Dragon Tamer

Chapter 642: Challenge of the Mingshen

   Aside, Mi Rong looked at these two people quietly, without expressing his own opinions.

  My elder brother Mi Zhongyun, Mi Rongyou now has a deep understanding, and what he is best at is drawing big cakes for others.

   Then let others charge into the battle and take advantage of it.

   Now Mi Rong is full of dislike for his elder brother.

   Brother Zhu is not only the incarnation of kindness, but also full of wisdom. He understates the appearance of an appreciated person. On the surface, he echoes Mi Zhongyun, but he has already had his own perfect arrangement.

   The two brothers have a high moral character and IQ to make judgments! First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/


   recruiting masters? ?

   Isn't this something to be caught by hand?

   I wish Minglang have a group of masters who are idling in the city-state of the mountain, and these people can work hard to obtain the limited living space for their compatriots!

"Pang Kai, we will go back to the city-state in a few days and transfer those who followed you before. The employment money that Mi Zhongyun paid will be given to you at that time, so that Mrs. Dong can buy something and improve living conditions." Zhu Ming Lang said to Pang Kai.

   "Haha, my son is wise!" Pang Kai couldn't help laughing.

   It turned out that Zhu Minglang said that recruiting troops was to bring people from the Shengque Continent.

  Using the banner of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom to conquer Lichuan, it is still used by people who are stationed in Lichuan now. Pang Kai couldn't help but admire Zhu Minglang's ability to turn left and right hands.

  Mi Zhongyun obviously had his own careful thoughts, but he never thought that the people Zhu Minglang had recruited were Lichuan.

This not only gave the victims of the Shengque Continent a reasonable identity cover, but also made a lot of money in vain. Then the entire organization under the gods under the banner of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom suddenly became their own people. !

   Although Pang Kai is still angry at Mi Zhongyun, it is they who led Night Dire and Yan Wanglong to the cave where they live, but now it is a blessing in disguise.


   Recruiting troops and buying horses, in a few days, Zhu Minglang and Pang Kai gathered a group of more reliable people.

   Of course, Zhu Minglang didn't get it all at once. Lichuan has now become the sweet steamed bun in the eyes of all the big forces. Coupled with the fact that the underworld organization and the idle forces of Tianshu Shenjiang are watching, it is more important to stay behind more than half of the master.

   Of course, Zhu Minglang also informed Li Yunzi of some of his deployment in advance, so that Li Yunzi will act on his own.

"The blessing of the gods is the key. When the fog of emptiness disappears, we will occupy Lichuan under the banner of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom. At that time, no matter which divine organization or Tianshu forces are, we They all hit their heads, don't need to have any worries, understand?" After Zhu Minglang gathered the people, he began to talk. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   are a group of desperate people. Now that Zhu Minglang is guiding them to climb out of the cave and toward the light, they are naturally willing to put their brains on the ground, and the eyes of the people in Shengque Continent all light up.

"I thought that hiding in the extreme courtyard and leaving the river was only a temporary survivor. I didn't expect that Master Zhu has such great wisdom, so that we can get alive in such a crack. Then, despite the orders, I will wait for my life to fight. Don't let other organizations and forces under the gods encroach on our final home!" said a holy dragon shepherd who has a king-level cultivation base.

In the current situation, it is very important to have a reasonable identity. Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom already has a lofty position in Tianshu Divine Territory. At that time, they only need to show strong enough attitude and strength, and believe that many subordinates are organized and idle. The forces will also retreat when they find it difficult.

Otherwise, a piece of land, even if there are many masters, is called the land of God abandoned by those in Tianshu Shenjiang, it is a monster and ghost to take a bite, Tianshu Shenjiang is so huge, there are many strong ones among the idlers. Chuan can't stand it.

   Zhu Minglang's move is tantamount to giving Lichuan, which was already precarious, a very bright prospect for survival.

   Of course, even if he didn't cooperate with Mi Zhongyun, Mi Rong meant that Zhu Minglang had better use the banner of the **** Xuan Ge to bless Lichuan.

   But Mi Rong doesn't have an oracle flag, and he doesn't have any powerful divine support on hand. There will eventually be some subordinate organizations coveting Lichuan to fight with them. It will be extremely difficult to hold on.

"I wish brothers, these are the masters you recruited. I felt the powerful cultivation and aura of these people from outside the hospital. They are very good, very good. With them, we will certainly not be inferior to other gods. If the organizers spread his beliefs for the **** Xuan Ge and educate the people of the extremely court, it might still be a great achievement!" Mi Zhongyun came from outside the courtyard, his face full of joy.

   So many powerhouses in such a short time!

   I thought that Zhu Minglang would only be able to recruit at most some level, low, and at most mid-level people. How can I know that when this glance is over, there are no less than four high-ranking king-level cultivation bases!

   The goddess despise those who have an artificially high cultivation base, but the cultivation base is still the most practical!

   "The money you gave is not enough, after all, you have seen it, their cultivation..." Zhu Minglang said without changing his face.

"Well, I didn't bring enough silver on my trip this time. How about this. These people will follow us first, and when we enter the Great Court, we will give them all the things we searched? In fact, gods like us , The things that can enter our eyes are also very limited," Mi Zhongyun said.

   "I discussed with them, although it is a bit embarrassing," Zhu Minglang said.

   "I have work, I have work." Mi Zhongyun's tone revealed a bit of humility, no longer like the defiant look at the beginning.

No way, now all have to rely on this brother Zhu, otherwise so many people have died, and returned to the Kingdom of Xuan Ge with nothing, his Mi Zhongyun must be demoted to some small places, and there will be no chance in the future. Competing for grace.

   In Xuan Ge, the gift of grace is very clear.

The holy monarchs and kings will select some of the gods and people who have performed well in recent years, and hand over some things to them. If they do well, they will be brought closer to the gods and become the reserve of the gods. If you have shown amazing strength in the things you have been distributing, then you are not far from gaining God's grace.

  Mi Zhongyun needs a higher appreciation, so he can't go back with a few disabled like this, he must break the boat and do a big business in the court!

"By the way, there is one more thing I came to find you, that is, the people of the Mingshen clan plan to fight with you. They are also in the winner group. Like us, they are attracted to the entrance of the corridor close to the direction of the Sparrow Wolf God City. "Mi Zhongyun said.

   "Ming Shen Clan?" Zhu Minglang frowned.

   That kid in Mingji is indeed an old spy.

   He should have told all the information of Ji Ting to the protoss forces behind him early.

   Right now, the people of the Mingshen tribe are determined to leave the land of Sichuan!


   After arranging the group of masters brought from Beijieling, Zhu Minglang went to the Big Competition Arena.

Before the challenge of the Ming God clan, Zhu Minglang also fought, and there was still no suspense to defeat the opponent. Xiao Baiqi's current strength is a bit outrageous, and the abilities he mastered seem to be crushing forever. The same level, even beyond several levels.

  Ming Protoss, this is a relatively powerful subordinate organization in the Tianshu Divine Territory.

  The **** they worship is Mingmeng.

   Among the thirty-three righteous gods of the Tianshu Shenjiang, not all the gods are particularly capable of fighting.

   Some of these gods pay attention to faith and enlightenment. They use the power of their people's faith to achieve their righteous position. The powers of these gods are also different.

   Huaqiu is the **** of power and destruction. He deserves it if he is the most capable of fighting.

   And also very outstanding in military force, is Ming Meng Shen.

   It’s just that the force of force does not mean that there is a right way to govern the borders, it does not mean that the people are willing to follow it piously, and it does not mean that the people of the tribe are loyal and excellent. Naturally, their brilliance will be inferior to other gods.

"Our Ming Gods have never lost in a battle. Let alone this suppresses the cultivation base and limits the dragons that your dragon shepherd can summon in the competition. Even if you try your best, you can never try to compete with me!" Ming Lianjie, the representative of the Ming God clan, said.

   Zhu Minglang stood in the arena and saw the shirtless Mingshen man.

   Half-length shirtless, this attire is very similar to the black temple of Jueling City State. It is indeed from the same clan, and the words "reckless man" are written all over the body!

   But Blackshad should not be considered a reckless man, he used the Emperor of the Demon to almost achieve a generation of glory.

   "Are you going to compete with me for the westernmost entrance?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"That's right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I might as well tell you that our Ming God tribe is going to decide on that land, no matter how many subordinate organizations will compete with us in the end, we will never tolerate it!!" Ming Lianjie said .

   "That's all by ability," Zhu Minglang said.

   "Summon your white dragon to me, huh, these days I heard that you played with your white dragon to the fullest, so I just brought it to me Ming Lianjie's hot hand!" Ming Lianjie said.

   On his shoulder, Xiao Bai yawned, reluctantly moved his position, and walked towards the middle of the battlefield.

  The Ming gods are determined to leave Sichuan. They even have a Ming **** army stationed in the lower city of this sparrow wolf **** city this time. They are extremely strong and have high fighting spirit.

   In this case, Zhu Minglang can't let them occupy a favorable entrance!


   When Xiao Bai walked to the center of the field, he had already transformed into a fighting form. It was not huge, but its very exaggerated white wings made it look like a horseman.

   "Forbidden Magic Rune!"

Suddenly, Ming Lianjie of the Ming God clan threw a purple-black rune towards Xiao Bai Qi. The rune hung above Cang Yue Xiao Bai Long, and dropped a black shadow spear, which penetrated into the white dragon. In the body of the dragon.

   Bai Qi raised his head, squinted his eyes and glanced at this magic rune, facing the weird shadow spear that pierced down, but did not dodge.

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