Dragon Tamer

Chapter 578: Yin Ling Master Old Slave

   A layer of sword fire is like a red river.

   A layer of sword fire is like a roaring wild dragon.

   The last layer of sword fire is more like a meteor fire hitting lava, and the churning liquid and intense flames are extremely destructive!

The invincible earth fairy and ghost also did not realize that their earth spirit supernatural powers had been deprived, and wanted to call the ancient rocks around to resist the powerful evening flames of the sword spirit dragon, and found that they could not move those rocks thoughtfully. After the body, it actually rolled all the surrounding corpses onto itself for the first time.

Those corpses clung on layer by layer like mud, and the flames rushed down, and they quickly turned into ashes. There are thousands of corpses here, and the ghost of the earth fairy spins like a stripped eyeball. , The corpse rolled into a thick mountain of corpses.

   This mountain of corpses quickly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the bones were burned completely by the sword spirit dragon.

   Such cremation, the sword spirit dragon can be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, and did not allow the bones of these crossbow arrows of the Dazhou clan to be trampled by the monsters here.

   "It turns out that there are new guests here. If I didn't guess wrong, Nan Xiong died in your hands?" A cold voice came over.

   On those ancient pillars, a humpbacked old man stood there at some unknown time. He was dressed in primitive clothes, thin and thin, but his eyes were sharp as eagles. The smile on his face gave people an extremely hypocritical feeling.

   Bad old man, very evil.

   Zhu Minglang looked at the old man, then glanced at the fairy ghost, and found that they all had a similar hostility.

   It seems that they have killed a lot of people here, not just now, but also in the past.

   "How do you call it?" Zhu Minglang asked coldly.

"Zaixia is just an old slave in this garden. I have served some land veterans. The name is not important. I am not the type that makes people die on Huangquan Road clearly. After all, you have never seen it before. How tall is the young man, I have killed no more than a thousand in this life." The old eagle eye slave said with a little sullen and contempt.

"I asked your name because the next person who met me, the first sentence he said to me will probably become: Is the old slave of this garden dead in your hands?" Zhu Minglang is the same. The tone is arrogant and contemptuous.

   mouth cannon, who can't?

   Regarding this old man's temperament, Zhu Minglang can spit out blood and die without using his abilities.

   Of course, Zhu Minglang's words have already had a certain lethality, and the eyes of the old eagle-eyed slave became a bit sinister.

   "Do you know what my old man's power is?" the old eagle eye slave asked.

"I never care what the power of other people's gods is, it is stronger than not, because they are not as strong as me." When Zhu Minglang said these words, with a move? The sword spirit dragon igniting flames drew a stunning arc. Xian? Back to Zhu Minglang's side.

   The evil old slave's eyes became more and more fierce. At first, he was an eagle joking about its prey? Saw the ground squirrel running on the ground? At this time, he has turned into a hungry and frantic vulture!

   This is probably the charm of Zhu Minglang's language. Just a few words can make a world-shaking change in the mind.

   "Let's take a good look at these corpses." The eyes of the eagle-eyed old slave became evil red and evil red? The evil light reflected on the surrounding fields.

In the open area, there are countless corpses? Most of them are crossbow arrows masters of the Da Zhou clan? As the evil eyes swept over them, these dead crossbow arrows masters slowly climbed up, picking them up one by one. After the crossbow and arrows on the ground, one by one bowed like this old slave? Even the eyes that should have been hollow? All glowed with evil red light!

   "Insider?" Zhu Minglang was quite surprised.

   is actually an evil spiritist!

   I don't know what this old thing has to do with the inimitable masters in Lihuagou.

   The cultivation base of this necromancer is obviously much higher. He can even control more than 10,000 crossbow archers at once, as if any dead person in this area will be used by him!

   "The kid has still seen some worlds, since you know that I am a ghost? You should know that if you die in my hands, death is only the beginning of your pain!" The old eagle-eyed slave let out a strange laugh.

   Seeing those dead crossbow arrowsmen get up? Zhu Minglang realizes the importance of cremation. Fortunately, the sword spirit dragon has already been burned before? Or it will be a total of 20,000 crossbow arrows...

   The people of the Dazhou clan also had cerebral palsy to the extreme, sending the Yin soldiers thousands of miles away.

   "I will deal with these corpse soldiers? You killed this old beast." Nan Yusuo said to Zhu Minglang.

  Like this kind of army? The sword spirit dragon is really hard to kill? On the contrary, a strong dragon like the fire unicorn dragon will be the reaper of the corpse.

   Zhu Minglang nodded.

   Of course, what stood in front of them was not only these crossbow army corpses, but also a demon-eyed fairy ghost. Although it was suppressed by the Nuwa dragon, it seemed to have other evil spells. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  Fire Qilin Dragon God Jun is brave, it has stepped out a path of flames, and the sword fire released between the sword spirit dragon complements each other, instantly turning this ancient relic full of ghosts and ghouls into a forest of fire!

   spit out a dragon's breath, and the dragon's breath turned into a huge cloud of fire. The crossbow corpses engulfed by the cloud of fire were burned into a pile of ashes before they had time to shoot the crossbow!

   Hundreds of crossbow arrow corpses were wiped out by the fire unicorn dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang followed the path of the fire unicorn dragon to the location of the old eagle eye slave.

   is directly a white sail sword wave!

   After Zhu Minglang cut out this sword, the sword is as powerful as a white sail, and it is quickly drawn out, everything in the way is separated like the waves behind the ship!

   The column on which the old slave was located was divided into two, and the eagle-eyed old slave was covered with a ghost, which made him flutter like a ghost and gloomy.

   Before the sword power arrived, he had left the pillar and stood beside the fairy ghost. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   The fairy ghost started running on all fours, as fast as those patchwork bodies were flying towards Zhu Minglang. Zhu Minglang immediately stepped on his sword and avoided the offensive of the fairy ghost.

   "Step on the sword and nail the soul!"

   With the same idea, the sword spirit dragon differentiated into many ancient swords. As Zhu Minglang gently stepped on the hilt of the sword shadow under his feet, all the differentiated ancient swords suddenly nailed to the ground.

   The distribution of sword nails is like ancient characters, like a huge seal formed by a sword array, which firmly nails the earth fairy and ghost at Zhu Minglang's feet.

   "Tian Shalong, wait on the light!"

   A tail stretched out from the void so strangely.

It quickly glowed with pale energy like lightning, and injected it into the end of its tail. At that moment, the tail lit up like a lantern, and the pale radiance was melting the ghost's body, including the surrounding corpses. !

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