Dragon Tamer

Chapter 495: The ground is empty, the magic lies in people

Mr. Koi also said that Zhu Minglang, as a dragon shepherd, comes with an attribute, that is, every dragon must be equipped with the most gorgeous dragon armor!

This dragon armor is equivalent to adding one more item to each dragon, and it is still very powerful!

In fact, Zhu Minglang has just learned the new technique of forging and refining, and he has not had time to strengthen this molten heavy armor. Give him some time to reinforce it. This dragon armor will be tougher. The strongest claw of the dragon, if you dare to grasp it, it will make you break the claw, and the king-level claw can't be torn apart without condensing.

"Zhu Minglang is simply the **** of swimming in fish ponds..." In the field, Luo Shaoyan respected Zhu Minglang from the bottom of his heart.

Now Luo Shaoyan is extremely convinced that Zhu Minglang is a super boss, and the dragons he has seen are basically his new dragons and young dragons in his cultivation stage.

But I wish Minglang, this abuse of food is really too cruel, how can the top students of the Mancheng How to Train the Dragon High School be used as sandbags, everyone is embracing them shamelessly, so what if it is difficult for everyone to win? Shrimp and pig's heart!

"Shao Yan, do you recognize Zhu Minglang?" an elder of Luo Shanzong asked.

"How can I not recognize him? He is my brother. When I first met, I was drunk with the slurp that I drank at Daylily Mountain Fort. I saw his extraordinary at a glance, so I always treat each other with sincerity!" Luo Shaoyan was extremely proud of him. Laughed, and began to preach wildly among the elders of the nine races.

The young man who smiled so proudly forgot that he had warned Zhu Minglang, not to brag to others about drinking with himself!

"Very well, you have grown up this time out of the mountain, so you should make more friends of this kind!" said the Luo Shanzong elder.

"There is something I want to discuss with the uncle, that is, my brother is lacking in the dragon knowledge, can our ancestral dragon knowledge..." Luo Shaoyan whispered.

"If you are such a friend, you will naturally treat each other with sincerity. If you can trust others, you can give him a gift. Of course, you have to tell him not to tell him." The elders of Luo Shanzong hesitated for a while and nodded.

"Thank you uncle!!" Luo Shaoyan was delighted.

I said to Zhu Minglang that the art of knowing dragons is actually just a fur. It's not that Luo Shaoyan is unwilling to be honest, but that the family rules are extremely strict.

Without the permission of the elders, he was found to teach others privately, and his limbs would be interrupted.

With the uncle's permission, I can finally come up with something real!


"Associate Dean, look at the current situation..." Several hospital affairs and supervisory tutors have already looked earthy.

The spring season kicked off, and it turned out to be like this. I really don’t know whether to blame the students for being too weak, or to blame the other party for being too fierce!

"It's okay. Isn't Zhu Minglang also a student of our college? It's not being fattened by outsiders. There is no shame in it. I hope there will be more such strange people in the college to sharpen the spirit of the students! "The deputy dean stroked his white beard.

"How is this sharpening..."

Sharpening the spirit is to give people the motivation to become stronger, and I believe that obstacles can be overcome in the near future.

The scene before them is clearly destroying the roots of the seedlings, so that the seedlings of these colleges will not dare to expose the soil even if the rain is abundant and the sun is fierce in the future. The world is too sinister!

"Don't worry, don't worry, I think that dragon should only be a growth period. Although it has become more and more courageous, there is a limit in the end, and one or two more people can basically win it." The deputy dean looked seriously at the students. Said with the teacher.

"Success...to...growth..." The several defeated students were so ashamed that they almost died on the spot when they heard this word! !

"Dean, Dean, someone passed out due to heatstroke!"

"It's the heatstroke in the spring. Mostly it's the monsoon cold. Drinking some **** juice will be fine. What's the point of what I said just now? Oh, yes, I look at his Cangluan and Qinglong. It should not have reached the end..."

"President! Don't say anything!!"

Several mentors are going crazy.

Those students behind poured a large piece, and there were all foaming at the mouth!

If this goes on, it is not their spirit that is eroded, but their courage to be reborn in the next life! ! !


On this day, all teachers and students of the How to Train Your Dragon High School will never forget the fear of being dominated, and the humiliation of being treated as a piling gopher...

On the Dabi Arena, the black light was intense, and in the despair of defeat in this defeat after defeat, the Lianjin Black Dragon let out a deafening roar!

The frenzied breath of its whole body swept away, rushing to fly 20 or 30 dragon masters on the field!

The broken teeth, claws, blood scales, broken horns, and rotten skin all over the ground have become the most terrifying glory ring of this black dragon!

Seeing that the black dragon was exhausted and finally about to fall, countless people thought that this humiliating and desperate day was finally over, this black dragon of refining Cinder-advanced! ! !

Growth period to completion period! ! !

What the advancement of the black dragon refining is not spiritual resources, but this kind of unyielding battle!

The cultivation base skyrocketed, and the aura of the refining black dragon directly reached the mid-ranking monarch level. Its predator madness and wild ancient violent aura were like wind curling leaves, flying all the dragon masters on the field.

Under all eyes, this dragon was promoted from the main level to Longjun, and it was a realm beyond the reach of the entire college.


"Advanced, then the baby training today was a complete success!"

"The vice president clearly stipulated that there should be no dragons above the Sovereign level on the field. I wish Minglang there is no dragon lord to summon, so let's leave!

The audience was silent.

Stupid, crying with a headache, fainted backwards, foaming at the mouth... This is probably the darkest day in How To Train Your Dragon High School in thousands of years.

This result did not even occur to the deputy dean and the mentors. After all, everyone lost their last face and wanted to work together to defeat the big evil man and the big dragon by means of crowd tactics, but it turned out like this!

The sun is shining and the spring breeze is soft, but the teachers and students of the school are scarred physically and mentally.

Everyone doesn't know how to leave the Big Competition in the end.

In short, for many days, no couples can be seen frolicking and ambiguous in the pleasant scenery of the college, hard-working learners and dragons can be seen on the beach training ground, no impassioned students in the sacred school looking forward to the future...

The High School of How to Train the Dragon in the Man City seems to be shrouded by a huge devil, depriving the youth of all the vitality and vitality of the young students. Even if the devil's deity has left the students and embarked on a new journey, his shadow will remain all year round. , Let everyone panic all day long.

The **** is empty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The devil is on earth!


"Senior Sister, I'm going on a long journey, I have a lot to say to you."

"Then I wish you all the way... Well, why are you leaving, what are you going to say to me!"


"School girl, the sun is shining today, let's go together...School girl, why are you slapped me."


"Please read this animal husbandry way aloud..."

"Teacher has heat stroke again."


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