Dragon Tamer

Chapter 538: Myojin religion


Zhu Minglang collected a large bag of spiritual resources and happily returned to Zulong City-state.

When I arrived at the Nan's mansion, I saw the corpse on display. At first, I thought it was a revealing identity, but when I found out, I almost laughed out loud.

It turned out that the people of the Great Zhou clan lost the fruit of cultivation and immediately moved to the Nan's Holy Forest, trying to make up for the loss.

However, the Nan's Holy Forest is within the boundaries of the Zulong City-state. They are naturally afraid of the Zhumen and Yaoshan Jianzong who sit here. First of all, their crossbow army is absolutely impossible to approach the Zulong City-state, and secondly, those who obviously have a big week. The master of the clan status can't blatantly grab it, so he can only send Elder Chen, who is related to other miscellaneous factions, to take it.

In their opinion, even these sects who are in charge of patrolling Jiuling, plus an elder Chen, can crush the so-called Nan clan. As a result, he lost his wife and lost his army, and was hanged out by Nan Lingsha. What a humiliation!

No one dared to claim the corpse of Elder Chen. Zhu Minglang felt that it was a bit unpleasant, so he was wrapped up and went to visit Zhou Xian in person.


"Lord Zhu, what brought you here." Zhou Xian's face was full of polite smiles. When treating Zhu Minglang, he didn't have the usual scornfulness to others.

"The Nan family has some connections with me. I came back from a trip and unfortunately something unpleasant happened. I think your Dazhou clan has always been a well-known and wealthy family. It is impossible to do this kind of open grabbing. I am afraid of outsiders. People misunderstood what the people under Zhou Xian's hands were, so they quickly took the bones of this elder Chen and sent them to you." Zhu Minglang said.

"There is such a thing, it is unreasonable, unreasonable, this Chen Hui used to collude with miscellaneous sects in our Da Zhou clan, and his mind was not right. I didn't expect that he would ignore the precepts of the forces so much, and ran to the Nan clan to behave and kill. , Kill it, Zhou Xian killed this kind of person without hesitation!" Zhou Xian made a righteous look.

Zhou Xian would not admit to this kind of thing.

"They destroyed the Nan's mansion." Zhu Minglang said.

"I know what I mean by Grandpa Lord. No matter what, our Da Zhou people are not strict in discipline. If we indulge this kind of scum, I will make up for the loss of Nan's mansion this time. People who are really not related to our Da Zhou clan, I wish the old man never mind." Zhou Xian said politely.

"How come, I can trust every character of the Dazhou clan, especially your Zhou Xian, whose reputation outside is so good that it is so enviable as I wish bright, notorious, everyone shouted and beat." Zhu Minglang smiled hypocritically. Up.

After receiving a huge amount of compensation, Zhu Minglang left Zhou Xian's residence with satisfaction.

Of course, Zhou Xian must know that the person who robbed him of his cultivation base was the shameless Zhu Minglang who was seeking compensation. He might have died alive!

As soon as Zhu Minglang left, Zhou Xian's face became gloomy.

He glanced at another Elder Xiao around him, but Elder Xiao said: "I didn't expect that the Nan's Holy Forest is guarded by a strong person. It is because we underestimated the other party too much. Grandpa, this time we have suffered a great loss. What are your plans for going down?"

"Hmph, I wish Minglang, this little trash, dare to come to my Zhou Xian to rip off!" Zhou Xian was very angry.

Although the compensation is a small amount of money compared to the fruit of the cultivation, Zhou Xian is very tight now, and if he can no longer find the resources, the 20,000 crossbow army has to eat the ground and disband!

"Who is the man who came just now?" A man with his face covered in gauze came out, making a vague voice, probably because his cheeks were swollen badly.

"I wish Minglang, the only son of Zhumen." Zhou Xian said.

"When I see him from behind, how come he is somewhat similar to that flying sword thief?" said the boy wrapped in gauze.

"Um... Master of the Ming season, you have seen that everyone is somewhat similar to the Flying Sword Thief recently. He has already killed seven people by mistake. It is better not to provoke him easily. He is not only behind Zhumen. , The Sword Sect of Mount Yao is his biggest support force.” The elder Xiao said hurriedly.

"He is the most like!" the gauze-wrapped boy said angrily.

"Master, he is the least likely to be. He is now a little dragon shepherd, but he has a little reputation in the disciple level. And although he was also a sword master before, he cultivated the sword genre. , If his flying sword skills reach the realm of the flying sword thief, wouldn't this person be invincible? Zhu Minglang is just a small role, and Master Ming Qi should not take it seriously." Zhou Xian said.

Zhou Xian still has some understanding of Zhu Minglang.

"Hmph, you wine sacks and rice bags, find out the Flying Sword Thief as soon as possible. I must peel him, twitch his tendons, and stom on his eyes!" Ming Ji said in sorrow.

"The flying sword thief can be found slowly. After all, with his cultivation base and strength, it is impossible to remain silent. On the contrary, we have not obtained any spiritual resources at the moment, and we still need the Master of Ming Season to show us a clear path." Zhou Xian said.

Zhou Xian actually hates that flying sword thief more than Ming Ji. When he thinks of his words "Great grace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Xian feels a huge sense of shame, and his whole face is numb and hot!

But there are so many people under Zhou Xian, even if a part of it is damaged in Nan's Sacred Forest, it will not have much impact on his overall strength. Other big forces are madly seizing spirits. They can't do nothing, they must act! !

"On Gao Jueling, there is an ancient icy city with many treasures in it," Ming Ji said.

"But Gao Jieling didn't have a group of powerful Jieling people. With our current strength and military strength, it might be difficult to win them," Zhou Xian said.

"Furthermore, the royal family has ordered the ruler to join forces to exterminate the Lingcheng-state together. The treasures there basically fall into the hands of the ruler and those coalition forces, and it is difficult for us to get a share." Elder Xiao said.

"Hmph, they don't know what the Jueling City-state possesses. Going up without a word is tantamount to dying. You apply to the royal family to join their annihilation army, and then listen to my instructions to ensure that you can make amazing achievements. Later, the treasure is asked for 50%, and the rest will be divided among the fools!" Ming Ji said.

"But they can't agree?" Zhou Xian said.

"Don't worry, they will agree, as long as they dare to encircle Gaojueling city-state..."

"Can Master give me some advice first?" Zhou Xian asked in a low voice.

"Jeuling City was created by a defector from the Ming God Clan. He mastered the art of giant generals. Those so-called giant ridge generals are not comparable to the powerful men of your lower realm. Even the giant dragon is in front of them. Just like ordinary beasts, not to mention that the mountains they rely on have multiplied in strength. No matter how capable this little Lichuan ruler is, it is impossible to win the traitors of our Mingshen race.

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