Dragon Tamer

Chapter 539: Void Crystal


Start to divide the spoils.

I just wish Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Nan Yusuo each have one platinum piece.

And Wannian Yinshan Shenglu, Nan Lingsha also gave Zhu Minglang excellent, so that Cang Luan Qinglong hoped to complete the last stage of growth.

The cultivation base fruit plus the silver fir sacred dew, these two spirit creatures are enough to push Cangluan Qinglong to the final level, but there is still one condition missing, that is, the alien species of heaven and earth with similar attributes to Cangluan Qinglong.

To hit the king level, you need to use external energy to complete the ascent in one effort.

Even though Cangluan Qinglong's bloodline is very high now, the king rank is not a great moat for it, and sufficient preparation is still needed to completely cross it.

"Regarding the alien species of heaven and earth, it will definitely appear under the influence of this dragon gate. You can ask the star painting." Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang has also condensed the claws of the Cangluan Qinglong. Without dragon scales but dragon feathers, it will be inferior to the black dragon in terms of physical conditions. But fortunately, Zhu Minglang has created a wind armor for the Cangluan Qinglong. This dragon armor forged with tranquil fire liquid can make up for the weakness of Cangluan Qinglong without a dragon scale body.

Ascension is the tribulation, and now Zhu Minglang also roughly understands that the so-called dragon tribulation is the process of transforming from the king level to the king level. The surprise between the king level and the king level is huge. It is like a great moat that needs to be crossed. This process of crossing over. He will definitely be punished by heaven. After all, the creatures are in order, and the process of breaking the shackles of their own blood and race is against the law of heaven!

Zhu Minglang is not in a hurry to ask the alien species of heaven and earth.

He wanted to ensure that Cangluan Qinglong’s ascent was safe and sound, so he specifically consulted the elder of Zhumen, and asked him to help him improve the sacred dragon armor of Cangluan Qinglong. Then he collected some condensed items at a high price. Cangluan Qinglong’s feathers make its dragon body and keel stronger...

Wannian Yinshan Shenglu, Zhu Minglang has already given Cangluan Qinglong a drink.

The bloodline of Cangluan Qinglong is very compatible with this silver cedar sacred dew, and the nourishment of this spiritual resource is no less than a Phoenix Soul Orb. Zhu Minglang can clearly feel the changes in Cangluan Qinglong these days.

Its feathers have become more brilliant, and each feather has a very detailed pattern. According to Mr. Koi's judgment, the feathers of Cangluan Qinglong are now close to the level of the dragon king, this feather alone.

The changes brought by the sacred dew of the Wannian Silver Cedar are still showing up, and Zhu Minglang is also waiting, waiting for Cangluan Qinglong to completely absorb the sacred dew, and then he can use the fruit of cultivation and the alien species of heaven and earth to help the heron Ang Qinglong complete Last growth!

There is a certain difference between low blood and high blood.

A dragon with a low bloodline, even if it reaches the final stage of completion, its cultivation base has stopped at the main level, or the lower level of the monarch.

If such a low-blood dragon wants to hit the king level, it needs a lot of spiritual resources to fill the gap between the king level and the king level. At the same time, because the body has been completely stabilized, they are using spiritual resources and alien species to break through their limits. At that time, there is a high probability of being beaten by the dragon's robbery.

Cangluan Qinglong is still in its growth period, and if the final stage goes hand in hand with the ascension and tribulation, the probability of success is very high.

For other dragons, his ascension relies on spiritual resources and alien species, but Cangluan Qinglong has a huge boost for growth and transformation...

Therefore, Cangluan Qinglong's growth this time is not only as simple as flying to the Dragon King, but it is likely to break through one or two steps in a row, and hopefully directly pass the level and reach the lower Dragon King level.


"I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, there is a good thing on sale, I think it is very suitable for Tianshalong!" Fang Niannian walked quickly.

"What is it?" Zhu Minglang asked.

The cultivation base of the Tianshalong also has room for growth. After it has completed its ascension, its cultivation base is firmly established at the lower king level.

But if the corresponding king-level spiritual resources can be collected, the Tianshalong can continue to grow and improve!

"The Void Crystal is said to be produced during the collision between the mainland and the mainland. It is a transparent crystal that is steamed by the most intense heat from the particles in the void. Isn't the Tiansha dragon mastering the power of darkness? It is like a dragon with this attribute. Not many, the other party is very anxious, wanting to exchange for the king-level dragon ball." Fang Niannian said.

I wish Minglang hesitated.

If the strength of the Tianshalong is too strong, it is not an absolute good thing. This guy wants to betray all the time. Although there is no desire to defect these days, it can break through to the next level and start doing things again.

But when you think about it carefully, the Heavenly Fiend Dragon has a very good foundation, and now the cultivation base is the most stable, and the strength is strong enough. If he can go further, it will be of great help to himself.

At the moment, as long as you make sure that you have an inscription pattern energy, Zhu Minglang is still confident of taking down the Tiansha Dragon with a higher level of cultivation when he is awake!

The opportunity is not to be missed, it can be seen that the person who wants to shoot the Void Crystal is the same as himself, hoping to improve his strength as soon as possible before the next wave of years in the dragon gate.

The stronger you are, the more resources you can get. If you still hoard spiritual objects and plan to sell a higher price at this time, it would be foolish. Investing in yourself and improving your strength will make you more profitable under the blessings of the Dragon Gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is possible to get rid of the strength of the practitioners of the entire continent at once!

"You get in touch with that person and tell him that we don't plan to trade anonymously." Zhu Minglang said.

"Ah? But in such a short period of time, it is not easy for us to buy king-level dragon **** and trade with each other. Don't talk about king-level dragon **** in the world. As long as the price of king-level dragon **** is not too outrageous, they will be bought. Go away." Fang Niannian said.

"Don't worry, I have two Dragon King Soul Orbs in my hand. The other party must be sincere. We can exchange two for a Void Crystal." Zhu Minglang said.

Void Crystal, its value is definitely higher than Dragon King Soul Orb.

"Okay, okay, I'll contact you now, it seems that the other party only accepts anonymous transactions."


Anonymous transaction has a big disadvantage, although it can save the commission drawn by the auction, it is easy to be cheated and eaten by hackers.

No one knows the identity of the other party. If the place of the transaction is concealed, and the covetousness, murder and seizure of goods, it is nothing more than normal. Practitioners always speak martial ethics when they declare their identity. Once they cover their faces, what The frenzied things are done!

The other party should also be afraid of being blackmailed, so they chose to trade in the spirit source market of Zulong City State, and they all wore the white face of the Zulong City State folk.

Lingyuan can often be described as a sea of ​​people. In just a few days, I don’t know how many people from the Jitian continent have poured into Lichuan. Most of the spiritual resources captured from Lichuan are traded in the Zulong city state. Most people hope Improve your strength as soon as possible, so that you can compete for more advanced spiritual resources, so in recent days, it has also prompted many big forces to take out their treasures at the bottom of the box. A large number of high-level spiritual resources are circulating in the market, and a large number of practitioners have been improved!

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