Dragon Tamer

Chapter 613: Tianshu Shenjiang


   took the Dengyu mask, and Zhu Minglang returned to the Wutu Mountain Range where he had collided with the few Black Sky Peak personnel before.

   The east side of the Wutu Mountain Range has turned into a piece of coke. Looking at it, it is fragmented, and some of the veins of lava that should have been hidden deep underground are exposed.

   Some black mudslides are surging, accompanied by bright red molten slurry, volcanic ash and vain fog are everywhere, and it is completely a world that has been completely destroyed.

   It takes a lot of courage to step into such an area.

   Zhu Minglang boarded the Cangluan and Qinghuanglong and went to the confluence of the earth alone.

After stepping through the shattered world, Zhu Minglang found a huge ridge resembling the bones of a blue dragon. It was turned over the rock layer. Along the ridge of the bones of blue dragon, Zhu Minglang saw a steamed ocean. .

The sea of ​​nothingness has been vaporized by the force of the collision of the continents, only the thick black mist formed a huge gas layer, which was wrapped around the boundary of the polar continent, and will slowly dissipate as time passes. .

   put on a facial makeup, Zhu Minglang stepped into the fog of nothingness.

  Considering that other dragons may suffocate and die in the fog of nothingness, Zhu Minglang can only walk alone at this moment. If there is something terrible in the fog of nothingness, it is very difficult to protect himself.

  Walking alone for a long time, Zhu Minglang saw the different components of the earth. It was a gray-blue territory. Its surface was torn apart. The mountains and rivers seemed to be split by the god's giant axe. Shocking cracks can be seen everywhere on the surface of the territory.

For this territory, the Great Court Continent is also a huge meteorite, which will cause extremely destructive power to the surrounding area, and they have no protection and buffer from the sea of ​​nothingness. You can see the falling wave spreading for an unknown number of miles. Destroy the original mountains and rivers here, leaving only the terrifying scorched earth!

Zhu Minglang jumped down from the fault of the mainland. The Ji Ting Continent has a higher terrain, like a majestic and vast mountain range standing up in the earth, but with the healing of nature, the Ji Ting Continent should be slowly embedded in the end. Into this new frontier. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   walked through a depression in the earth, Zhu Minglang had already gone a little far.

   The fog of nothingness gradually had no effect on him, so Zhu Minglang simply took off his facial makeup.

   The air is a bit turbid. Zhu Minglang discovered that this area bordering the Sichuan Wumu soil is actually relatively desolate, and there is no city. If you look at it a little further, you can see a wasteland.

   Walking along the wasteland, Zhu Minglang saw a wasteland bone temple made up of huge bones. The temple was completely made up of the ribs of heavenly beasts, but there was finally some figures coming and going, like a market town.

   On the ground, there are bones.

  The houses are all made of stone bones.

   This wasteland bone temple is abrupt and evil, but there are still many people gathered there. They are obviously obstructed by the fog of nothingness, and are adventurers who are hovering near this starland seeking profit.

   "Little brother, what's the gain?" A bearded man stood at the entrance of the Wasteland Bone Temple, smiling and greeted Zhu Minglang who came by.

"There is fog everywhere, there is no chance at all, but I heard that the people at Heitian Peak seem to have found a way to get in. I don't know what happened to them inside?" Zhu Minglang calmly answered the foreign man's ask.

There are a lot of people in the Wasteland Bone Temple, but no one will doubt that this alien Zhu Minglang, everyone is human, speaks the same language, and the costumes are similar. This can also prove that the days of the world are falling apart. The mainland should and may have been complete.

   "Is this really true? The people from Heitian Peak have already gone in???" The man with a beard covering his face asked in surprise.

"I saw them walk in with my own eyes. As for death or alive, I can't say that. By the way, brother, I just arrived here, and I don't know that there is a bone temple here. What are you all doing here?" Zhu Minglang Asked.

"It's getting dark, and everyone doesn't dare to walk around, so I found such a ruin of a ruined temple. Let's hug a group for warmth for the time being, lest you won't even survive tonight. Are you going to spend the night outside?" The bearded man had some doubts on his face.

   There is no extra expression on Zhu Minglang's face, but he is secretly puzzled.

   When it gets dark, it gets dark.

   Is it possible that you people in Tianshu Shenjiang are still afraid of darkness? ?

Seeing that Zhu Minglang did not speak, the bearded man who seemed to have a simple mind didn't care too much, and then complained: "Oh, ordinary people like us, it is impossible to get any kind of grace in a lifetime. I heard that part of the grace will be scattered to this. On the deserted, dim star and land, I also plan to go in and try my luck, but for a long time, I can’t find a way to get in, but some people get on the ground first and the fog has cleared. I guess there is no benefit."

  Grace? ?

   God’s grace? ?

   All the aliens who wander around the Ji Ting Continent are all coming for grace?

   "Indeed, indeed." Zhu Minglang nodded.


  Bearded man is a talkative.

   is obviously a person traveling around, and he arrived here after listening to some wind noises, but one has no background, and the other has no connections. He is basically a marginal figure.

   Zhu Minglang got a lot of information from this bearded man.

   First of all, the grace of God is very important.

That is an important life and soul qualification granted by the gods to their own people. Those who possess grace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First of all, it is not necessary to cross the calamity to be promoted from the king to the king, and secondly, there is a great possibility to understand Similar to the supernatural power of life seed.

Finally, those who have gained grace are eligible to step into the Dragon Gate, even if they are not for becoming a god, they will also gain a huge improvement in their strength in the Dragon Gate. Not to mention that they will lay the foundation for future godhood, and they can be far ahead of other practices. By.

   The highest **** in the Tianshu Divine Territory is Hua Qiu, that is, the guy who stepped on the Holy Que Continent.

   When the bearded man mentioned the Seven-Star God Huachou, he didn't even dare to call him by name. He was awed, and at the same time, a little scared, as if he would be heard by him when he talked about the Supreme God as a mortal.

In addition to the seven-star gods, there are a total of thirty-two gods in the Tianshu Divine Territory. They control the different frontiers of the Tianshu Divine Territory. They are all alive and will appear every specific divine festival. Those on the altar of praise enjoy the support and worship of their people, and at the same time they will shed blessings and grace. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   No matter where you stand in Tianshu Shenjiang, you can see the stars represented by these thirty-two gods when you raise your head.

   In fact, these thirty-two stars can also be seen in the polar court, and they hovered near the Tianshu, one of the Big Dipper stars.

   It's just that they are not as shining as the seven stars, and even their brilliance is somewhat obscured.

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