Dragon Tamer

Chapter 674: Siege execution

   Li Xinghua said that Shangzhuang had clues to the numerology of the Sparrow Wolf God.

   At the moment, if you want to understand the true situation of the Sparrow Wolf God, you must first take down Shangzhuang.

   Zhu Minglang looked at the group of alien beasts that appeared in the distance, watching the members of the Sparrow Wolf Temple wearing luxurious animal robes...

   They did not directly invade the city at this time, but hid behind those idle forces, obviously wanting this group of dominated Tianshu practitioners to open the way for them.

   Originally, with the guard of the current Ancestral Dragon City State, he could slowly consume these practitioners from the Tianshu Divine Border.

But now the city-state is being swallowed by a huge quicksand, and the time given to them is only three days. People like Sparrow Wolf God City use the power of the gods to choke the entire Ancestral Dragon City-state, leaving them no more choices. !

   Things will develop to this point, Zhu Minglang didn't expect it.

   Three days, if you can't break the game, the Zulong city state will really be destroyed!

   "I will let Commander Cheng draw up an evacuation plan. If we do not solve the current crisis in three days, we can only give them the city." Li Yunzi said.

   "Well, I can only do this first." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   After all, it concerns nearly a million people in Zulong City State. They are not sure to win this battle. They can't just let them be buried in this city like that, they have to leave a way for them to survive.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм


   Lichuan Plain

   Different animals are arranged, like small mountains standing abruptly, with a terrifying aura.

   At the golden animal seat, Shang Hanxu saw the man in the dark golden beast robe flying in the sky, his face showed infinite admiration and worship.

"I have done this step, and I will leave the rest to you, don't let me down." The dark golden robe man said, and when he finished saying this, he subconsciously coughed up, but swallowed. Go down.

   "You...are you okay?" Shang Hanxu asked with some worry.

"No problem, I will come back in seven days. At that time, I will drag this city-state out of the quicksand, and you will organize more people to clean up all these humble corpses before they rot or stinks collectively. "The dark golden robe man said.

   "Yes!" Shang Hanxu lowered his head and said respectfully.

  Bury a city of millions of people!

   Seven days later, the city was dug out from the quicksand. I am afraid it was already filled with corpses. It is really a huge project to clean out all the people living in it!

   "Don't let me down." The man in the dark golden robe exclaimed again.

   After saying this, the dark-gold robe man flew away in a hurry, as if he was afraid of being stared at by something.

   "We will never disappoint your expectations!" Shang Hanxu said to the back of the dark golden robe man.

   The entire city-state is trapped in such a hundred-mile quicksand. Actually, what he Shang Hanxu has to do is really nothing more than to stay outside and kill those who were driven out by the quicksand!

   This life is so easy, it's like throwing a fire into an ant den. It doesn't take long for the ants in the crypt to crawl out by themselves, and then lift their feet by themselves!

   Looking at the heavily guarded city walls and towers of the Zulong City State, looking at the armed guards, Shang Hanxu couldn't help feeling a bit funny.

   These people of the lower realm have not understood until now, how great the difference between the people of the gods and the people of the lower realms is, and this group of people have not figured out that they are opposed to the gods above the high sky, they are destined to end like this!

   Baili quicksand.

  Great magic!

   At this time, the people of the Lower Realm have never seen a disaster of despair in their lives!

   Shang Hanxu smiled, he couldn't wait to see them fleeing in a sad state!

   After this time, the people who flee from the Zulong City-state will surely remember one thing the Sparrow Wolf Temple is their god!

   "As the order continues, everyone is standing in a line, seeing those who have escaped, and executing them on the spot!" Shang Hanxu said coldly to the people beside him.


   Yin Song Conference Hall.

   Commander Cheng, Mrs. Dong, Dean Duan, Elder Jing Lin, Mi Rong, Li Yunzi, Nan Lingsha, Zhu Minglang and others gathered together.

   The appearance of the gods without warning, undoubtedly completely disrupted everyone's plan to resist foreign enemies, and fell into an absolute dead end.

"We sent people to investigate. This quicksand swallowed a hundred miles of land. Even the Lichuan Dragon Trainer Academy was seriously affected. It is good for the practitioners, but the impact is not very large, but If ordinary people stay in one place for a while, they will fall into their knees and cannot be pulled out without help from outsiders." Elder Jing Lin told the situation that he had collected.

   "What level of supernatural power is this!!" Commander Cheng said in disbelief.

   Now the situation in the Zulong City-state is fine, the city-state as a whole is sinking slowly, and the quicksand has not entered the city.

   But as the city-state sinks deeper, a large amount of sand on the surface will flow into the city, and it is difficult to stop manpower!

   "The enemy we are facing this time is stronger than ever, so please keep your back." Zhu Minglang said seriously.

   The Sparrow Wolf God must be killed. Originally, Zhu Minglang thought he had ample time, but he did not expect him to suddenly appear here. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com drove the entire Zulong city state into the quicksand of hell.

   No matter how angry he is, he must first crack his magic of the Baili quicksand. As for **** the gods, he still has to consider long-term plans. The information he controls is far from enough!

   "The newspaper, the aggressors are lined up in a long snake formation, some people in the city jumped the wall and fled the city state, but they were killed by them!" Xu Bei of Feilongying walked quickly and said solemnly.

   "These beasts, since they have to be city-states, why should they cleanly kill those who flee? Are they playing with us as livestock!" Dean Duan Changqing said angrily.

Dean Duan Changqing arrived in Lichuan together with those stationed in the Dragon High School. He has been here for a month or two. The old classmates of Zhu Minglang have also returned from the high school, but I wish Minglang these days. Busy, no time to get together with them.

   "The people in the Sparrow Wolf Temple have always had no bottom line." Mi Rong whispered. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   "I thought that a kingdom with a **** would be more noble and civilized. I didn't expect it to be more brutal and barbaric. Even our very many countries and forces would not indiscriminately kill innocents and massacre people!" said Elder Jing Lin.

   "Don't forget who the Supreme God of this Tianshu is." Madam Dong said coldly.

   Tianshu’s supreme **** is Huaqiu, and Huaqiu is known for his brutal destruction.

  He advocates power.

  How could the Tianshu Shenjiang under his jurisdiction not prevalent such brutal conquest and rule?

  :. : M.x

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