Dragon Tamer

Chapter 675: Catch the thieves first

"Indeed, because of Hua Qiu's nature, the entire Tianshu is like this. The weak eats the strong. As long as there is a little benefit, they can slaughter wantonly. Few gods really restrain their descendants and people." Mi Rong sighed lightly. Take a breath.

   Although God Xuan Ge is a kind god, does not like killing, and respects ethics and teachings, but God Xuan Ge is not the true ruler of the Tianshu God border after all, and only the kingdom that can be disciplined can only believe in him.

   "Handle the immediate matter first. If we want to migrate out of the Ancestral Dragon City, then at least the executioners outside must be dealt with first, otherwise we will not even have a back road." Commander Cheng said.

   "Let's go out and kill them all." Nan Lingsha's comments were simple and crude.

"There are too many people. When we kill them all, the city has been buried underground. Shang Hanxu of the Sparrow Wolf Temple instigated Tianshu's idle forces. These people are numerous and their cultivation bases are not low. The Wolf Temple is supporting them, and they can't even spend the night. Therefore, we'd better be able to take down this Shang Hanxu first, defeat the Sparrow Wolf Temple, and let those idle forces lose their backbone." Zhu Minglang said.

  The idle forces may not be weaker than those under the gods in their cultivation, but the reason why they have a humble position in the Tianshu divine territory is that the key to relying on those under the gods is the law of night.

   They cannot walk in the dark night, and it is even more difficult to guarantee the safety of themselves and others in the dark night. Now the entire Lichuan land can resist the intrusion of darkness and only Zulong City-state.

   If they hadn't had the people from the Sparrow Wolf Temple to resist the intrusion of darkness, it would be impossible for them to stay outside the city for too long. When the dusk came, they would have to scatter to find a place to live.

   "Well, no matter what, we must first dismantle the forces outside the city." Li Yunzi agreed with Zhu Minglang's approach.

   Capture the thief first, capture the king, the Sparrow Wolf Temple fell, and those idle powers were in a mess.

   "There are not a few strong ones. We'd better send a few teams to ward off those strange beasts, and take advantage of Shang Hanxu's few people around him, and do it quickly!" Elder Jing Lin said.

   "Last night, our Xinglong Zun cultivation base broke through to the top, he should be able to contain the powerhouse of the Sparrow Wolf Temple." Madam Dong said.

   "I also went to discuss with the Deputy Dean of the High Court and asked him to help us. After all, we share honor and disgrace." Dean Duan said.

   The vice-president who was stationed at the Dragon Training High Institute has a very high level of cultivation and is well-known throughout the Great Court Continent.

   "My son, there is a great guardian in the sword sect of Yaoshan who is appointed by your grandpa. He will follow your arrangements when it is critical," said Elder Jing Lin.

Zhu Minglang nodded. The great guardian of the Sword Sect in Yaoshan is a sword idiot, middle-aged, white-headed, taciturn, and has a lofty status in Sword Sect in Yaoshan, but he basically only listens to the old swordsman. s arrangement. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

  The strength of the Great White Head Guardian is one of the best in the sword sect of the mountain. With a figure of this level, Zhu Minglang can do more.

The major forces have reached the moment of life and death. The Sword Sect of Mount Yao is basically bound to the door of Zhu. It seems that Tianguan Zhu and the old lady of the sword have completely handed over the leadership, otherwise they will not Let Baitou Dashoubong secretly guard himself here.

   All major forces in the Great Court have their cultivation bases reaching the top, but they will not easily fall into disputes.

   Pang Kai, Xing Longzun, Vice President of the High Court, Baektou Dashou...

   The four top-ranked supreme, even if there are extremely strong people in the Sparrow Wolf Temple, they will have a fighting power here!


   Sparrow Wolf Temple is the presiding party of this carve-up meeting, and Sparrow Wolf God City is also the closest God City to the Polar Continent.

  They are different from those subordinate organizations that have traveled all the way. They can dispatch the backbone of the temple, and there are even many confidants of the Sparrow Wolf God!

   Fortunately, the Sparrow Wolf God hasn't performed miracles for many years. The Sparrow Wolf God City has long been torn apart, otherwise the powerhouses of the entire extremely court will be hard to compete with the complete Sparrow Wolf Temple.

  Rao is so, this time the expedition team of the Sparrow Wolf Temple is still the most luxurious and powerful.

"This Sparrow Wolf God is already the weakest **** in the Tianshu God Realm. The people under his hand still pose a great threat to us. It would be nice to be able to rely on the city-state wall. We have a lot of Military guards, flying dragons, and archers can pose a threat to them, but now we have to go out of the city to fight with them, but unfortunately, if my husband's injury can heal..." Madam Dong said.

   "Is the healing holy leaf sent by me effective?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   Madam Dong nodded, her eyes had some luster, and said: "The wound is obviously healing. It should only take a few days before he can fully recover."

   "That's good." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   Shengque leader Hong Geng is now Zhu Minglang with the ultimate trump card. Pang Kai said more than once that Hong Geng's strength is already moving towards the gods, and he has the ability to protect himself even in the face of some quasi-god figures.

   As long as he recovers, it is not impossible to deal with the Sparrow Wolf God who has not recovered his godhead!

   Of course, there is only one chance. At the moment, Shang Hanxu and Shang Zhuang must be taken down. They have clues to the numerology of Sparrow Wolf God.

Before   弑神, you must let Li Xinghua carry out precise deductions, and deduct a foolproof method!


   At the wall of the city state, Zhu Minglang saw that the wall was a bit short.

   The city-state is sinking, and streams of sand are pouring into the city-state from outside the city, flooding the farmland, ponds, and roads inside and outside the city-state.

Although the city has not suffered any substantial damage, the people all over the city are already worried. They know the current situation, and they know that everyone, including the city-state, is in a hundred miles of quicksand. It won’t take long for the yellow sand to look like The flood poured into the city, and after three days everyone will be buried with the city under the huge sand!

"My Lord Zhu, the Zulong City-state is now in an extremely bad situation. I told my sister about the matter. My sister is not a person who doesn't know the overall situation. Our Mianshan Sword Sect is also willing to help the son." Wen Mengru flew over with a sword, she said. The face said sincerely.

   "I will let someone let your sister go. As for what she wants to do, she will do it herself." Zhu Minglang said.

   Three days later, the entire city-state will be swallowed by quicksand. If the people in the city cannot move out, they will have to be buried. Of course, those who were detained by Zhu Minglang will not survive.

So now the princes Zhao Ying, Zhou Xian and others in the cell are panicked. After knowing that the Sparrow Wolf Temple did not intend to let half of the city out alive, they had to pray to their kneeling gods in their hearts. The enemy wishes Minglang everyone win! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

"Well, um, Lord Zhu can see more clearly than us. People outside the border claim to be the upper realm and the gods. They don’t think of us as the same kind or compatriots. Only fighting with them is the only way to survive. The extremely court forces that chose to surrender are already regretting..." Wen Mengru said.

   "I never counted on them, as long as it doesn't cause me trouble." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

  Time is running out, Zhu Minglang did not say much to Wen Meng.

When they arrived at the city wall, other people had already assembled. This time the masters who were dispatched were not only from Lichuan and Shengque, but also from the garrisoned forces who stood in the same camp as Zhu Minglang. This force is beyond. I wish bright expectations.

  Sure enough, after being driven to a dead end, everyone was extremely united.

   That's good, those idle forces inspired by the Sparrow Wolf Temple will have someone to deal with, and he can save enough strength to deal with Shang Hanxu!


   Quicksand restricts the army very much, and those Tianshu practitioners who besieged the city are standing outside the range of the crossbow.

   The only thing that Li Yunzi can call here is Feilongying.

   She went into battle and took the lead.

  Flying Dragon Camp has to open a way for everyone to avoid excessive consumption with those idle forces.

   Those Tianshu practitioners outside the city saw the flying dragon army out of the city state, and they gathered here for the first time.

These people's cultivation is not low, even in the face of the tens of thousands of flying dragon army, they still do not change their face, and soon there was a deafening dragon roar outside the Zhengdong city of the Ancestral Dragon City State. The sky is full, making the outside of the city as gorgeous as fireworks!

   There is another group of people in Feilong Camp, they are composed of masters from Lichuan, masters of Shengque, and masters of stationed forces. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   They jumped over the crowds of idle forces and directly slew the standing group of strange animals.

  The group of strange beasts in line is the sparrow wolf army, almost everyone of them is riding a fierce strange beast, and the strength is more average at the king level...

   These people are arrogant, their eyes are sharp, and they smile even more disdainfully after seeing those low-level flying dragons.

   Compared with the alien beasts under their crotch, those inferior flying dragons are simply a group of bat sparrows, no matter how large they are, they are not enough for them to hunt and play!

   However, after another group of powerful auras came out of the Flying Dragon Camp and directly attacked them, the Sparrow Wolf Army, they realized that the opponent's main force was also in the Flying Dragon Army!

   "Come out to die, is it possible that you think you can compete with us when you die!"

   "A bunch of stupid nether bastards!"

   Shang Hanxu waved his hand, and the sparrow wolf army in the queue was dispatched! !


Among the group of strong men who killed the Sparrow Wolf Army, there was another group of people who waited for the two parties to fight together, locked Shang Hanxu’s position, and even attacked Huanglong and killed Shang. Han Xu himself!

  These people are Zhu Minglang, Pang Kai, Vice President He, Baitou Dashou, Xinglong Longzun...

   They are the highest cultivation among all the strong.

Similarly, on the golden seat of the few strange beasts and wild dragons beside Shang Han, there are also a few gods, who exude a terrifying aura, and they are not afraid of the group of supreme princes assembled by Zhu Minglang. !

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