Dragon Tamer

Chapter 664: 90 thousand year old dragon

The flow of space is like a river of silt.

When I was in it, my whole body seemed to be bound by mud.

It wasn't that he couldn't move at all, but all his actions were hindered, slow, heavy, and weak.

The Sky Fiend Dragon was swinging its long body, its body with dark scaly feathers was very smooth, like the muscles of dark jade, it would move a little smoother in the spatial flow of this void.

Upon reaching another Dark Xuan exit, the three of them did not dare to stay in this unknown level, and immediately returned to the normal world.

The feeling of pressure, the feeling of being filled with throat, and the unknown sense of fear were also quickly eliminated. After taking a deep breath, the dark breath in the chest cavity was slowly eliminated. All three of them were buried alive for a long time. The feeling of finally breaking free, and at the same time, like a world away, losing the basic judgment of time.

Zhu Minglang raised his head and glanced at Xingyue.

Leng Yue barely moved, but the journey in this back space was quite long.

"Look, we are ahead of the time wave." Ming Ji said with excitement.

He succeeded, shuttled through Dark Vortex, which could only be walked by dark creatures, which means that no matter where he is in the future, he can reach the place he wants in the fastest way!

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This is a great discovery. After all, even the gods do not know the rules of space and the laws of darkness very well. They are already ahead of the gods in this aspect!

But after another thought, Ming Ji suddenly realized a problem.

I don’t seem to be able to enter the Dark Vortex alone, because there is no such thing as the heavenly evil dragon and dark lamp to cover, they are torn to pieces by the underworld on the back of the space every minute, and I will tell how to distinguish the flow of space from the flow of time. I wish Minglang...

Well, he may walk through more easily than himself!

"You did a great job, remember your work!" Zhu Minglang nodded.

Looking towards the vast territory behind him, Zhu Minglang saw that the mountains, forests, and plains were all changing in an incredible way. They did appear in front of the waves of time at this time, and they were in the middle of the great land.

This time I passed through a dozen small countries, two or three big countries, and this process only took less than a stick of incense.

"The red ripples dissipated," Nan Lingsha said.

The moonlight sheds light on the outline of the time wave like a tsunami in the invisible world. Zhu Minglang sees a dark brown luster at the front of the time wave, and the remaining little red brilliance is no longer able to produce obvious It worked.

"It has fallen behind us somewhere, it shouldn't be too far!" Zhu Minglang was not depressed, but made a rough inference based on the remaining dust of the heart of God.

If the waves of time fall far away, you won't see the remaining red light.

Although their locations are a bit different, they are not far apart!

The Tianshalong spread its wings and flew the three of them in the direction where the time wave came.

The invisible wave of time brings a strong sense of shock, such as an extremely domineering wave of the sky that destroys the world, but the moment the body comes into contact with it, there is nothing but a gust of wind.


Tianshalong passed through the oncoming waves of time and suddenly let out a bewildered cry.

It subconsciously turned its head back and glanced at its tail, only to find that the stamen of the tail glowed with pale light for some reason.

The radiance is not the kind of underworld lamp that can wither life, but like a soft dragon scale radiant armor, slowly covering the body of the Tiansha dragon.

Zhu Minglang's attention was focused on the red ripples, and suddenly felt a bit hot in his butt.

Tianshalong, has the ability to heat the back of the cushion? ?

This cold weather really made the whole body feel a lot more comfortable, but Zhu Minglang soon discovered that Tianshalong's whole body was hot, and every piece of its dark scaly feathers seemed to have been roasted!

"Yeah oh oh!!!"

Tian Shalong screamed in panic.

The dragon breeder, the dragon king is on fire, what's the situation, take a look! !

"Don't panic, it seems to be advanced!" Zhu Minglang said.

"???" The Tiansha dragon was even more confused. How could it be possible that a dragon that had reached the completion stage a long time ago would be advanced?

And how can you fly well, the body is so inexplicably advanced!

"It should be the time wave, Tianshalong seems to have been gifted by the time wave." Nan Lingsha said.

"Life can also get gifts? Isn't it only those plants that are the beneficiaries?" Zhu Minglang was surprised.

"Each wave of time will bring about different changes. At first, everything grows wildly, followed by the earth conceiving spirits, and then the aura erupts. This time it seems that the gifts are not only natural things, but also dragons, beasts, demons, and humans. It is possible to accept this gift." Nan Lingsha said.

"The most obvious effect of the creatures who directly accept the gift is to increase their cultivation base?" Ming Ji looked down at the current situation of the Tianshalong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said with surprise.

"The gift of the Tianshalong is not small." Zhu Minglang looked at the Tianshalong's physical condition, which was like an advanced dragon, and he felt that he had to change once.

"I wish Minglang, look at the lake." Nan Lingsha found something and pointed to a road around the mountain and lake.

Some red dust, like jewel particles, slowly fell into the lake. In the lake, an abyssal dragon was raising its head, bathing in the baptism of these years, a kind of terrifying energy burst out from the whole body, as if There is a fire of nothingness burning on it, it is obviously in the cold water of the lake...

Zhu Minglang glanced at the situation of the Tianshalong, and then at the abyssal dragon in the mountain lake!

That abyssal dragon, I don't know how many thousands of years it has survived. At this time, it seems to have been selected by the heavens, and the red dust crushed by the heart of the gods is falling on it!

"The 90,000-year dragon, if it digests the heart of the gods, it may break through to one hundred thousand years of cultivation!" Nan Lingsha has always been calm and calm, but after seeing a 90,000-year dragon in this mountain lake, Can not help but exclaimed.

The dragon of ninety thousand years!

Zhu Minglang never thought that there would still be 90,000 years of cultivation on the Ji Ting Continent!

The longer you live, the more you will be able to see a glimmer of secrets. This 90,000-year-old abyssal dragon seems to have insight into the waves of time, and is here quietly waiting for the gift of the heart of God!


"This dragon is about to gain grace!"

Ming Ji couldn't help but screamed.

The so-called grace is the essence that is enough to make a mortal be qualified to become a god!

If a 90,000-year-old dragon completely accepts the heart of God, it is a dragon **** with a godhead! !

One hundred thousand years cultivation base! !

This is a fantasy in the old courtyard!

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