Dragon Tamer

Chapter 496: Awe


All the way to the southeast, Zhu Minglang has been on his way these days, the arrogant Tianshalong is still unwilling to be a mount, and Zhu Minglang can only travel in a more ordinary way.

Before leaving Mancheng, Zhu Minglang had already built two dragon armors.

Using tranquil fire liquid and wind dandelion grains, Zhu Minglang perfectly controlled the forging fire, and it was relatively smooth to strengthen the molten heavy armor of the **** tooth.

After all, it is Zhu Tianguan's work. He left many hidden grooves when casting this heavy armor to facilitate Zhu Minglang's later strengthening and refinement.

Molten heavy armor has been upgraded to a king-level holy product.

How to describe the strength of the heavy armor of the king-level great sacred product?

Probably the time when standing among the dragons and letting them grab a stick of incense, this molten heavy armor will not leave traces.

Dragon armor has always been a luxury item, but it is extravagant and valuable. According to Fan Zhi, it is equivalent to adding a dragon characteristic to the dragon, or its strength is far superior to other items.

The cultivation base was stabilized at the middle monarch level.

After its advancement, the scales of the black dragon of refining cinders have been greatly strengthened, and its resistance and defensive capabilities have surpassed its own level of cultivation. With such a molten heavy armor, it is estimated that even the top master Class-level attacks are a little bit tickle.

Of course, the black dragon of refining is also very malleable, and Zhu Minglang's ambition for the black dragon of refining is more than being able to carry the attack of a supreme king-level creature...

Just like Cangluan Qinglong, beat a group with one enemy ten!

Cangluan Qinglong's growth situation is quite good, Zhu Minglang can clearly feel that its cultivation base is still slowly rising, and it is not stuck at the realm of the upper monarch level.

A few evenly matched battles can make it easy to reach the supremacy of the king, high blood, high resources, the dragon raised is unique.

It is a pity that Zhu Minglang failed twice in creating the Fengying Dragon Armor for Cangluan Qinglong.

Recalling that when he created the little saint clothing for Xiao Bai Qi in the country, Zhu Minglang gradually realized how important the thing "luck" is.

Whether Mr. Koi can bring good luck to himself is a complicated metaphysical problem, but there is one person who definitely has the European Emperor bonus-the prophet Li Xinghua.

With my casting skills in the country at that time, the probability of failure was actually very high, but the forging was a one-time job.

This time, Zhu Minglang, the light armor of Cangluan Qinglong, suffered a big loss. Two consecutive forging failures made Zhu Minglang most distressed not by his own stinky craftsmanship, but by the damaged expensive materials.

Especially Tranquility Fire Liquid, the number of uses is limited. Zhu Minglang has hidden some privately, but it will run out in the end.

For the third time, Zhu Minglang kept reciting the little sister-in-law's name in his mind, and even deliberately chose the starry sky on a sunny night. Finally, the Fengying light dragon armor was released, the perfect little holy clothing, and it was accidentally inserted. An inscription on the wind and quiet fire...

Sure enough, no matter what industry you are in, you should be in awe. After experiencing this forging, I wish Minglang deeply understand this truth!

There were some losses in the two failures. Fortunately, Zhu Minglang can also take it up now, and every dragon armor Zhu Minglang has learned what Zhu Tianguan taught him, and must retain re-plasticity.

Considering that his Dragon Cultivation Base has been improved quickly, his dragon armor must also be refined and upgraded. Zhu Minglang did not stitch some key parts to death. This would sacrifice some of the attributes and strength of each dragon armor, but it could have it in the future. Perfect improvement when better materials.


Leaving Nihai towards the southeast, Tianshalong is not willing to be a long-distance mount, so that Zhu Minglang can fly to those dangerous places while riding the rented flying dragons.

By now, don't tell Zhu Minglang what kind of monster's territory is this, what kind of fierce dragon's airspace is this, and don't tell Zhu Minglang about detours. From this city to this city on the map, Zhu Minglang only walks in a straight line!

When encountering the demon clan destroying the demon clan, seeing the demon destroying the devil, even those holy spirits who occupy the mountain as the king and the master of the sea, or the creatures tens of thousands of years, will be wiped out as well!

Of course, it’s not that Zhu Minglang is deliberately rampant in the various deep mountains, old forests, and fierce places in the Polar Continent. The main reason is that every dragon needs fighting and training. If you don’t walk sideways, it will be difficult to meet a match. opponent!

Facts have proved that the tyrannical advance is really not as fast as following the rules. The number of monsters hiding in the mountains, giant forests, and magic valleys is unimaginable. Even when Zhu Minglang is a cultivation base, he will still be given by some strange monsters. Entangled.

Once or twice, Zhu Minglang even had to call out the sword spirit dragon to clear the way, otherwise he and the trained dragon might be in crisis.

After crossing a black godwood mountain range, Zhu Minglang finally chose to take a detour after seeing the vigilant eyes of Tianshalong...

No need!

In case there is a mountain fairy and ghost inhabiting it... Escape will waste a lot of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rampage and domineering go to Rampage, and occasionally time management.


The flying dragon is steady, and Zhu Minglang is sitting on the broad back of the flying dragon, and he is carefully reading the "Luo Shanzong's Thirteen-character Dragon Secret Technique" given to him by Luo Shaoyan.

On the side, Nuwa Dragon also sat upright, leaning close to Zhu Minglang to watch, Zhu Minglang read, she also read along, Zhu Minglang frowned and thought, she also frowned thinking.

"Can you read it?" Zhu Minglang turned his head and asked Nu Wa Long.

Nu Walong's eyes are really beautiful, like a smart night amber, a little bit of bright sunshine can make her eyes turn with dreamy luster.

She shook her little head, indicating that she did not understand a word.

I wish Minglang a bitter smile.

Okay, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. There is no problem with your serious attitude.

Nüwalong is happy every day, leaving the dark ground veins, she is curious about everything in the world, full of freshness, even if she is just sitting next to Zhu Minglang all day, feeling the warm spring breeze, she can feel beautiful of.

Nuwa Dragon does not practice.

Her deity's cultivation is probably as long as Nihai, and the effect of the bright spiritual spring on her is almost zero.

She doesn't need to fight to hone her abilities. The only thing she needs is to nourish her fragile soul. As the soul becomes stronger, her cultivation level will naturally improve.

However, Zhu Minglang also tried to make Nvwa Dragon deal with some evil spirits when he was traversing mountains and ridges, and finally came to the conclusion that whether Cangluan Qinglong is invincible at the Sovereign level is hard to say, Nvwa Dragon is really invincible. Her spells...oh, her fairy spells are too outrageous!

Anyway, as long as she takes action, Cangluan Qinglong basically has no chance to hone her claws, and Zhu Minglang seriously suspects that what she sees is just the tip of the iceberg of her Nuwa spell.

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