Dragon Tamer

Chapter 638: Implant power

   "With this oracle flag, even if you don't need an army, you can rely on a group of highly cultivated people to win a solid city?" Zhu Minglang agreed.

   "That's right!" Mi Zhongyun nodded.

   This war **** puppet oracle flag is what Mi Zhongyun wants most. After all, he didn't plan to fight the new star land in the beginning. After the failure to collect the star and moon jade glass, he made up his mind.

You can’t go back empty-handed, not to mention that the Great Court is a fallen star continent, and many stars and moon jade glazes will be born. If you can find enough resources from this land, you can go back and explain to the people in your clan. The people he brought out died too much.

   "The silver flag seems to have two sides." Zhu Minglang asked.

"The rarest and most expensive oracle flag from the sky, this oracle flag will change the rules of the space, and directly summon the gods from thousands of miles away, even if the gods are scattered on different battlefields, it can be completed instantly when needed. The assembly of the gods." Mi Zhongyun continued.

   Zhu Minglang opened his mouth, but did not speak.

   Boy, this thing is the scariest thing, right? Two armies are at war, and an army falls from the sky. Is there any suspense about the outcome? ?

"Have you seen the blue oracle flag? It is the ancient dragon blood oracle flag. Once this oracle flag is completed, all ancient dragons on the battlefield will gain the power of blood-colored beasts, which is invincible to the dragon shepherd army!" Mi Zhong Yun said.

   These war oracle flags, each rule is very clear, if the people of the army make good use of it, they can easily change the situation of the battle.

   This reminds Zhu Minglang of Jueling City-state.

   Those people in Jueling City-state have mastered the ability to transform the Giant Ridge General, and this has made this originally crushing war extremely difficult.

   The Wu Clan of Jue Ling City State is only a traitor to the Ming God Clan. The small branch of the God Clan is already so difficult to deal with, not to mention that there are so many gods in the Tianshu Divine Border.

  The people of these gods and the army of gods all possess supernatural powers that the people of the Great Court Continent cannot understand. It would be difficult to resist the invasion of this group of people of higher cultivation and civilization!

   Fortunately, I came to explore ahead of time. Otherwise, Lichuan will have to face these weird oracle banners when the time comes. Even if he is prepared and prepared, he will be caught off guard.

   "In other words, the organizations under the major gods are now fighting for these oracle flags, and then they will be involved in the struggle to conquer the court in a month?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, the oracle flag is only available to us great descendants of gods and higher people. Although those idle organizations will follow the pace of our organizations under the great gods like flies, but without the oracle flag, they can only Use the most primitive power to fight with those in the extreme court." Mi Zhongyun nodded, never doubting Zhu Minglang's identity.

   Zhu Minglang nodded.

   If it is the collision of strength alone, there will be a lot of practitioners in the Great Court. If they are completely hugged together, the people like Tianshu and Shenjiang will have to pay a painful price to win.

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   But these subordinate organizations that have the oracle flag will use the power of the gods. This is a huge gap that is difficult to fill with the number of people in the war and the level of cultivation.

   I wish Minglang come to this Tianshu Shenjiang early, just to understand these unknown powers, and not to be as difficult as the last time dealing with the giant ridges of the Great Mountain City State.

   "In addition to the oracle flag, are there other treasures that can facilitate our battle?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "A lot, as long as you help me, I can tell you, and even I can give you some good god's equipment." Mi Zhongyun said.

   "Yes, I am also very interested in Ji Ting. I don't know if the women there are more beautiful than Tianshu's." Zhu Minglang said in cooperation.

Mi Zhongyun laughed immediately, as if he had found a like-minded partner. He patted Zhu Minglang on the shoulder and said: "The two of us can even create a country there. We will be the monarch there. When you think It doesn't matter how many concubines you want."


   Xuan Ge is second only to Hua Qiu in Tianshu Shenjiang.

   And the ethnicity of the **** Xuan Ge is also absolutely respected, although there are actually not a few masters around Mi Zhongyun, he can also fake it.

   Zhu Minglang followed him and gained a lot of knowledge.

  The organization under the gods is very powerful, but there is a drawback. Not all of them can travel thousands of miles to get here.

  Furthermore, the truly powerful beings in the organization under the gods have basically received grace, and there is no need to run here to **** the grace of other stars.

  The number of people under the gods is not large, usually a team of no more than one hundred, and then they gather idle people on the spot to expand their strength.

The cultivation bases of the people organized by the gods are relatively high, at least at the king level. Some of the ambitious organizations should have reached the top. If they use divine power tools like the oracle flag, they will It really doesn't need a lot of soldiers and horses to easily crush the armed forces of the extremely court.

Their cultivation is indeed high, but the number of people is not large. This can be dealt with by the human sea tactics. The most important thing is the magical weapons of magical power. As long as you understand these magical weapons of magical power and destroy the rules of their use in time, these invasions of the Tianshu God's borders It is not impossible to overcome!


   "This is a block diagram of the Great Court. Please don't touch the gray area." A man in a beast robe stood on a high place and said to the members of the Gods' organization.

   Zhu Minglang saw a man with a swollen nose and a swollen nose, standing beside this tall man respectfully. It was the Shenmin Shangzhuang who was beaten up by Mi Zhongyun in the bone temple that day.

   Shangzhuang also saw Mi Zhongyun, Zhu Minglang, and Mi Rong. He tugged at the corner of his mouth, but turned into a grin with pain.

   "Why is there a forbidden place in a continent without gods?" a man in an ancient shirt asked.

"Does this still need to be asked, it must be that certain Protoss colonized there a long time ago, occupying the most fertile places as their own, and those of us who come slowly can only divide them into the rest." A coquettish woman Said the woman in the green dress.

   Zhu Minglang glanced over quickly.

  The gray area...

There are aliens in the Great Court Continent. In other words, some Protoss already know that the Great Court Continent will eventually come to the Tianshu Divine Territory. In order to obtain greater benefits, the Protoss uses some special methods to send some people in advance. Great court!

   The four great forests, the six clansmen, the Canglong Palace, the ancient dragon palace, the Holy See... Among these great powers, there are already some subordinate organizations that have already submitted to this Tianshu Divine Frontier? ?

Which forces are   ? ?

   This information is also very important to Zhu Minglang!

Zhu Minglang glanced at it. Unfortunately, this map section did not indicate the national boundaries. Zhu Minglang could not determine which forces belonged in the first time, but he recorded the distribution of mountains and rivers. Then, you can compare it with the accurate distribution map of mountains and rivers. Come to a conclusion.

  There are about four or five gray plates.

   does not include the imperial capital.

   That is to say, the imperial family that has always been in a dominant position does not know that there are already colonists of the Tianshu Divine Territory among the major forces.

   There is one place, Zhu Minglang looks very familiar.

   Zhu Minglang has seen that place on the map many times, so I am very impressed.

   Mianguo, Mianshan Jianzong...

  Miao Guo is completely gray, including the Sword Sect of the Mianshan Mountain and even painted in another gray-black color, which means that there is a subordinate organization behind the Sword of the Mianshan Sect! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   I wish Ming Lang a great shock.

No way! !

   Is this the reason why Jianzong Mianshan never wants to contact the world?

   They belonged to a certain subordinate organization in the Tianshu Divine Territory, knowing that there is no need to fall into any meaningless disputes in this polar continent? ?

  Who is the alien in that Mianshan Jianzong? ? First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   "Where is the dragon gate?" Mi Zhongyun asked.

   Everyone's gaze suddenly turned to the easternmost part of the Ji Ting Continent, where Lichuan was located.

"It doesn’t matter where the dragon gate is. The wave of time will soon impact the entire polar court, so before we can set foot in the polar court, the polar court will have an aura, and the entire polar court will undergo earth-shaking changes. Each depends on his ability." said the tall man in the beast robe.

The emergence of the next time wave is very important. The Great Court Continent itself has power distribution, and many spiritual veins are occupied and consumed. Even if they break in and plunder them, the spiritual sources they can dig in the first time are very limited, but The baptism of Suiyuebo is different~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is equivalent to turning the entire Jiyuan into an extremely rich soil...

   The time when the wave of years appears is just before and after they can step into the polar court, so there is no need to worry about good things being picked by the indigenous people in advance.

  Even if they don’t get grace, they can still benefit from it. Not everyone does it for grace. Many people want their cultivation to go further!

"But the place closest to the Dragon Gate will get the little time wave, and there will be the aftereffect of the time wave, even if it is extremely barren, it can become an inch of earth and an inch of spirit. If you want to come to this land, you are very interested?" Said a woman in a green skirt.

"So I have to come here to discuss with everyone. If everyone is concentrated in one place and fights for a **** battle, it will be the idle forces that will benefit in the end, so we'd better decide before the fog of nothingness dissipates. The rules prevent everyone from bumping into each other after entering, causing meaningless conflict." said the man in the beast robe.

   "Yes, we are the people of God. There is no need to be so barbaric. Even if we are seeking profit, we should be decent." said the elegant man with a feather fan.

"Still follow my original proposal. Now that we have collected reliable information, there are 16 corridors that can enter the Polar Continent as soon as the fog of emptiness dissipates. Only one organization under the gods is allowed at each entrance of the corridor. Enter from there." said the man in the beast robe.

   There are sixteen corridor entrances? ?

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the map plate presented by the beast-robed man, and found that there were indeed 16 signs on the irregular diamond-shaped Polar Court continent.

  :. : M.x

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