and killed a group of people in the An Prince's Mansion. What can be done? Does anyone really dare to ask him? ?

There are several people who are distinguished by him.

After the fire dragon soared, how many people would dare to compete with him for a few years?

"Is it Zulong?" Zhu Minglang then asked.


"It's better to change to another game. Since you are so good at Fire Chilong, see if you can stop me!" Zhu Minglang also laughed at this time, his smile was not so arrogant, just so gentle and calm.

"Hahaha, are you scaring me, don't you think I can't tell, you don't have any gods in your body anymore?" said the little prince Zhao Yu.

"Didn't I tell you, I am the Dragon Shepherd now." Zhu Minglang said.

As he said these words, Zhu Minglang's right hand slowly lifted up, his palms, wrists, and arms have already appeared with fine and dense fiery red textures, making his skin glow as if it had been tempered by forging. Glowing!

"Master Mulong???" The little prince Zhao Yu was almost unable to support his waist with a smile. He held the mighty fire chilong around him with one hand, his laughter began to change, "You are Dragon Shepherd, right, right, you are now the Dragon Shepherd, what about your dragon, call it out and let me see..."

"As you wish." Zhu Minglang suddenly stretched his hand forward, his eyes blooming with brilliance, and the sloppy and gentle temperament also changed at this moment!

There is a trend, such as the sudden summer storm, which has gathered the hot air of the whole world and swept across the mountains and rivers violently. Zhu Minglang exuded such aura at this time, and it was not purely just The heat is the fiery burning of the sky and the earth! !

The hair is flying, but the golden glow blooms from the black.

The scarlet inflammation muscle is all over Zhu Minglang's right arm, and it is spreading rapidly towards the whole body, from arm to chest, from chest to whole body, the mortal Zhu Minglang seems to be transformed into the body of Yan Sheng at this moment. , Every piece of skin, every piece of bone and blood, reveals the glow of melting inflammation!

"Sword Spirit Dragon!"

With a call, the temperament has changed dramatically again, Zhu Minglang's eyes are burning like a blaze!

In the center of the fire core of the earth vein, the metal sword bud has already faded all the outer shells. To be precise, this is a metal dragon cocoon. They hold an ancient sword that has been tempered to the holy and immortal.

This ancient sword was blazingly brilliant, and at the moment Zhu Minglang evoked its name, it rolled up a raging fire cloud, flew past, and landed on Zhu Minglang's glowing palm!

"Sword Falling Sword Technique—Suzaku Sword!"

The sword fire was in full bloom, and Zhu Minglang was already moving while holding the sword. His posture of the sword was very slow, but there were overlapping afterimages on his body. As the sword spirit dragon fell in his palm, the previous fiery Its aura is like an ancient wandering dragon, its body is red, and its shadow is not visible. The majestic and majestic lingers around Zhu Minglang, who dances the spirit sword! !

This spirit almost surpassed the restless fire wave rolled up by the earth vein fire core, as if Zhu Minglang holding this sword was the real incarnation of the flame god.

The sword was swung out, you could hear a scream, and then an ancient **** Suzaku flew out of Zhu Minglang's sword! ! !

The skin of the ancient **** Suzaku is condensed by extremely pure fire liquid, and each feather is more composed of the restlessness of the fire liquid. The majestic sword qi is the bones of the ancient **** Suzaku, not like a phantom, more like The real Vermilion bird descends, evoked by Zhu Minglang's shocking sword, above all creatures in the world, and the sacredness cannot be provoked and violated! !

The smile on the little prince Zhao Yu's face had long been frozen, and he realized what the solid thing he had gnawed on before.

It is a sword, a dragon made by the sword spirit! !

I wish Minglang had been refining this earth vein gods long ago! !

"Boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The veins of the earth shook violently ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A rocky vein that snaked over the cave collapsed under the Suzaku sword, and the underground rock like a mountain fell down, smashing the veins of the earth. The marks are buried.

The fire-chicken dragon is like a fat insect, captured by a bird, it is meaningless to resist and struggle!

It can be seen that the divine body of the fire chilong is festered and incinerated under the power of the sword. It obviously also has the scales of fire and the muscle of the fire, but the sword that Zhu Minglang wields can slash the fire with the power of the sword. Not to mention being broken into pieces, the accompanying blazing divine fire is far higher than the fire attribute of the Fire Chilong.

The so-called fire dragon was burnt in the flames and screamed, leaving only a skeleton! !

The Suzaku sword swept over the little prince's head, and the proud Fire Chilong was slashed by a sword. While shocked and shocked, the pain of Ling Yue's fracture also struck, causing the little prince Zhao Yu to twitch violently. stand up! !

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