Dragon Tamer

Chapter 673: Liu Sathorn City

   "The wind disaster picture scroll, after the picture scroll is fully opened, there will be a strong wind of disaster between heaven and earth, enough to blow an army of 100,000 people to the sky." Zhu Minglang held the picture scroll in his heart, secretly amazed.

   The power of this scroll of God is not trivial. If you let it take effect, I am afraid that all the guards on the wall will be swept away, and the defense line of the wall on the main entrance will be paralyzed in an instant! A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Ancestral Dragon City State has been closed for entry and exit in recent days, but after all, there are still some practitioners who are proficient in Qimen Dunjia lurking in the city in advance, and these people need to be more careful.

"I don't know how many invaders from the Tianshu God Territory can be taken away by this typhoon scroll on the plain with my Zhenhai bell. When they are fighting fiercely, I will try it." Zhu Minglang thought. Made this plan.

  In other words, Zhenhailing seems to have an effect similar to this scroll, and if the infusion of spiritual power is enough, and the reserve of sea water is sufficient, it can be made into a power that is not inferior to the wind **** disaster!

   "Could it be possible that Zhenhailing is also a god's tool that a certain **** accidentally left in Nihai?" Zhu Minglang pondered this question.

   Zhenhailing's effect is actually very exaggerated, Nihai is so vast, and dozens of countries rely on Nihai for survival.

   But the voodoo tide has affected the entire Nihai, affecting these seaside countries. The Zhenhailing that can control the voodoo tide is also equivalent to controlling the lifeline of these Nihai countries!


   Lichuan plains, one by one, the wild dragons of different beasts stand in the tributaries of Lichuan. They form a neat line, and you can see some strong dragons and beasts even reaching the knees of these strange beasts.

   There are luxurious golden seats on the wild dragons of alien beasts, and some people wearing expensive animal robes sit on them. They look at the gray-white Ancestral Dragon City-state on the earth, with arrogant and cold expressions.

Headed by    is Shang Hanxu, the goddess of the Sparrow Wolf God City. He is sitting on the golden snow-colored velvet blanket animal seat, as noble as an emperor on an expedition.

   At this time, a figure appeared in the sky, his whole body was dressed in a black gold animal skin robe, and his entire face was covered with a robe cap and a black mask.

   He held his chest and stood in mid-air. There was no aura on his body that held him flying in the air. He just stood calmly above Shang Hanxu.

   Shang Hanxu saw this person and immediately bounced from the animal seat, and subconsciously wanted to crawl on the back of the alien beast, but the man in the black gold robe coughed and motioned him not to make a fuss!

   Shang Hanxu is also a wise man, and immediately understood that it is not appropriate to reveal his identity at this time.

   "If you are here, wouldn't this city come by hand?" Shang Hanxu said respectfully.

   "I can't stay here for a long time, and I can't leave some too obvious miracles." The black gold beast robe man said.

   His robe is so wide that his hands seem to be covered in it. When the wind from the plain blows, it pours into his robe and makes his robe rattle.

   "Is there anyone here that you are afraid of?" Shang Hanxu asked in a low voice.

   "Those who open the dragon gate of the realm should be careful." The man in the black gold beast robe said solemnly.

   "Then you come to supervise the battle?"

   "I'll help, I need you to take this city as soon as possible and use this as a foundation to expand the territory and annex the entire polar court!" said the beast-robed man.

   "This Ancestral Dragon City is already in the bag. If you are inconvenient to show the miracle, you can give it to your nephew!" Shang Hanxu said.

   "I believe you can do well, but I don't want to waste too much time in this link." The black gold man said.

   After saying this, the black-gold man has already flown to the Zulong city-state, flying to a place near the tall city tower.


   The Ancestral Dragon City State is now heavily guarded. There are many flying dragon towers on the city wall, and groups of dragon beasts patrol the city state from time to time.

At the city gate, there are several towering dragon habitation giant pavilions, like ancient trees in the sky, and there are countless arrows and military guards on the city wall. The guard is tight, and the invisible murderous intent Some birds were afraid to approach.

   But it was such a terrifying city wall on the martial law line. The man in the black and gold robe flew to the attack range alone. He stood proudly on the tower, looking high above the city full of ants.

   The man seemed to be reluctant to waste his tongue with these mortals. He stretched out his palms and pressed his palms towards the plain.

   An immense energy was poured into the earth, and then the vast land began to loosen up, and even this land, which was the cornerstone of the Ancestral Dragon City State, experienced violent fluctuations!

   The loess inexplicably turned into yellow sand, and the solid rock inexplicably turned into ooze. As the man in the black gold beast robe kept pressing his palm down, the boundless plain appeared to sink! !

   Li Yunzi was just above the tower. She saw that the forest outside the city suddenly sank, and she saw the earth flowing further away somehow.

   What’s more terrifying is that the earth on all sides has become soft and without any bearing capacity. The city walls, houses in the city, and the trees in the city have actually tilted, and they are slowly sinking toward the horizon!

   Li Yunzi looked around, and suddenly found that the entire Zulong City State was standing in a vast and terrifying quicksand! ! !

   This volley man in the dark gold beast robes actually turned the land around the Ancestral Dragon City-state into sand with his own power, and made the huge city-state stand in a giant quicksand...

   The city-state is sinking bit by bit, and the wide quicksand pattern around it is like a huge mouth, swallowing the city-state! !

   "Who...Who are you!" Mi Zhongyun was using the oracle flag to fight those idle forces, when suddenly seeing such a powerful and terrifying figure appear, he couldn't help questioning.

   Outside the city of Ancestral Dragon City, a large number of practitioners from the Tianshu Divine Frontier have gathered. They are looking for a way to break the city. After seeing the magical powers displayed by the dark golden robe man in the sky, they are even more shocked!

   How high is this person's cultivation level to be able to call out such a giant quicksand, the most important thing is that people have not seen him use any divine tools!

   The man in the dark golden robe didn't even bother to answer. He glanced at the city indifferently, and glanced at the tens of thousands of mortals.

   "Three days later, this city will be buried under the sand. Either you will get out and kneel down, or you will all be buried together!" The cold verdict spread throughout the city.

   After the dark gold beast robe man said these words, he turned and left, without a trace of pity, let alone any communication and negotiation, nearly a million people, there is no difference from this gravel!


   Zhu Minglang had just dealt with those internal responses, and he saw this scene when he arrived at the tower.

   Even if this guy is wearing a mask, even if he is covered in a dark gold robe, Zhu Minglang can be absolutely sure that this person is the Sparrow Wolf God! !

  He unexpectedly showed up here!

Turning the earth into quicksand and devouring the city of millions of people, how many of the people of the Li people will be buried alive, and he doesn't care at all, just like the situation when they met at the Lingdao Mountain, but this time he was cruelly and squeezed It's Zulong City State! !

   "Dog bastard!!!"

   Zhu Minglang was filled with anger in his chest, and he wished to use his sword to cut him down from the sky.

   But Zhu Minglang hasn't completely lost his reason. Judging from the city swallowing spell cast by the Sparrow Wolf God, he should have recovered a small part of his divine power.

   Before he can fully understand his strength, he will only make himself into a desperate situation.

   Li Xing's paintings are right. If the Sparrow Wolf God does not kill, it will definitely bring a huge disaster to Lichuan.

This time the Sparrow Wolf God appeared here without warning, and the Zulong City State was plunged into a quicksand desperate situation. It was indeed a bit sudden. Did Li Xing’s painting make a calculation error? Remember that she said that she would not have anything with Sparrow Wolf God in the near future. The intersection is right.


   The sparrow wolf **** came fast and walked fast.

   When Zhu Minglang rushed to the tower, the Sparrow Wolf God had disappeared without a trace, but the city swallowing quicksand he left behind made people unable to calm down for a long time.

   "Brother Zhu, that person is probably a quasi-god..." Mi Rong's face was full of horror. She saw Zhu Minglang coming and ran up immediately.

   "Something has happened, something has happened, if the other party invites a quasi-god-level character, we are in this city!" Mi Zhongyun was also completely panicked.

Just one spell made the entire city into a desperate situation, which was ten times more terrifying than the power of the oracle flag, and it made their resistance appear pale and weak...First release https://(www)https://m/.x81zw ./com/

   "It's not that there is no chance~www.wuxiaspot.com~If you can kill him in three days." Zhu Minglang said.

  Mi Zhongyun and the people of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom heard that Zhu Minglang was crazy!

   Quasi-God! !

   The strength shown by the opponent has already surpassed the king-level realm. I don't know how many levels, if I feel that the opponent is going to be cruel, he can completely destroy the heavily guarded Ancestral Dragon City-state, including this entire Great Court Continent!

   "Don't be kidding, he can kill us all by himself..." Qi Yun was already shaking with fear.

   "But he didn't." Zhu Minglang said.

   "Doesn't this mean that the other party is kind?" Mi Zhongyun said.

   "It may also be something he is afraid of, or his use of this swallowing city quicksand actually exhausted his spiritual power..." At this time, Mi Rong said.

   Zhu Minglang nodded.

   Kindness? ?

   Zhu Minglang knows what kind of old beast the Sparrow Wolf God is. If he can directly kill the whole city, he will never hesitate.

   Now everyone knows the importance of the Ancestral Dragon City State, and his personal appearance is to ensure that the people under his hands can safely take the Ancestral Dragon City State...

   Li Xinghua's deduction of him should not be wrong.

   This guy hasn't recovered his supernatural power, and his hastily leaving also shows that he lacks confidence and is worried that he will be found out.

   "He didn't follow the destiny trajectory deduced by the star paintings, what should happen to him." At this moment, Li Yunzi, wearing a light jade armor, walked over and said softly to Zhu Minglang.

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