Dragon Tamer

Chapter 488: Ranked 1st


After arriving at the academy battlefield, Zhu Minglang swept around and found that there were many more people today than usual.

Probably because of the spring opening game, every student wants to show himself in the days when there are leaders on this first day, to stand out and gain a high enough reputation, this is what every dragon shepherd pursues!

"I wish Ming Lang, I wish Ming Lang, we are here!" someone in the crowd shouted a few words.

Zhu Minglang looked around and saw that it was some of his old classmates, and it was rare for Teacher Duan Lan to be there. She was still so bright and beautiful in the crowd, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Zhu Minglang walked over and sat with them.

In the opening match, most of the students came, and more and more people, including some big figures of the Nihai Nine Clan, also appeared in the front seats, seemingly looking for some outstanding students to recruit into their clan.

"I wish Minglang, do you want to go up? Look at the circle in front of the table. The people sitting on the table are all Ni Hai's heads and faces. They want to be favored by them. After leaving the college, they can still enjoy exclusive salary and resources..." Hong Hao pushed Zhu Minglang's arm and urged.

"Are the Nihai Nine Clan recruiting here?" Zhu Minglang had only this feeling in his mind after seeing the battle.

Unless a student stays in the school as a teaching assistant or teacher, he or she must leave after a certain period of time. After leaving, they will find their own future.

"Yeah, otherwise why are there so many people today." Hong Hao said.

"I'm going to play, do I need to register in advance?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"It's all in the form of a ring. If you think you are good, stand up and hit until you get down. Naturally someone will come up to challenge you. Of course, if you see someone who is very strong and has been winning streak, you can also go up. , But if you win, you have to stand on it." Hong Hao said.

"I wish Minglang, there is no limit to the number of challengers in this ring." Teacher Lan reminded Zhu Minglang during this period, as if he knew that Zhu Minglang is a man who likes challenging difficult challenges.

Zhu Minglang laughed.

That's more interesting.

"Let's go back in a while, now it is Tong Huisheng on it. He has won thirteen consecutive victories, and it seems that he has not yet summoned all the dragons." Lu Wenye said.

"It's okay. To deal with these little students, I don't need to see who he is. My little black dragon needs sandbags." Zhu Minglang hung up a confident smile.

"But this Tong Huisheng has Dragon Lord on the field. Isn't your Cinder Refining Black Dragon a talent master?"

"If I go up, then I have to follow my rules." Zhu Minglang said.

"I wish Minglang, I don't think I have this water bottle bag that you can hold!" Chen Bai, the lemon essence, couldn't help but muttered after all.

"This opening game said that everyone can go up, but in the end it is estimated that it has become a personal show of a king-level boss, alas." Nan Ye sighed, a little unwilling to say.


Zhu Minglang walked towards the big arena.

It just so happened that the student named Tong Huisheng won the fourteenth consecutive victories, which attracted a lot of discussion from some students around.

"Are you going up?" At this moment, a tutor in charge of supervision was standing under the stage, watching Zhu Minglang who was walking straight up and asked.

"Yes." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"How much is your student's battle ranking? Considering that you can't let the battle be too far apart, we now only allow the top two hundred students to go up." The supervisory instructor said.

"First." Zhu Minglang said.

"Huh?" The supervisor thought he had heard it wrong.

"Isn't it Li Hu first? When did you become you? What is your name? I'll let someone look up."

"Good luck."

The supervising mentor called a young teaching assistant and asked her to open a thick book.

Every formal match will be registered and the ranking will be changed accordingly. The young teaching assistant buried his head and worked hard to find Zhu Minglang's name.

She flipped through the pages very quickly, and as a result, she flipped through several pages. At least the first few hundred were not clear at all.

But at this moment, Zhu Minglang has already gone to the battlefield.

"This student, don't make the instructor embarrassed, come down!" the supervisory instructor hurriedly shouted, but Zhu Minglang stepped on it. This made the supervisory teacher look black and couldn't help but uttered: "I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is great, so I won't stop it if I find a crime!"


"I haven't seen you, at least among the top fifty." Tong Huisheng looked at Zhu Minglang with a slight contempt.

"Do you have any main-level dragons, it's best to be stronger." Zhu Minglang stepped forward and asked.

"Naturally," Tong Huisheng said.

"That all calls out, I have a growing black dragon, and need some actual combat, but if you face your Dragon Lord, it will be a bit difficult." Zhu Minglang said.

Tong Huisheng was taken aback when he heard Zhu Minglang's words.

Ordinarily, if someone finds himself to learn from each other and decides to only summon the main-level dragon to fight, that is not impossible.

But what occasion is it now?

The dignitaries of the Nihai Nine Clan are all on the viewing platform, and many senior leaders in the academy are also watching. As long as they come to the battlefield, they must show their strongest strength. Who wants to play this game with an unknown pawn?

"If you don't have that strength, just roll off by yourself." Tong Huisheng said impatiently.

"Maybe you haven't figured it out, it's because I don't want to bully the small." Zhu Minglang snorted coldly.

After saying this, Zhu Minglang suddenly had a sharp brilliance falling from the sky above. These lights carried extremely strong burning power. When it was spread in this vast arena, the ground was like a golden flame. Burn.

At the same time, one after another, flame-like light birds swooped down, they crashed into Tong Huisheng, and hit Tong Huisheng's Chidi Longjun!

The Red Dragon Lord has a thick earth armor, sturdy limbs, and a solid earth body, making it look like a thick hill, but it falls with the light, and with each of them The light bird impacted by the strong light fell, and the Red Dragon Lord was shattered by the dragon helmet! !

The extremely powerful light bird severely wounded the Red Dragon Lord. At any rate, he was a quasi-positioned Dragon Lord, and even possessed the thickest earth dragon helmet in the monarch class, but he passed out directly under the baptism of this light bird in the sky. Past!

Tong Huisheng was shocked. He raised his head and looked at a high place, only to see a dragon of Cangluan, hovering arrogantly above Zhu Minglang, and the brilliance of the blue feathers shone down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holy!

"You...you dragon..." Tong Huisheng was stupid.

How could his own Chidi Dragon Lord be beaten directly! !

Cang Luan Qinglong waved its wings, and a gust of wind blew up, and directly swept the unconscious Chidi Longjun and Tong Huisheng under the platform!

Tong Huisheng didn't stand up even one round! !

"I found it, mentor, this Zhu Minglang is ranked more than 13,000. He is one year old. I guessed that this person was sensationalist, so I went straight to the first volume and saw his ranking..." Said an assistant.

The assistant who was immersed in Zhu Minglang's ranking showed a smile. She looked up when she felt that she was extremely witty. She just saw Tong Huisheng and his dragon being thrown out of the field. The little mouth suddenly couldn't close! !

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