Dragon Tamer

Chapter 640: 1 and give it back!

   I wish Minglang entered the spiritual realm, and found that Xiao Bai Qi's whole body was glowing with dragon light like a bright moon, and his body became crystal clear, like a sculpture of ice jade.

   Its blood, keel, and internal organs are clearly visible, and under this kind of moonlight dragon, Zhu Minglang can see that they are changing, as if they are being reshaped! !

Every detail can be seen very clearly. For example, every clear bloodline finally gathers in the dragon's heart, and the dragon's blood that has gone through a cycle in the dragon's heart seems to contain more powerful power and transport it to the small Bai Qi's torso, head, wings, and limbs are like washing and strengthening! !

   wings, opened one by one, just like the moon **** dragon butterfly, sacred and majestic.

The body is like the ice-snow unicorn in the legend of Tianshan Mountain. It is beautiful and well-proportioned, and full of power. It is obviously a perfect combination of dexterity and power. The dragon muscle is perfectly carved like ice jade, and it is covered with a white dragon with exquisite texture and ancient charm. The scale pattern makes it more like a **** in the moon palace, born with the essence of the sun and the moon.

Its tail maintains the original scorpion braided style, but at the end of the tail there is the shape of a phoenix punctum. When this pistil is combed backwards, it looks like a white flower bone, but this pectoral is wrapped in it. It is a deadly tail sting, like a sharp silver thorn!

   "Is this the stage of growth?" Zhu Minglang once again shed tears from his old father.

   This year's Little White Dragon is too difficult to bring.

   I used to drink nectar to be happy all day, but now I really want the stars in the sky, I wish Minglang bite the bullet to pick it.

   However, it has finally reached the growth stage, and after the last growth stage, how can Xiaobai be expected to directly reach the top king!


   "Why, are you going out to move your muscles?" Zhu Minglang heard Xiao Baiqi's request.

   I wish Minglang called out Xiao Bai.

In order to be greasy with Zhu Minglang for a while, the little guy turned into a little white dragon shape, standing on Zhu Minglang’s shoulders, his erect posture, slightly raised head, and the proud eyes of the world. !

   Zhu Minglang suddenly understood that where the look of the Sparrow Wolf God in his illusion came from, it clearly came from his own little white dragon!

   "Although Bidou restricted the cultivation base this time, it also got the next king rank, which is not suitable for you temporarily." Zhu Minglang said to Xiaobai Qi.

   Xiao Bai Qi shook his head, and his two dragon ears were flapping cutely.

   If you don’t listen, you have to fight!

   I wish Minglang dumbfounding.

   Where did Xiao Bai learn this arrogance?

   "Hey, hello, the surname is Zhu, you can't get on it, the opponents have been there waiting for you for a long time." Mi Zhongyun's voice was a little loud, and said in Zhu Minglang's ear.

   Zhu Minglang came back to his senses, only to find that in the extremely spacious Bidouchang, there was already standing a person with a little familiar face.

   Sparrow Wolf God City Shenmin Shangzhuang? ?

   Black nose and swollen face, why haven’t he recovered until now, doesn’t Tianshu Shenjiang have any effective healing medicine?

   Zhu Minglang stepped forward. In fact, he hasn't fully decided which dragon should deal with this fight. Anyway, this is related to the fate of Lichuan, and he can't help Xiao Baiqi's temper.

   Before Zhu Minglang could think about it, this cunning, self-willed, and arrogant little white dragon jumped off Zhu Minglang's shoulders, and then the feathers all over his body flew up, emitting a moon-white holy light. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

  Wrapped by the Holy Light, Xiao Bai Qi's body has changed into what it should be during the growth period, like an ice and snow unicorn, but there are several blue moon dragon wings behind them, with distinct layers, magnificent wingspans, and gorgeous veins!

   "Wait a minute, I'm going to change the dragon to play." Zhu Minglang hurriedly said when he saw that the man in the beast robe and Chinese clothes host wanted to start.

   "Since the dragon has been summoned, it cannot be replaced. This is the rule." The host man said without any emotion.

   I wish Minglang suffer with a big face.

How can Xiaobai be so naughty, and Zhu Minglang has no choice but to stand in the arena and communicate with Xiaobai on the soul in the shortest time. After all, they have depended on each other for so many years, and they have the familiarity and familiarity that no one else has. Tacit understanding.

   "What white dragon are you now?"

   "What arrogant skills do you have?"

   "What cultivation level are you now, why can't I feel it?"

   Okay, Zhu Minglang admits that he knows nothing about Xiaobai now, except that he knows that he likes moonlight and eats moonlight...

   closed his eyes, resigned to fate.


   On the other side, Shang Zhuang has slightly raised the corners of his mouth, but this is just some restraint on the surface. In his heart, his mouth is probably so grinning that it can reach the back of his ears!

   The sparrow wolf **** is on top, and he has so favored Shangzhuang me!

When    was still in the bone temple, he secretly vowed to find the face he lost that day.

   I didn’t expect that after a few days, the day I was looking forward to has arrived!

   "Do you know how much I can't hold my head in Shangzhuang these days?"

   "Do you know why my swollen face is not willing to fade away!"

   "The insults of the day will be returned today!!"

  In terms of identity, he Shangzhuang admitted that he was inferior to Mi Zhongyun, and the name of the **** Sparrow Wolf was not as loud as the **** Xuan Ge.

   Regarding strength, he Shangzhuang will never lose to any god! !

   Not to mention suppressing the cultivation base, it means that everyone fights with their true ability, and he is confident that he will not lose to any of the other members of the subordinate organization present.

  He Shangzhuang is confident in this respect!

  The grassroots will also rise, don’t fool the people and the people! ! !

"No one can choose his own birth, but he can choose his own destiny. When you people of destiny are pampering you, I Shangzhuang has already traveled all over the territories and dangerous places, and you claim to be the successor of God. At that time, I Shangzhuang has already aspired to the highest realm, and I am not as good as you, but when it comes to fighting and fighting, you are only worthy to kneel and squat!!" Shangzhuang pointed his finger to wish Minglang, his eyes filled with excitement!

   After saying these words, Shangzhuang has already taken a half step forward. This half step hides a mystery. There is a feeling of compressing and oppressing the entire vast arena, and the range of activities has become very narrow!

   I wish Minglang could feel this special oppression first-hand. It was only a half step, as if he had been forced to retreat to the Jedi on the battlefield. A sense of oppression, suffocation, and narrowness all came to my heart.

   Zhu Minglang's eyes fell on Xiao Baiqi's body.

   The opponent's half-step oppression was naturally aimed at Cang Yue Xiao Bailong. Zhu Minglang has not yet resonated with Xiao Bai Qi, who has just completed the advanced stage. He can't empathize with him, nor can he understand Xiao Bai's ability.

Cangyue Xiaobailong took a step forward, and suddenly a powerful icy breath seemed to drag the ancient sky, ice and earth boundary to the present moment. The ancient wind howls, the vast and icy space, not only The so-called half-step oppression has completely defeated it, and even shrouded Shangzhuang in! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Shangzhuang was shocked.

He felt the biting ice cold, and became even smaller under this aggressive aura, like a grass mustard being swept into the ancient ice world by the wind, being tortured and wandering freely in the distant ice field. .

   Shangzhuang immediately rushed forward, his arms moved forward, and protected his body by tempering himself from the fire for many years.

He is a five-element master. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are all spells he can cast. Lihuo is his most powerful fire planted. It was he who hunted an ancient dragon from Lihuo from the fierce land of the Jedi. Come.

   He used this liberating fire to protect himself, forming a huge pillar of fire, so that he was no longer suppressed by the white dragon's aura.

  All the major gods and organizations are watching the battle, and they secretly surprised that this Shangzhuang has this kind of fire, so powerful, it is no wonder that the people of Sparrow Wolf God City will send such a **** to fight!

   "Some flashy Longwei, how can I get my Five Elements Master Shangzhuang!!" Shangzhuang exclaimed.

   His whole body spread away from the fire, forming a huge fire barrier, and quickly swept forward.

   Without waiting for the collision to the fire grid to contact the little white dragon, Shangzhuang used a piece of soil to escape and suddenly came to the little white dragon.

   Li cremation turned into a dragon fire rope whip, Shang Zhuang waved the dragon fire rope whip at the same time that the fire grid hit the little white dragon, and shook it towards the limbs of the little white dragon, both flogging and restraining!

   "Good guys, defensive counterattack, smooth flow." Zhu Minglang was also secretly surprised, this Shangzhuang really has some hard power.

Just when everyone thought that the little white dragon would be **** by the dragon's fire rope, the little white dragon let out a sigh of relief, the kind that didn't count the dragon's breath, and easily extinguished the fire grid that hit it. .

As for the sturdy dragon drop rope, Xiao Bailong jumped naturally, just like a skipping rope for children to play on weekdays, so relaxed that he couldn't get away easily~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xiaoyue After getting up, the little white dragon did not fall to the ground, but suddenly opened the layer after layer of dragon wings at the back. On the dragon wings, there were countless silver diamonds hanging from ice dust, bright and gorgeous. But as the largest white dragon spread its wings fiercely, these ice dust silver diamonds exploded in all directions! ! !

   A small piece of ice dust can freeze a large area of ​​buildings, not to mention the silver diamond feathers that can turn into a terrifying glacier!

In the battlefield, a terrifying glacier world is being born, and a force of ice destroys all things is produced. Shangzhuang reacts very quickly. He is using the method of shrinking the ground to escape the high realm, and it takes a few miles in one step, normal. When the situation was in danger, he had long since escaped.

   The glacial world created by Bai Qi is endless, as if as long as this is as vast as a side of the bucket, its power will continue to the end of this side of the earth!

   This is already huge and luxurious than the battlefield, and still can't tolerate this power, and Shangzhuang's escape speed is not as fast as the continuous speed of this glacier world. In the end, it was forced to the edge, and his whole body was covered by glaciers!

   The glacier is huge, it is completely a continuous mountain, and Shangzhuang is enclosed in ice and has no ability to resist.

   It is estimated that if this is in the wild, if the glacier has not melted for decades, no one will know that Shangzhuang is frozen inside!

   "The exaggerated Dragon Breath Ice Realm is so terrifying even when the cultivation base is suppressed!" The black beard old man couldn't help exclaiming.

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