Dragon Tamer

Chapter 577: Who is dad

   Zhu Minglang looked at Ming Ji and found that the jade armor on his body had been broken.

  The jade armor of the body protection is quite special, and the sword spirit dragon can't break it. The Tianshalong estimated that it will take a lot of time. Before Zhu Minglang beat him violently in the next season, the next season is full of fear.

   But now Ming Ji is life-threatening, and his invincible life saver is broken.

   is probably too precious to be born, and he will only show the most unbearable appearance when facing death. At this time, Ming Ji looks like a person from the upper realm, more like a dog wagging for mercy.

   "You can do it for yourself, I have no time to protect your life." Zhu Minglang responded indifferently.

   This Ming season, there must be some purpose for not staying honestly behind those troops, but running into this ancient relic.

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   "I tell you a secret, use this secret in exchange for my life, as long as you protect me from death!" The boy Ming Ji hurriedly said.

   is about his own life, and the boy Mingji has a logic to speak.

   I wish Minglang nodded with satisfaction.

   "Let's talk about it," Zhu Minglang said.

   "Grace, do you know grace? Oh, you can't know, you are in the lower realm..."

   "Pop!" Zhu Minglang slapped Ming Ji's face with a slap.

   Ming Ji realized that his life was in the hands of others, and he should no longer speak in that tone, but the slap in the face made Ming Ji very confused.

   It's obviously the first time I was beaten by this man. Why did I have spasms all over my body?

   "Speak well." Zhu Minglang gave him a sharp look.

"Once there is a promoted **** in the gate, then the gate will send a grace to the land where the **** was born. This grace is like a treasure box. You will never know until you find it and open it. What's in it, it may be a young dragon of God’s life, it may be an epic sky armor, and it may be a **** bud that can make it more noble than the alien species of heaven and earth. I can swear with my soul. This grace is here. Ancient legacy!" said the boy Ming Ji.

   Zhu Minglang listened to what Ming Ji said while walking forward.

In front of    is an open space, only some ancient pillars are scattered in this open platform covered with moss and vines, but at this moment, those moss and grass are covered with corpses!

   The corpses were very neat, and they all fell in relatively close positions, which showed that they had no chance to escape before being killed, and at the same time, they could not see any signs of resistance and struggle. This is a manifestation of the huge disparity in strength!

   There are so many crossbow arrow masters, their lives are like grass, and they have all been harvested. Zhu Minglang can't help but start to think about how powerful the thing that killed them is.

   Is this the reason there are no city-state guards near the ancient ruins? It turned out to be even more terrifying inside.

   "Where is your blue dragon, why don't you call your blue dragon, there is no blue dragon? We are here to die!" Ming Ji showed anxiety.

   "Say something useful, or just shut up." Nan Yusuo obviously disliked the boy and said unceremoniously.

   "Earth demon, they were killed by the earth demon!" Ming Ji pointed his finger at the empty ground? But the whole body trembled.

   Zhu Minglang swept away his eyes, and used his spiritual consciousness to distinguish this piece of land that seemed to have nothing.

   Suddenly? An eye appeared on the ground.

   Those eyes blinked a few times, and the eyeballs turned to Zhu Minglang to the greatest extent, staring at Zhu Minglang in a very weird and weird way, making Zhu Minglang a burst of creeps!

   The earth squirmed, and then a monster slowly stood up.

Does it seem to have no body of its own? Dilapidated stone pillars have turned into its bones, and the epidermis of the ground has become its skin? What is strange and deformed is that there are already several corpses on the ground, and these corpses are actually It also got into its body and became a part of its magic body!

A pair of eyes? No eye sockets? Not even a face? Just like the vines that are randomly stirred up on the "patchwork" torso, it is like a random addition of something scribbled by an ignorant child, but it is a life? Even a cold, cruel, bloodthirsty evil spirit!

   "Earth fairy!"

   Zhu Minglang recognized this kind of thing, and his dignified expression soon eased down.

"Yes, yes, that's what you call it, hurry up and call your Azure Dragon to destroy it, grace belongs to you, have you seen its eyeballs, there is the key to open grace in the eyeballs!" Ming Ji said .

   "Wish Minglang, this thing is terrible..." Nan Yusuo had already felt the hostility of the fairy and ghost here, as if he was born resenting human beings. When it stared at human beings, the eyeball almost burst. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "It's an immortal ghost, that's easy to say." Zhu Minglang smiled.

Cheng Ran’s strength in this land fairy is much stronger than that summoned by the Summoning Cult, but the land fairy and ghost use earth spirits to gain power. There is a land spirit incarnation woman beside him who is stronger than the earth fairy and ghost. Walong!

   "Received its magical powers." Zhu Minglang called out the Nuwa Dragon.

After Nuwalong saw the earth fairy ghost, those night amber eyes became sharp, her slender arms danced, her soft palms interlaced, and an earth spirit ripple like clear water ripples spread to the earth and spread to the earth. Farther away.

  "It is stronger, but it can suppress...suppress~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nu Walong's language ability is getting better and better, and she has expressed her meaning.

   "Just don't let it regenerate and reorganize." Zhu Minglang nodded. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Out of the sheath!

   Behind Zhu Minglang, the space was slightly distorted. He pointed at the sky with one hand, and the sword spirit dragon hidden behind Zhu Minglang immediately jumped up and opened a brilliant crescent on top of Zhu Minglang's head.

   The boy Ming Ji on the side saw this scene, and the expression on his face was gradually changing.

   Looking at Zhu Minglang's posture, the old sword is a fairy...

   But why does his posture and Yujian suddenly overlap with the flying sword thief! !

   Damn, you said you can’t martial arts!

   "It's you!! You..." The boy Ming Ji just wanted to yell at him, but he immediately covered his mouth.

   "Let me take some of you platinum for the fruit, do you have any comments?" Zhu Minglang turned his head and snorted coldly.

   "No...no opinion." The boy Mingji hurriedly shook his head like a rattle.

   He knows who is the father now.

   I wish Minglang both pointed to the next drop, and the sword body of the sword spirit dragon immediately glowed with blazing flames, the flames shining like the sun!

Leaning and falling, the sword spirit dragon inserted into the open field covered with corpses. The moment the sword touched the soil, the blazing flames swept swiftly, forming a huge pool of flames, dazzling red, tumbling tongue flames, and There is a breath of sword fire that is constantly impacting the past towards the fairy ghost! !

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