Dragon Tamer

Chapter 639: The Dragon Shepherd has to cut

"We have sealed the specific locations of the entrances of the sixteen corridors in a unified manner. Then we will decide which party will choose the entrance of the corridors first by comparison. I believe everyone already has some information about the interior of the arcade. Information, if you are particularly interested in a piece of land, then choose the most suitable corridor entrance and go straight to your destination."

   The subordinates of the gods are scattered to the border of the polar continent, starting from 16 locations subdivided from the southeast, northwest and northwest, so as to greatly avoid the subordinates of the gods from colliding with each other during the expedition.

Of course, if there are several subordinate organizations that are particularly interested in a certain place, they can also go there, but due to the different locations of the corridor entrances, they need to detour a long way. In this detour time, the nearest subordinate organizations Basically all that was taken was taken.

   The organizations under the great gods need to make their own balances, whether to open up new wasteland, to find the geniuses and flowers that the years have given to this land, or to fight for the richest place that everyone knows. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "This rule is very good, you can avoid crowding together, you can also use their own ability and get what they need." said the elegant man with a feather fan.

   "The rest is to look at the Bidou representatives sent by each of us. A good entrance to the corridor is related to the harvest." The girl in the coquettish green skirt laughed, as if she had absolute confidence in this aspect.

   "If you don't have any comments, then please be prepared to fight." The man in the beast robe said.

"It's up to you young people to come to the battle. If we old guys fight, I'm afraid that we won't be able to tell the victory or defeat for a few days and nights. It will be troublesome to recuperate. It may not be able to recover in a few months." At this time, one The black bearded man said with a smile.

   "We also mean that, so when we fight, we will ask everyone to put on the suppression talisman to suppress your cultivation base at the lower king level." Huayi beast robe nodded and said.

   Although some people in the Gods’ organization had some dissatisfaction in their hearts, in the end the minority still obeyed the majority.

   The members of the organization from the great gods, they are inherently arrogant, and don't look at those who have a higher cultivation base than themselves.

   After all, with their aptitude, talent, and background strength, as long as they have enough time and enough accumulation, they will eventually reach that level.

The solid foundation at each stage of the cultivation, as well as the supernatural powers that you have mastered, and the realm you have reached, can’t be accomplished by luck, adventure, hard work, and background. You need to have your own understanding and understanding of the practice. Understand and walk out of your own way. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Suppressing the cultivation base to the same level, and then relying on strength to win, this is a test method that all the major gods and organizations of Tianshu Shenjiang agree, so that you can judge whether a person has enough potential.

   This is quite different from Ji Ting.

   Ji Ting’s philosophy is, whoever cultivates a high level is the master.

"Probably it has something to do with what Pang Kai said. Once the cultivation base is at the top, those who have not realized their own way of cultivation will eventually be sealed to the top forever, and there can be no qualitative leap in strength." Zhu Minglang Thinking like this in my mind.

   Zhu Minglang is actually groping now. Even if he hasn't reached that point, he will have to face it sooner or later. Now he knows nothing about becoming a **** and being a god.


   went to the Battlefield of the Sparrow Wolf God City, which directly rose in the air like a huge stone platform, supported by a dozen huge rock pillars, magnificent and luxurious.

  The members of the major organizations under the gods have already been in place in the arena, and have entered the stage of draw duel.

   "I was injured, this fight is up to you, and it is a test for you to join our Xuan Ge camp, don't let me down." Mi Zhongyun said.

  Empty glove white wolf.

  Mi Zhongyun didn't have much to fight under his hand, and he himself was unhealed.

   If it hadn't been for his identity as representing God Xuan Ge, it was indeed very special. It is estimated that the people who preside over the overall situation here would not let him participate in this carve-up meeting.

   "Don't worry, I will choose the most perfect entrance." Zhu Minglang said.

   "Okay, then I'll draw lots!" Mi Zhongyun said.

Mi Zhongyun went to draw thousands of lots. From the attitude of those in charge of the Sparrow Wolf God City and other subordinate organizations towards Mi Zhongyun, it can be seen that the status of Xuan Ge God in this Tianshu God Territory is indeed very high. When the gods organize the future, basically everyone gives the highest respect to the people of the Profound God Kingdom.

   Of course, this is only on public occasions. If there is a conflict of interest, the identity of the organization under the **** Xuan Ge may not be useful. It depends on the hard power of both parties!

   "I wish brother, come on, you can definitely defeat these people!" Mi Rong said.

   Zhu Minglang nodded.

Zhu Minglang actually considered that such an important battle can bring a stronger Pang Kai to come, but if it is to suppress the cultivation base to fight, Pang Kai himself also said that he may not be able to win. Those gods and people have higher magical powers. , A stronger realm, Pang Kai did not have the slightest advantage.

   "The Dragon Shepherd can only choose one dragon to play, please observe this too." At this time, the man in beast robe and Chinese clothes exclaimed.

   The glamorous green dress woman and several dragon shepherds organized by the gods showed dissatisfaction ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they did not object to it.

   It seems that in the competition between the organizations of the gods, the rules of the one-on-one competition on the dragon shepherd have long been like this.

  Think about it, too, in one-on-one terms, there are few mortals in the same level that can compete with the Dragon Herd.

   "Only one dragon can play?" Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

   This is a headache. I was thinking about relying on a few dragon kings to surround these gods, emperors, and saints. How can I know that the people of Tianshu Shenjiang are so harsh on the dragon shepherd!

  The early development of the Dragon Shepherd is very difficult. What kind of people are like gods and mortals, but the whole family is not hungry.

   How come to the later stage, instead of giving the Dragon Shepherd Master his best advantage.

   is not fair at all!

  Is this society going to be better, when will the Dragon Mu Master be able to stand up... Uh, no, the Dragon Mu Master is too strong and needs to be cut.

   "Who should I let on?"

   Tiansha Dragon, Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon, Sword Spirit Dragon?

  Three dragons, Zhu Minglang should have a limited choice of Cangluan and Qinghuanglong.

   It possesses the Blue Thunder Life Seed, even if the cultivation base is suppressed to a low level, the power of this Blue Thunder Life Seed can still have absolute dominance in the king-level realm.

   Most of these members of the subordinate organization will have similar abilities and supernatural powers. If neither the Sky Fiend Dragon nor the Sword Spirit Dragon possesses it, it will suffer a big loss.


  While thinking about it, in the spiritual realm, Xiao Bai let out a melodious dragon chant, as if to joyfully tell Zhu Minglang a happy event.

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