Dragon Tamer

Chapter 486: Can speak!

The Tiansha dragon became anxious all of a sudden. It didn't like this kind of intimacy at all. What's more, it was a dragon to betray sooner or later. The behavior of humans and other dragons made it feel a little sick!

But for some reason, Tianshalong didn't remove his head.

When Nuwa Dragon’s small palm touched it, the wounds it had suffered when fighting with the Evil Flood Dragon, the Holy Candle Dragon King, and the Golden Devil Dragon King suddenly disappeared, and her heart calmed down inexplicably, as if she had returned to her most comfortable condition. The dragon's nest, lying on a pile of gold and silver jewelry.

Zhu Minglang noticed that Tianshalong's wound was healing.

The Nvwa Dragon's healing magic is not similar to that of the Xiantulong, it is more like a kind of spiritual comfort, more like it is stimulating some of the potential of the Tianshalong, so that its body's self-healing ability has been greatly improved.

Zhu Minglang carefully observed the Nüwa Dragon's abilities. Of course, he did not forget to take this opportunity to exaggerately admire Nüwa Dragon, lest her young mind be hit again and feel that she is a burden.


Leaving this unstable sea area, returned to Qincheng.

Fortunately, I wish Wangxing's life was saved, otherwise it would be difficult for the small inner court of Zhumen to recover for a while.

Of the four elders, only Elder Yuan was still alive, but Elder Yuan’s flesh-winged ancient dragon king died in the battle, and the Yuanlong king was also seriously injured.

The Elder Great Sword is dead, Zhu Minglang doesn't even know his name.

Among the other two elders, one was an internal correspondent of Prince An's Mansion. He was executed by Elder Yuan himself.

Originally, Zhu Wangxing planned to use the little prince Zhao Yu to elicit the inner support of Prince An's mansion lurking in Zhumen and kill them all at once.

In any case, the loss of Prince An’s Mansion was much heavier than that of Zhumen. After all, Zhu Minglang finally brought back a lot of dying people. The people of Prince An’s Mansion were basically to be buried under the sea, including An Qingfeng also failed to survive. .

"The tranquility fire liquid has been saved. Elder Fan is dead. I will arrange all his family members to come to the inner court to take care of them. No matter what, it is a blessing in misfortune." Governor wishing sighed.

"Unfortunately, there is a loyal dog next to the little prince, otherwise he will be escorted back to the imperial capital. The royal family will have to pay a high price to redeem the man this time." Zhu Minglang said.

"I am still to blame, I underestimate the ambition and strength of this little prince." Zhu Wangxing said.

"Uncle Wang Xing, it is not easy to be in charge of such a clan. It is better to be cautious in the future, but I don't quite understand. If there is no guarantee, how can Uncle Wang Xing go to cooperate with the little prince?" Zhu Minglang finally came up with this question.

The little prince Zhao Yu is one of the heirs to the royal throne. Although there are several more capable emperors above him, Zhao Yu has never made it clear that he is willing to assist Zhumen.

"It was the recommendation of Princess Zhu." Zhu Wangxing hesitated for a while and said in a low voice.

"Auntie?" Zhu Minglang was a little surprised.

The person who recommended Zhao Yu to Zhu Wangxing was actually Zhu Yuzhi.

"Oh, now I don't know whether it is the imperial concubine's instruction or the behavior of the little prince Zhao Yu himself." Zhu Wangxing said.

"You have to discuss this matter with my father. By the way, I haven't been very involved in some family matters, and no one has told me the truth. Is the aunt my relatives?" Zhu Minglang said.

Although Zhu Wangxing is not a real cousin, he should have a better understanding of his family's affairs.

"In the early years, your little aunt and elder aunt were in trouble, and it was not convenient to reveal their surnames. Your father, the heavenly official, was taking care of them, and he recognized them as younger sisters, and even named our surname Zhumen. Yuzhi became the imperial concubine, and gradually took charge of the power to govern the power of the major forces... We wish the door now has its current status and cannot do without the secret support of the imperial concubine Zhu, so when she introduced Zhao Yu to me, I too I didn't think too much, after all, Prince An's Mansion has always been our worst enemy." Zhu Wangxing said.

"Maybe the aunt was also deceived by the little prince Zhao Yu. This guy is hypocritical." Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, um, Princess Zhu didn’t expect that Zhao Yu, a prince who was about to be crowned king, would dare to do such an ambitious thing...Thanks to your more mindfulness, you also took enough for us. Tranquility Fire Liquid, otherwise our small inner courtyard of Qin City will really collapse." Zhu Wangxing said.

"I'm all my own, so Uncle Wangxing don't say such things. It is also one of my duties to guard the gate of Zhu." Zhu Minglang said.

In Zhu Minglang's view, this result is not too bad.

In short, it wasn't that the small inner court rebelled to the Ancestral House, it was already lucky. Zhu Minglang is actually mentally prepared for this.

Of course, this time what happened, also made Zhu Minglang have a little care for the small inner court. Although Prince An had suffered a heavy loss this time, more care would not make it look like it is now.

This Earth Vein Fire Liquid was taken away by himself.

In exchange for the transformation of the sword spirit dragon, but also the freedom of the Nuwa dragon.

It's impossible to lose heart. Sooner or later, everything in your family will be yours. In the future, if the clan family changes, you can protect them with the strength you have now and the realm you can reach in the future.

I don’t have to worry about how weird there are in the inner court of Zhumen. The role of the inner court is to make fire for Zhumen. Zhu Minglang has kept the excellent fire of Zhumen for ten years. Made a great contribution...



"Brother, are you a fairy dragon, so beautiful."

After Zhu Rongrong recovered from his injury, he drilled into Zhu Minglang's courtyard and saw the fairy-like Nuwa Dragon at a glance, and came forward to inquire excitedly.

"Pretty..." Nuwalong was learning Zhu Rongrong's words, and seemed to be trying very hard to understand the meaning of beauty.

"Can speak!" Zhu Rongrong's eyes lit up.

"I will leave at noon and go back to Mancheng." Zhu Minglang said to Zhu Rongrong.

Zhuhuo and Wu Peng were also in the courtyard, and they had already seen Zhu Minglang off.

"Brother really wants to leave, don't stay a few more days?" Zhu Rongrong said with some dismay.

Before, Zhu Rongrong admired Zhu Minglang very much. Now, just like Zhu Minglang's little fan, she will run over whenever she has a chance.

Killing the Dragon King with his own power, especially when Zhu Minglang Fiery Sword wakes up, he looks like a fire sword god. In Zhu Rongrong's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he is so handsome that he cannot be described in words.

It turns out that my cousin is still the strongest person, and he is so low-key!

"No, I will stay in Mancheng for a while, and I should return to Lichuan without accident." Zhu Minglang also knows that his cousin cares about his whereabouts.

Without Zhu Rongrong, things didn't go as smoothly this time.

Perhaps Zhu Rongrong understands the whole thing more clearly. Under the innocent and lovely appearance, there is still some wisdom. Zhu Minglang has a good impression of Zhu Rongrong.

Presumably, with Zhuwangxing's physical condition after this trauma, it would be difficult to steer the small inner court anymore.

In this matter, Zhu Minglang will of course write a letter to Zhu Tianguan, so that he can cultivate and support Zhu Rongrong and Zhu Huoduo. The old faction in the small inner court is greatly damaged, and it happens to be replaced by newcomers. Maybe it will develop. better.

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