Dragon Tamer

Chapter 614: Ye Xie Nu

   The sky began to darken.

   Zhu Minglang discovered that the dusk here is slightly different from that of Ji Ting, revealing a mysterious purple rhyme. I don't know whether it is the special halo on this land or the entire Tianshu Divine Border.

   looked up at the direction of the Big Dipper.

   The star god's light that represents Tianshu is already shining before it enters the night, and it is also one of the few days that can be seen in this twilight stage.

   deserves to be the most powerful god, hundreds of millions of creatures on the land need to pay their respects, and this honor is suddenly a little envious.

   And as the night came, Zhu Minglang gradually saw another thirty-two heavenly stars. They had different lusters, showing different color differences such as reddish, indigo, dark blue, and milky white.

   There really is a **** with his head up.

   "Life and death have fate, wealth and wealth are in the sky, little brother, you ask for more blessings." The bearded man patted the shoulders, and left.

   In his eyes, Zhu Minglang was just a little white who didn't understand anything just after he went down the mountain. He told Zhu Minglang some knowledge with some kindness, but he never doubted Zhu Minglang's identity as a foreigner.

   And this bearded man seems to be particularly afraid of the dark.

As soon as the sky darkened, his words became less, and his eyes were staring at the sun sinking below the horizon from time to time. The evening sun with a little purple glow took away the last ray of light, as if to let this wilderness bone temple. Everyone in the world became uneasy.

   his expression was dignified, his pupils dilated, and some people even guarded the bone temple near the enemy.

   "Is there anything that will appear at night?" Zhu Minglang couldn't help thinking.

   Not only the bearded man, the entire bone temple is afraid of the night.

   In the dark night, what is there?

   did not hear the palpable roar, nor the breath of a powerful monster, the dark curtain was like a torture cloth that would cover a person's nose, making people suffocate.

   Zhu Minglang was also infected by this atmosphere.

   The main reason is that everyone is trembling. If you don't cooperate, you will be too out of place. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   There are about one or two thousand practitioners in the Shenjiang in this bone temple, and they have different levels of cultivation. They are not everyone's king-level, everyone's gods...

   If there is a realm of gods above the king level, this means that the truly powerful and invincible in the Tianshu Divine Border is probably the 33 righteous gods.

   Zhu Minglang’s current cultivation base is also one of the best in this Tianshu Divine Border. At least he used his spiritual sense to explore it. Zhu Minglang found that the cultivation base in this wasteland bone temple was higher than his own.

  Of course, most of these people should be idlers.

   The gods, gods, temples, and cities of the gods of the Tianshu Divine Frontier mostly have people with terrifying cultivation.

   Zhu Minglang kept silent and watched the night quietly.

   On the top of his head, the thirty-three stars of righteous gods are more dazzling, as if the star shift will not happen, and they are always on the top of the head.

   Bathed in these righteous stars, Zhu Minglang could clearly feel a trace of aura in his body, seeming to increase his cultivation speed several times invisibly.

   There is more aura here, and Zheng Shen Xinghui seems to have a special blessing.

   Just when Zhu Minglang was feeling the difference in this world, he suddenly heard a woman calling for help from outside the bone temple.

   Zhu Minglang looked around and saw a stunning woman in a thin dress, desperately running into the bone temple, pleading pitifully while running.

"Help me, help me, there is something chasing me, I... I don't have the strength..." The woman is still some distance from the place where the bone temple is shining. Her hair is messy, her cheeks are clean and beautiful, and she has a pair of eyes. It's even more touching.

   Zhu Minglang was secretly surprised that the appearance of this woman was almost on the same level as her own ladies.

   Switching to Ji Ting, Zhu Minglang will definitely help. The most unseemly beauty in this life is suffering, but at this time Zhu Minglang is just watching.

   There are so many people in the Bone Temple who are not at a low level of cultivation, and some of them should also come to help.

   Sure enough, a young man in Jinyi walked out of the bone temple for the first time, stepped like flying, approached the woman chased by things in the dark, and supported her who was weak and weak.

   "Tong Shu, don't get close to her!!" At this moment, an elderly man's voice came out, and it was a loud rant.

   The man in brocade clothes didn't react. Suddenly a pair of dark wings grew behind the woman in the night, and they dragged the youth in brocade clothes into the darkness.

   The man in Jinyi was also a cultivator anyway, but the weak woman was so powerful that she broke the bones of the man in Jinyi directly, and a terrifying scream came from outside the bone temple!


   There was a harsh laugh. The woman didn't know what kind of monster it was. After dragging the man into the night, she made a burst of chewing noise, as if she was eating a certain part of the man raw...

The men’s screams and calls for help kept coming, but for some reason it was difficult for the fire to shine to farther places, and people couldn’t see far in the dark. Even if they stood in a place where there was no fire, they would feel soaked. In ice water.

The coldness in the dark is no longer a feeling, but a real immersion in the night tide, chills, fear, and anxiety, plus a good guy was dragged into the dark and died, so weird. People don't know what words to describe.

  What is that woman? ?

   Shemales in the dark night? ?

   "There is no need to be pitiful for those who can still be eaten by Ye Xiu this year." A young man wearing luxurious animal skins sneered.

Animal skins, animal clothing, animal robes, in addition to this sneer young man, there are people wearing similar costumes around him. Their animal clothes are very bright and luxurious. After special cutting and decoration, they will not be primitive. It even looks a bit noble and outstanding.

   "The Sparrow Wolf God City...These people are from the gods of the God City." Uncle Beard recognized the origin of these people at a glance, and then whispered to Zhu Minglang.

   The people of Tianshu Shenjiang are divided into several categories.

   One is abandoned people.

   The people who are disgusted by the gods have a lower status than the slaves and live in places that the gods have castigated and cursed.

   The second type is ordinary people.

   There is no **** for blessing, no **** attribution, all the people of Ji Ting Continent are in this state and belong to ordinary people.

   The third type is called Shenmin.

   There are gods who serve and are blessed by the gods. Even if they walk in the dark night, they will not be disturbed by the things in the night.

   The fourth type is the gods.

   is to have a relationship with the gods, the people of the gods, or the organizations that the gods cultivate and control the world.

It can be seen that having the status of the gods is a bit different. When this group of gods and people from Sparrow Wolf God City appeared, the entire bone temple people were unconsciously led by them and seemed to need them to come forward to fight. This terrible darkness.

   "Ye Xuan Demon Girl, I am the Shangzhuang of the people of Sparrow, Wolf, Star God, if you step into this bone temple, we will kill you and let your soul fly away!" The young man in beast clothes showed the attitude of a leader.

   Shangzhuang's cultivation base is very high, it is the cultivation base in this entire bone temple that is comparable to his own. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   In this way, the nine people of Heitian Peak should also be gods, but they don't know that they belong to the people of that god.

   Outside the Wild Bone Temple, an extremely enchanting figure gradually walked out of the black fog, her lips were extremely red, with a somewhat terrifying aura, but her body was full of fatal temptation.

   She walked to the place where the fire could barely shine, so hazy that she couldn't see her whole picture, but she obviously didn't wear any clothes. The thin clothes she wore before were actually her thin wings.

"One can't fill your stomach. So, if you throw three handsome men out of the bone temple, I will leave contentedly, and I will swear by the night **** to never come again." Ye Xiu gave out the sharp smile before. Sound.

   Shenmin Shangzhuang frowned.

   At this time, an old man next to the man whispered: "This night, I have a daughter, and I have been practicing for no less than 80,000 years."

   Shenmin Shangzhuang's face became heavier.

   "It's okay to refuse. When midnight, I will come in again, let your blood be released, and ask my sisters to have a warm blood bath." Ye Yunv continued to laugh.

   "Okay, just follow what you said." At this time, the **** and man Shangzhuang answered loudly.

   I agree? ?

   That is the enchantress who only ate a living person!

   Zhu Minglang looked at this man who claimed to be a god-minded man, and suddenly felt a sense of fragmentation.

   I thought that these gods would stand up and live with this evil night monster!

   Is it afraid of the opponent's strength? ?

   I wish Minglang can also faintly feel that Ye Xun's cultivation skills are definitely a demon king in the Great Court!

What Zhu Minglang cares about the most is not the girl at night, but as the night darkens, there seem to be huge footsteps in the dark, deceptive whispers, and beautiful songs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even acquaintances. Call of...

   In short, apart from fear, it also arouses people's infinite curiosity and reverie, wanting to find out at all costs.

   In the darkness, there is definitely more than just this night's daughter.

   I feel that there are a huge number of indescribable night things, and a banquet is being held in the vast wilderness.

   Yeyue Girl stared at this place, and other things stared at the creatures that are still walking in this territory at night.

"get out."

   Shangzhuang directly began to pick out the bait for Ye Xun in public, and he pointed a young man with his finger.

   The boy was stunned. Before he could fight, a group of people took him out.

   "And you, go out." Shang Zhuang pointed a man again.

   The man was obviously resisting, but those who didn't want to challenge Ye Xun's girl surrounded him.

   "The one with the beard on his face, throw the person next to you out." Shangzhuang finally put his finger on Zhu Minglang.

   The bearded man turned his head in astonishment and looked at Zhu Minglang.

   Zhu Minglang also stared with a big eye.

   "Why me?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "Ye Xie girl wants a handsome man, you meet." Shang Zhuang said coldly.

   "You are not bad, why don't you sacrifice yourself?" Zhu Minglang met such an honest person for the first time.

   But this honesty of the other party caused a complex dissatisfaction in my heart!

   "I am the people of God." Shang Zhuang said coldly.

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