Dragon Tamer

Chapter 579: Earth Demon

  As soon as the light of the night came out, the bodies of the fairy ghosts in this place began to disintegrate.

   You can see that every part of its body has a magic worm connected to it, like a vein. If you don’t make it like this, you will even think that it is an underground magic worm into your body.


   The devil worms made a harsh cry. Once they were exposed to the light of the light, their bodies would quickly decay and decay.

   Once the demon worm dies, then the part of the body it is connected to seems to have completely lost its vitality, completely separated from the earth fairy and ghost as a whole.

   "It turned out to be these magic worms, heh." Zhu Minglang couldn't help but sneered.

   A burrowing earthworm that has received blessings, claims to be an earthworm fairy?

   robbed it of its earth spirit supernatural powers, and discovered its secret of piecing together its body. It is not so difficult to kill it.

   The earthworm was squirming, madly drilling into those "pieces of meat". They were extremely afraid of the brilliance of the dark lantern, and as long as they were exposed to the sun, they would fester and die.

   "Sword Spirit Dragon, pick them out!" Zhu Minglang said.

  Like a hen catching an insect, the sword spirit dragon flew around the fairy ghost in the land, looking for the location where the earth demon worms were hiding, and stabbed one of the earth worms with a clean and sharp sword...

A layer of flame light rippled from the blade to the tip of the sword, and a fiery fire burst out from the tip of the sword. The flame poured into the body of the Earth Demon, quickly ignited its whole body, and burned it to death. In that huge piece of rock and flesh.

   Sure enough, when the demon worm died, the body of that large piece of the fairy ghost was completely disintegrated, they became a pile of broken stones, and there was no more power of the turtle.

   "Tian Shalong, kill the old beast." Zhu Minglang leaped onto the Tian Shalong's back, and handed the fairy ghost who had been seen through the trick to the sword spirit dragon.

   Sword Spirit Dragon seems to be very happy to play this kind of insect-catching game, it is like a constant teleport, and it continues to search around this one-eyed fairy ghost.

The shining light of the Heavenly Fiend Dragon made the fairy and ghost of this land already full of holes, and the Sword Spirit Dragon is still slender and slender. If you can’t find those Earth Devil Earthworms, the Sword Spirit Dragon will even go directly to the Earth Immortal. In the shell of a ghost.

   was another sword, swift and deadly. A very fat earthworm was directly stabbed by the sword spirit dragon, exposing it under the light of the night.

   There is no need for the sword spirit dragon to start the flames, and the magic worm of this place gradually melted into blood under the flame of the dark lantern.

   killed five earth worms in a row, and half of the body of this elusive ghost was disintegrated. Just as the magic eye of the sword spirit dragon was flying around it, the sword spirit dragon suddenly found that the eye squirmed.

   Sword Spirit Dragon has its own wisdom, even if Zhu Minglang is now driving the Tiansha Dragon to fight with the old man of the evil spiritist, it will also analyze the enemy.

   It flew around again, avoiding the surging claws of the earth fairy and ghost.

Pretending to attack the body hole of one of the earth fairy ghosts? The sword spirit dragon suddenly passed through the chest of the earth fairy ghost? It did not enter this chest to find the earth monster, but directly drilled from behind the earth fairy ghost Go out? Then reverse the sword? Directly cut to that magic eye!

   Sure enough, the magic eye squirmed!

   When the life was suddenly threatened? This magic eye stretched out like a curled bug, and then got to a dilapidated statue next to it at a very fast speed.

   That statue is a giant ridge soldier? He is burly? Strong, shirtless, you can see that every muscle of him is portrayed very real, full of power!

   The demon eye is actually a demon worm, just because it is curled into a ball? And the color is very similar to the flesh of the demon pupil? So it is misunderstood that it is an eye full of evil power, like a ghost.

   Sword Spirit Dragon naturally knew that this Eyeball Earth Demon Earthworm was the real core of the Earth Immortal Ghost. It slashed continuously towards the Eyeball Earth Demon Earthworm, but the cunning evil creatures were sensitively avoided.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм


Behind? The previous patchwork shell of the fairy ghost completely collapsed, and the other earthworms that were part of the body crashed like a headless fly? Finally, they plunged into the ground in a panic, and could no longer make waves. .

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   At the same time? The giant ridge statue that the magic eye had penetrated, but suddenly came back to life.

   Does it move its arms? Does it twist its neck? Does it take a step? Its eye sockets are empty, but at this time a demon worm can be seen lying on its rocky eye socket!

   The worm's eye is like the hub of this living statue.

   And the fairy ghost is equivalent to a complete change of body!

The extremely strong giant ridge statue strode away. There are many holes under his feet. You can see dozens of smaller earthworms burrowing into the sole of the giant ridge statue. They seem to have migrated and quickly dispersed. At different positions of the new body, the originally dilapidated stone statue suddenly gained the power of ghosts and gods, and the strange and evil magic patterns light up on the stone muscles of the statue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ densely packed with magic light!

   Sword Spirit Dragon did not think that his previous hard work to catch insects was in vain.

Obviously, the demon's eye earthworm is the main body of the earth fairy. As long as it is still alive, it doesn't matter how many other earthworms responsible for the trunk, limbs, internal organs, muscles and bones die, because this corpse lies across the open field, There are countless such demon earthworms!

   Sword Spirit Dragon has fully understood the ability mechanism of the fairy ghost in this place, and it will naturally report these to Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang was not far away. Hearing the call of the sword spirit dragon, he looked back and saw the scene where the Juling statue came to life. He also saw countless earthworms crawling under the Juling statue. This new body activates all parts of its body.

   "Juling generals are obviously ordinary practitioners, at most physical cultivation, even if they have the ability to transform, they should not be so terrifying that their strength is improved." Zhu Minglang also calmly analyzed at this time.

   Before, Zhu Minglang wondered if Juling would eat something similar to the fruit of the magical spirit, which could increase their strength in a short period of time.

   can see this scene at this moment, Zhu Minglang can't help thinking, those sergeants of the Great Mountain City-state have turned into giants, powerful and invincible, could it be because of this kind of earthworm? ?

   Since they can live on a dilapidated statue and let it become the body of a new earth fairy, will similar earth worms penetrate into the body of a sergeant, will they also gain extraordinary abilities? ?

  In other words, there is no secret method for them to transform into a giant giant mountain general, it is probably the magic worm! !

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