Dragon Tamer

Chapter 672: Wind disaster

   "My son, we found some sneaky people. They are holding the kind you describe. Do you want to capture them?" Pang Kai walked over and said to Zhu Minglang.

   "Let's take a look first." Zhu Minglang said.

  Since Mi Zhongyun patted his chest and said to give it to him, Zhu Minglang must have a little confidence in this straw bag.

   Besides, even if something goes wrong, there is still Li Yunzi staring at the tower, but Zhu Minglang, the sneaky person Pang Kai said, is more interested.

  The idle forces of the Tianshu Shenjiang will suddenly gather together. There must be someone behind this. Zhu Minglang wants to know who is the person who encourages these idle forces behind. It is best to find out, so the idle forces will have no backbone!

"Listen to me from the people outside. I am Mi Zhongyun of the gods of the Xuange Kingdom. This city is already one of the cities of the gods of the Xuange Kingdom. If you dare to break through without permission, it is equal to Xuange. The kingdom of God is the enemy, and I, God Yi Mi Zhongyun, will never tolerate it!"

   When Zhu Minglang turned his head and left, he heard Mi Zhongyun's impassioned announcement coming from behind.

   It's a pity that basically no one takes them seriously.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the high part of the tower. There was a woman wearing jade white light armor on the porch. Her long hair was erect and her appearance was beautiful. When Zhu Minglang looked at her, she happened to be watching here.

   I wish Minglang wink my eyebrows, and send Qiubo tomorrow.

   Li Yunzi looked at her calmly, keeping the coldness as usual, but the weird expression of Zhu Minglang made her roll her eyes in response.

   Not serious!


   Zhu Minglang quickly walked towards the place Pang Kai said. It was the corner of the southern city wall of the city gate. There was a green pine under the city, and several wealthy merchants from the Zulong city state lived.

   Walking on the eaves, Zhu Minglang quickly saw the sneaky people Pang Kai said.

In terms of dressing, they are not much different from ordinary travelers, but when they stood in a circle on the corner of an unpopulated street and injected their spiritual power into a blue and gray scroll, Zhu Minglang looked at it immediately. There is a magical aurora rising into the sky! First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Mi Zhongyun has taught Zhu Minglang that the brilliance of the god’s support can’t be concealed. The aurora that reaches the sky will surely be generated the moment the support is activated. As long as you get close to it and carefully observe with spiritual knowledge, you can definitely see it. To the aurora of the gods.

   "The inside should be combined with the outside. As expected, things are not that simple." Zhu Minglang snorted coldly.

After detaining those kneeling forces, Zhu Minglang did not completely relax his vigilance. Instead, he deliberately let the people of Shengque Continent patrol in the Ancestral Dragon City secretly. Once he sees a similar oracle flag Aurora, he must immediately notify himself. .

   Obviously, there are still some special Tianshu people who stepped into Lichuan in advance and hid in the crowd, just waiting for the arrival of the invading team!

"The people of the lower realm are the people of the lower realm. There is no forbidden tower in the huge city. Our picture scroll is completely opened. What is the use of their full city guards? They must not crawl on the ground and accept our education!" A man with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks laughed.

"We arrived here through a lava river and entered this Zulong city-state a few days ago. The rulers who want to come to this city would never think of this~www.wuxiaspot.com~Welfare will give you a red envelope in cash! You can receive it at the vx public book friend base camp!

   "Whether the surname is reliable or not, we have done this desperately, and if they deny this city-state at that time, will we be fools?"

   "Don't worry, although Shang Hanxu is a cruel person, but he will never break his promises." The man with a pointed mouth monkey cheek said.

   Sparrow Wolf Temple Shang Hanxu?

   is the luxurious man in the beast robes that the host divided the meeting.

   From the very beginning, this guy hadn't stated that they wanted the territory of the Sparrow Wolf God City. In the end, they were most concerned about Lichuan.

   Shang Hanxu is the nephew of the Sparrow Wolf God, this is already certain.

   At the moment, Shang Hanxu should also be clearing obstacles for the Sparrow Wolf God, waiting for Sparrow Wolf God's personal arrival.

  What exactly the Sparrow Wolf God is looking for in the Great Court Continent, Shang Zhuang monk Shang Hanxu has a clue, which means that it is Shang Hanxu who is behind the gathering of idle forces.

   It is no wonder that Shang Zhuang appeared around the fog of nothingness, and continuously visited the earth temples where many idle forces gathered. It turned out to be mobilizing these practitioners from all territories of the Tianshu God!

   is really a big deal, and actually handed the extremely precious oracle flag to these outsiders.

   "Ahem, a few are in a circle here, but are praying to the gods to bless our Ancestral Dragon City?" Zhu Minglang pretended to be a passerby and slowly walked towards them.

   These people looked at each other a few times, and the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks immediately piled up a smile, and explained kindly: "Yes, yes, this age is plagued with disasters, we are praying for blessings."

   "Then what do you picture scrolls do, and do they have any meaning?" Zhu Minglang then asked.

   "It's just a decoration, a small custom in our hometown, hehe." The pointed-mouthed monkey-gill man said.

   "Where is your hometown?" Zhu Minglang asked again.

   The pointed-mouthed monkey gave his companion a wink, and then slowly said: "We are from Yuxiang Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a kind of dragon called Yulong."

   "Yuxiang Mountain? Isn't this a famous mountain in Jianyu under the jurisdiction of Sparrow Wolf God?" Zhu Minglang pretended to be surprised. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   spent a while in the Sparrow Wolf God City, Zhu Minglang also understood some of the power divisions of the Tianshu Divine Territory, and Yu Xiangshan immediately understood it.

   When these people from the upper realm heard Zhu Minglang tell their true origins, they looked at each other.

   "Xiongtai is also Tianshu Shangmin?" said the man with a pointed mouth monkey cheek.

   Zhu Minglang shook his head and said: "On behalf of all the people of the Zulong City State, I thank you for the picture scroll of God sent by Yuxiangshan."

After speaking, Zhu Minglang waved his hand, and several gods and mortals who had been ambushing around the corner of the street attacked. They had been staring here for a while. If they hadn't waited for Zhu Minglang to confirm, they had pressed these people to the ground and tortured. Up!

   I wish Minglang walked slowly between them and put away the special picture scroll.

   "Give you a chance to answer, first tell the story of the role of this god's picture scroll, and the rest of the people die." Zhu Minglang glanced at these guys who were **** by the five flowers, and said coldly.

   Several people were taken aback for a moment, and then almost replied in unison, almost relying on the desire to survive, "Epic disaster!"

   Zhu Minglang smiled and asked Pang Kai to throw these people into the cell.

   In recent days, the cell is really lively, and Zhu Minglang believes that there will be a steady stream of new people in the future.

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