Dragon Tamer

Chapter 663: Underworld crossing

   After arriving at the Zulong City-state, Zhu Minglang flew directly to the cell and dragged Mingji onto the dragon's back. Zhu Minglang once again let Cangluan and Qinghuanglong fly to the place swept by the red ripples.

The waves of time are like a gust of wind, and like a wave high up to the sky. There is no turbulent and terrifying aura, but everything passed by has caused drastic changes across the years. Flowers and plants grow wildly, trees are sky-high, and small hills can be Extreme time turned into huge mountains!

At this moment, the wave of God's Heart with a trace of dark red has passed Qixia, and is rolling in the direction of West Cliff. It still has not fallen, as if it is heading to a place farther away in the Ji Ting Continent. Float away.

   "What...what are you doing, flying around in the sky in this dark night, if we run into a large group of night monsters, we will all have to die!" Ming Ji said in horror.

   "I can't die, I will ask you in the next season, Anxuan, can we humans enter?" Zhu Minglang said.

   "You are crazy! Dark Xuan is like a crossroads in the Dark City, a meeting place for all nightcrawlers, how can a living person get out after entering!" Ming Ji's face became even more ugly.

   "That's why you are needed, you said in the cell, you entered the polar court through a dark swirl that remained in the daytime." Zhu Minglang said.

   "You're crazy, you're crazy, it's night, if you don't walk the way of the living, you have to walk the bridge of the underworld..." Ming Ji shouted.

   "Can it or not!" Zhu Minglang asked coldly.

   "Yes, yes, yes!!" Ming Ji felt the threat to his life, and shouted three times in resignation.

   Although he hasn't really tried it, in theory, his ability is to break the constraints of space, from a tunnel in one space to a tunnel in another.

   "Let's talk about it first." Nan Lingsha felt a bit risky, but like Zhu Minglang, she was unwilling to give up the godly heart of the mysterious ancient giant.

"Our hands have the palm and the back of the hand. A piece of paper has a front and a back. A mountain also has a front mountain and a back mountain. The same space also has a front and a back. And the world we live in is on the front, and It is what we call the universe, with wind, rain, day and night, sun, moon and stars, birds and beasts..."

   "As for the back of space, it is the layer of nothingness, where time and space are disordered."

   "Dark Swirl actually uses the back of space to travel through. By making good use of the time flow and space flow in the void layer, you can complete ultra-long distance travel!"

   When Ming Ji talked about his professional knowledge, the whole person showed a little confidence.

In the Mingshen Clan, he was originally a dispensable role, not as lofty as the gods, and not as highly valued as some talented gods, but because he has studied the laws of space, he has gradually become An important figure in the Mingshen clan.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at Nan Lingsha.

   Nan Lingsha was also looking at him.

   The two actually believed in Ming Ji’s theory.

   "There is a dark swirl in front." Nan Lingsha pointed her finger.

   A large group of black mist, they are not wrapped in a ball, but as if there is a gap, all the thick black mist is rotating towards the gap, at first glance it looks like a black mist hat.

   Even if you walk in the dark, you have to go to the crossroads of the underworld. Ming Ji really admires Zhu Minglang's courage, but in fact, Ming Ji also wants to do such common sense once.

   If they can also use Dark Vortex, wouldn't they be able to visit the entire Polar Continent overnight? ?

   Suiyuebo this time was scattered in the vast territory of the polar courtyard. How many days of genius matured overnight, if one place by place to guard and pick, the harvest is obviously very limited. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   But with the help of Dark Vortex, you can quickly ransack the most abundant places in the entire extremely court, even if you don't touch the heavily guarded spiritual land, you can make a lot of money!

   "Enter or not?" Nan Lingsha asked again.

   "Go in!"

   "Go in!"

   Zhu Minglang and Ming Ji said at the same time.

   Staying courageous and starving to death, the time wave is a gift from Jielongmen to a civilization and backward land, which is equivalent to making the Great Court Continent suddenly rise to the point where it can adapt to the Tianshu Divine Border.

   Such a majestic psionic energy spills on the earth, and it can collect one-thousandth or one-tenth of a thousand to become the overlord of one party. Others are desperate, how could one be behind!

   "Aren't you scared just now?" Zhu Minglang looked at Ming Ji whose face was swollen in surprise.

   "As long as it succeeds, I will be the only person in the entire Tianshu Shenjiang who can walk through Dark Vortex!" Ming Ji suddenly stiffened.

   It is wise for Nan Lingsha to keep herself in the season.

   This product is indeed useful, train it well, it will be a...it will be a good servant.


   stepped into Anxuan, Zhu Minglang immediately felt a biting cold.

   A pair of sharp and terrifying eyes lit up, and they looked at Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Ming Ji in the dark swirl.

   At this time, Zhu Minglang had taken back the Cangluan and Qinghuanglong, and let the Tianshalong to carry them.

  The dragon scale feathers of the Heavenly Devil have changed, and they have turned into a dark form.

   It is a dark creature in itself, as long as it doesn't encounter some overly powerful dark things, it can barely mix into it.

   got into Anxuan, a feeling of being soaked in cold water came, followed by suffocation and depression, as if the mouth, nose and throat, chest cavity were filled with mud, extremely painful.

   The dragon's tail lighted up, and it lifted the dark lantern, glowing with pale light that could only illuminate a very limited area around it. It was like a ferryman from the underworld carrying a lantern and crossing the Styx with three living people.

  Nightcrawler did not approach.

  Void darkness, heavenly evil spirits, and underworld lanterns, these are all attributes of the underworld. Those ghosts and ghosts did not look at them with that kind of penetrating gaze, one by one, they walked outside of Anxuan and started their hunt.

   "You dragon is the dragon of the underworld." Ming Ji whispered.

   Zhu Minglang had noticed before that there are indeed many similarities between the Tianshalong and these dark nightwalkers, including some dark temperament exuding from his body.

   Now entering this dark vortex, the dragon's tail lit up, emitting a pale lamp, Zhu Minglang also affirmed this.

   Sanglong, it seems to be active only at night.

   But Tianshalong does not have the restriction of the rule of day and night, Zhu Minglang couldn't help but think of a question. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   If Hades is taken down in the future, will it only come out at night? ?

   Still speaking, the underworld dragon like Yan Wanglong has signed a spiritual contract with the human dragon shepherd. Just like the Tiansha dragon, there is no need to obey the law of day and night!

   "Then we are relatively safe." Nan Lingsha also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Nan Lingsha's perception is very strong. She perceives that there are many terrifying existences in the dark, and some are even in groups.

   If they want to fight for real, they may not be able to deal with it, and their destiny will obviously not have any deterrent effect in the territory of Nightcrawler. The monsters and ghosts will gather madly and entangle them firmly.

   "I'm not sure, how dare I easily enter this dark swirl?" Zhu Minglang smiled.

   Tian Shalong turned his head slowly, and glanced at Zhu Minglang.

   The dragon king didn’t even know he was a dragon of the underworld, how did you know?

   I wish Minglang a little guilty, and the smile disappeared.

  There are lights on the road, and the vitality of Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Ming Ji is also covered up. They just mix into the nightcrawler's market, enjoying the night walks of the Hundred Ghosts, and counting the ghosts.

I have to say that the dark people at night are also very lively, especially at the crossroads where Anxuan and the bridge of Anxuan meet, there are all kinds of demons and ghosts, ghosts holding their heads, and the poorly-dressed night girls who sell their own internal organs. The dragon-faced snake, the magic **** in a leather skirt dancing around the underworld...

  Nightcrawlers are not very interested in the hunting of creatures. Living talents are their main target.

  Sanglong seems to like to kill and hunt, and the target is also people.

   Their abilities are weird and unknown, and their populations are mixed and difficult to distinguish, and they can't even be understood by the so-called lineage, conventional reproduction, and normal life knowledge.

  The instinct of living beings is to survive.

  The instinct of the night walker is to kill and torture!

   "So there are actually nightcrawlers in the Great Court Continent, such as the scared Dragon on the Scarlet Earth?" Zhu Minglang pondered this question.

   "Here, we still don't want to hang out in such terrible places. There is a spatial flow over there, which is about to form a corridor. After we enter, we should be able to span thousands of miles at once." Ming Ji has actually been scared to the calf trembling.

   Nan Lingsha obviously can't bear these weird and terrifying creatures.

Tianshalong is the most handsome existence on the Yellow Spring Road in the underworld, but the others don’t know what it is, and have undergone weird evolution. To say that this is the **** molten pool, Nan Lingsha believes it, it is better than a nightmare. The scene in is even more terrifying.

Without the cover of Tiansha, Dragon and Dark Lights, they would never be so smooth and comfortable to enter the Dark Vortex this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And they only saw the tip of the iceberg in Dark Vortex, the black bridges. I don't even know what purgatory palace leads to...

   "Go, leave this first." Zhu Minglang couldn't stay either.

  The Heavenly Demon Dragon was swimming in the dark crossroads, a nine-headed dragon slowly stepped past, it suddenly raised nine heads high, staring at the Heavenly Demon Dragon and the three people on its back.

   The eighteen eyes of the nine-headed dragon looked at the area covered by the lantern, as if they could see the true identities of Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Ming Ji through the pale lantern.

   Tian Shalong slowly opened its wings, and the eye-like patterns on the wings that were like the pupil of death gradually glowed with cold light!

   Nine-headed dragon hesitated, and finally chose to move on.

   The Heavenly Fiend Dragon retracted its wings, swaggering along the dark crossroads towards the direction of the spatial flow.

   "Did it recognize us?" Ming Ji was sweating profusely, and the whole person was trembling.

   "Hey!!" Tian Shalong snorted.

   "What does it say?" Nan Lingsha asked curiously.

   "It was like the nine-headed dragon demonstrating just now, and it said that the three of us were hunted by it tonight, and we will drag it back to enjoy it slowly." Zhu Minglang said in a dumbfounded translation.

   "Smart dragon." Nan Lingsha praised.

   Tian Shalong raised his head unconsciously.

  Woman, you don’t need to tell me, this dragon king himself knows very well!

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