Dragon Tamer

Chapter 487: I want to hit 10



Spring comes and the wind is warm, and I have been flying along the coastline to Nihai Mancheng. I wish Minglang and it is rare to be leisurely and comfortable. I am very interested in overlooking the woods and flowers of this wetland...

This time, there was a Tiansha dragon riding, and the speed of returning was much faster than before.

Of course, the key to making yourself happy is naturally not the brilliant spring flowers blooming along the coast, but the transformation of the sword spirit dragon.

At this time, the sword spirit dragon was hanging by his side, riding the dragon with the sword, as if he had returned to the time when he had studied hard for ten years in the Sword Sect of Yaoshan and then went down to the world, how vigorous and uncommon!

Back in Mancheng, Zhu Minglang went to the auction for the first time.

I have been away for more than half a month, and the entire Cang Luan spiritual resource that I have exchanged for the Soul Orb of the Sea Eagle Emperor should also be prepared.

"Your Excellency, take a look at these Luan and Phoenix Spiritual Relics. If you are not satisfied, we can still look for higher quality ones," Guan Zhou said.

The Guan Clan is the last of the Nihai Nine Clan, this time they seem to be determined to take down the Soul Orb of the Sea Eagle Emperor, and very frankly offered some long-cherished treasures.

Zhu Minglang took a look. The quality is the best, and the lowest year is also 13,000 years. In addition, some of the jade leaves that are in greater demand by themselves are better than those I can buy on the market.

In terms of things, Zhu Minglang is very satisfied.

He also simply took away these Cang Luan's spiritual objects, then handed the soul orbs to the auction and to Guan Zhou of the Guan clan.

"Thank you, your Excellency, if your Excellency still has a king-level treasure, please also tell us, we will definitely satisfy you." Guan Zhou said respectfully.

Zhu Minglang covered his face, and no one could see his age and appearance, but those who could produce soul orbs of this level were definitely king-level venerables.

"I'm leaving in some time." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

After hearing this, Guan Zhou bowed, but his face was surprised.

The meaning of this sentence is that he still has king-level items on hand, but they don't have time to collect something that can be exchanged for him?


After leaving the auction, Zhu Minglang returned to How to Train the Dragon High School.

He did have even better items on hand, and they were the soul orbs of two dragon kings and an ancestral dragon.

After knowing the value of the Sea Eagle King Soul Orb, how could Zhu Minglang let go of the Dragon King Soul Orbs of the Golden Devil Dragon King and the Holy Candle Dragon King.

The value of the Dragon Ball is much higher than that of the Holy Soul Orb, after all, some aspects of Dragon Qi are common.

In terms of value, the dragon **** of the Golden Devil Dragon King and the Holy Candle Dragon King should be about three times higher than the Sea Eagle King...

This is not something that can be obtained by relying on some top-level spiritual resources of the king class. I wish Minglang somehow prepare for his few dragons to break through the king class!

"The direct value of soul orbs is to increase the cultivation level, but you have to know that there is a barrier when you reach the king level. If you do not have a high enough life rating, then no matter how many soul orbs you eat, you can increase your cultivation level. They will be suppressed to the highest rank." Mr. Koi wandered around Zhu Minglang and said to Zhu Minglang seriously.

"Doesn't this hurdle exist for all living beings, otherwise, why would it be called ascending through the catastrophe from the king level to the king level?" Zhu Minglang said.

"All creatures? No, no, no, there are many more creatures in this world than you can see. You have only seen creatures on the Great Court Continent. You have never seen creatures from other worlds. Not all beings have to experience this transition. Jie Feisheng, such as Nuwa Dragon, she doesn't need it." Mr. Jinli said.

"Let's put aside the matter of fate first. From the king level to the king level, you need to meet the three conditions, first talk about it." Zhu Minglang said.

"The first is to have a king-level soul orb, and the second is to require the strangeness of heaven and earth, which is similar to the huge external force like the earth vein gods as a booster to ascend. You have also seen the ascension of the celestial dragon. The power of great omen." Mr. Koi said.

Zhu Minglang nodded, these two points are very clear, "What about the third?"

"What third?"

"As you said before, there are three conditions for the king level to rise to the king level." Zhu Minglang raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, did I say that, then I remembered it wrong, just two."

"..." Zhu Minglang didn't know what to say.

Just now I said with my heart that Mr. Koi’s Alzheimer's disease has improved a lot recently, and there is almost no confusion about the seven-step memory and memory, and the fish is still the same salted fish!

The third should be related to fate.

Zhu Minglang has heard Mr. Koi chant in his impression.

But the matter of fate is a bit mysterious, Zhu Minglang has not come into contact with a few beings with different fate, and it will not be too late to learn about it later.


The cultivation started, and now after the reincarnation sting, every dragon is the future dragon king. Zhu Minglang is more and more immersed in the way of animal husbandry.

I used to practice swords, and my waist and back hurt every day, and my cultivation base rose very slowly.

Although Mulong burned money, he could chew the seeds while urging him. It was not too comfortable.

The most important thing is that the sword spirit dragon's cultivation base is his own cultivation base. I feel that even if I didn't abandon the sword cultivation, because of that insurmountable hurdle, my current sword cultivation base would be the next king.

It is similar to the sword spirit dragon.

But now in addition to the sword spirit dragon, there are also the Tiansha dragon, the Cangluan Qinglong, and the Nuwa dragon, the black dragon of refining the ember, and the Xiaobai who has not yet awakened...

Cangluan Qinglong, Linjin Black Dragon, and Nuwa Dragon all have the potential to be promoted to kings, and their bloodlines are extremely high.


The cultivation of Cangluan Qinglong went smoothly, and his cultivation had been elevated from the middle rank to the upper rank.

Next, as long as you bring more Cangluan Qinglong for some battles, Cangluan Qinglong's cultivation will naturally reach the top king level, and many of its skills have the effect of crushing dragons of the same level...

Finally, stay a few more days, Zhu Minglang can pack up his bags.

The road back to Lichuan is quite far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally there will be some dangerous places along the way. At that time, there will be opportunities to sharpen the claws of the Cangluan and Qinglong. The same is true for the Cinder and Black Dragon. It eats every day. It is also painful to be full without a suitable opponent.

"While you haven't reached the Jun level, let's go to the academy to play a round first, and earn some credits to buy some spiritual things to improve the cultivation of Xiao Jiao." Zhu Minglang said to the Lianjin Black Dragon.

The little black dragon's fat is about to grow out, and training in the air all day has no effect. It has to be a real fight!

"Oh!!!" Big Black Teeth was willing, and screamed in excitement.

"The academy has a ranking, just in the spring, let me see how many places you can get to." Zhu Minglang said.

"Oh oh oh!"

I want to fight ten, the **** teeth howling wildly!

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