Dragon Tamer

Chapter 641: Solicit masters

   Looking at the magnificent glacier world that suddenly emerged in front of my eyes, I wish Minglang myself dumbfounded!

  If the dragon hadn't been brought up by himself, Zhu Minglang would have doubted that Xiaobai had entered the full period for many years!

   has just advanced to the growth stage! !

   Although Shangzhuang has also suppressed the cultivation of the lower king, he can be a dragon baby, so is it really appropriate to beat the masters of the Tianshu Shenjiang!


   Xiao Bailong spit out a dragon breath contemptuously, and looked at Shangzhuang's direction:

   is flamboyant, as weak as a quail.

After solving his opponent, Xiao Bai turned and returned to Zhu Minglang's side. The standard growth dragon's body was slowly approaching. It became slightly smaller, and finally became the size of a snow fox, and he leaped to Zhu lightly. Bright shoulders.

Wei Wei raised his little head, that air, that arrogant, just waiting for Zhu Minglang to scour all the words of praise in his stomach to pour it, but Zhu Minglang raised his hand unceremoniously and gave it to Xiaobai. A beating on Yueyin's little head!

   Hmph, who taught you to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

   Even if you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, even I will eat as a pig? ?


   Xiao Bailong was beaten on the head, with aggrieved expression on his face, as if "The Lun family just wants to surprise you".

   Bullying Xiaobai will not be bullying, Zhu Minglang looks like his old father disapproves, but in his heart there is a villain rolling and spinning on the spot.

  The hard-bred cabbage will finally become a pig! !

This is still in the growth stage, and it is already the Dragon King, and it is still a **** like Shangzhuang who is more outstanding in combat ability. If this can enter the full period... First release https://(www)https:/ /m/.x81zw./com/

   White Dragon Dragon God.

   This time the reincarnation sting, the little guy has really become a dragon god, although there is a vague number in his heart before, but when this matter is really verified, Zhu Minglang still feels a little weird.

"The people of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom are really not easy to provoke. Although they haven't sent many people over this time, when we enter the Great Court and see their banner of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom, we should take a detour." The elegant man with the fan whispered.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Other members of the Gods' organization around also nodded.

Not all the subordinate organizations of the gods are generous in allowing the top and upper king-level masters to follow. After all, this hunting game itself is a test of the major subordinate organizations to them, so Xiaobai has shown terrible strength. , So that these people are extremely jealous, if they are not sure, there is really no need to compete with the people of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom.

   "Haha, I can tell at a glance that you are not in the pool, and you will follow me in the future, I promise you will be ashamed!" Mi Zhongyun's face was full of smiles.

   He didn't expect that the people he recruited at will, he actually made a wave of fame for them Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom, which is much more reliable than the little emperor Hongtianfeng who is full of scum!

   If you enter the Great Court this time, you can have a big harvest, the holy monarch and the sovereign will reward themselves, and there may be a chance to compete for the grace of the next few years!

   Dragon Gate! !

   As long as he can go in once, his life is worth it! !

   is wrong, there is something to do.

   As long as one can step into the extreme court, there is a high probability that you can find grace!

   becomes a candidate for a god, just around the corner! !

   "Brother, I think there should be something we want in this location, then we will choose this entrance to enter the polar court." Mi Rong said to Mi Zhongyun.

  Mi Zhongyun's eyes lit up immediately.

   At this time, just believe in Mi Rong.

   "Brother listen to you." Mi Zhongyun nodded.

  The location of the corridor entrance of Mi Rong Xuan is naturally the closest to Lichuan.

In fact, several subordinate organizations are coveting Lichuan. This is a piece of land closest to the Dragon Gate, and before the time wave sweeping the entire continent arrives, there will be a few small years before the arrival of Bonze, making it more Other places are much richer.

   What's more, the news from the inside of Ji Ting is also that the major forces are now stationed in Lichuan, where there may even be grace.


   was given priority to choose, and Zhu Minglang also paid special attention to the selection routes of some other **** organizations.

   did not choose the nearest corridor entrance, which belonged to that side, and now Zhu Minglang only occupies a distance advantage.

   And there is a very serious problem.

   The number of people dispatched by Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom this time is very small.

   Mi Zhongyun, they came for something else, and they wanted to enter the polar court temporarily.

   Compared with other subordinate organizations that have made sufficient preparations for a long time, the expedition team is too weak. When the time comes, it will really collide with other subordinate organizations in the Great Court, and it will be broken at the first touch!

   So Mi Zhongyun had already planned to recruit troops and buy horses. He took out some of his treasures at the bottom of the box, just to be able to summon some masters willing to work for their mysterious kingdom in this Sparrow Wolf God City.

"In such a short time, it is impossible to send some people from the kingdom of God, Zhu Minglang, since you are here, do you know some reliable and high gesture power for us?" Mi Zhongyun seriously Asked.

  Mi Zhongyun has already obtained the oracle flag. With this oracle flag, they are equivalent to the messengers of the gods, opening up and expanding the territory for the gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The name is justified, and there is no doubt.

   At the same time, because of Zhu Minglang's brave performance, they have an excellent starting position.

   As long as there are enough soldiers and horses, the harvest is unimaginable!

   "I do know a hidden family, most of them are masters, but these people only sell their lives for money, and if they get enough money, they will come out." Zhu Minglang said.

"This time I traveled, I applied for sufficient capital reserves from the holy monarch and the sovereign. As long as you can find people, I promise to pay them a satisfactory price!" Mi Zhongyun patted his chest and said very confidently .

"That's good, but there is still a small problem. These people live in seclusion all year round and don't easily believe in outsiders. I won their trust only by chance. Even if you pay, they will probably listen to me. "Zhu Minglang said.

"It's okay, it's okay, I have long seen that you are an honest and reliable person. Otherwise, how can my sister trust you so much? If you have a talent in conquest, you can do it. You just need to know that you represent It's our Xuan Ge, everything is easy to say!" Mi Zhongyun said.

"My homeless person actually hopes to be blessed by a wise **** like Xuan Ge. If I can gain the appreciation of the **** Xuan Ge by assisting Brother Chongjun's great achievements, then I wish Minglang to be able to devastatingly!" Zhu Minglang immediately revealed What I called my true thoughts.

   "Hahaha, easy to talk, easy to talk." Mi Zhongyun said.


   The two men talked very happily, but each had its own mind.

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