Dragon Tamer

Chapter 689: Jade Blood Sword

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Elder Jing Lin touched the beard of his chin, and remembered the past seriously.

Suddenly, his eyes widened a bit, remembering a particularly important thing, and he said to everyone: "There really is a special blood essence. At that time, I was a little deacon in the small inner court of Qincheng... …"

Elder Jing Lin described the specific time at that time, probably when he was in his twenties and was full of spirits.

"It's all right, don't mention how you rose to the elder's glorious years step by step when you were young, just quickly talk about the essence of blood." Zhu Minglang said.

"This... I'm telling you, son, that piece of Nihai Blood Jade was actually taken by our Zhumen. I was fortunate to see it in the small inner court of Qincheng, but there was no more information and nowhere to go until Twenty years later, I accidentally caught a glimpse of it in the inner courtyard of our Dishui Lake." Elder Jing Lin said.

Zhu Minglang glanced at Li Xing's painting and Mi Rong.

The two women also looked quite surprised.

The original blood of the sparrow wolf **** of the previous generation turned into a piece of Nihai blood jade, and this blood jade was taken by the Zhumen small inner court and sent to the Zhumen large inner court of the imperial capital.

In other words, the thing that the Sparrow Wolf was looking for was originally in Zhumen!

"Don't you know the son, what is the name of the world's first sword that we cast by Zhumen?" Elder Jing Lin said.

"Jade Blood Sword." Baitou Dashou Feng said at this time.

As a swordsman, how could he not know the name of this sword? With this sword, Zhumen also jumped to a level among the clan sect at the time. It is a very small number of non-herdrons and members of the gods as the core. Great power.

Jade Blood Sword? ? ?

Zhu Minglang has never heard of this thing!

Elder Jing Lin looked at Zhu Minglang with disgust, seriously suspecting that Zhu Minglang, the young master of Zhumen, was an impersonation.

"Yes, it is the Jade Blood Sword. After taking the Nihai Blood Jade, the old master regarded it as a treasure, and searched for all the most perfect materials in the world. It took a whole decade to create the jade. Blood Sword, because of this sword, we firmly occupy the position at the end of the six clans. Under the leadership of the old sect master, a leader who is not good at managing, we have not completely declined. After all, we have the treasure of this town. !" Elder Jing Lin said.

"Do all the members of Zhumen know what you said?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Of course not. The Jade Blood Sword is only known at the level of the elder of the inner court of Zhumen. Dashoufeng has also been an elder in our inner court for ten years." Elder Jing Lin said.

"Well, Zhu Tianguan rarely talks to me about the internal affairs of Zhumen. This Nihai blood jade is formed by the solidification of the blood of a certain god. If you cast it into a sword, you don't want to become the most treasured city of the town. Difficult." Zhu Minglang said.

On the surface, Zhu Minglang was narrating very calmly, but something was surging inside!

The number one sword in the world, it turns out that there is such a treasure in my family, which is made of divine blood. If this thing is swallowed by the sword spirit dragon, wouldn't I have a scarlet blood divine sword! !

Where is this thing, somewhere in the inner court of Zhumen, God Sparrow Wolf is deliberately getting it, and it is too dangerous to put it in the inner court of Zhumen, so hurry up and leave it to himself for safekeeping!

"My son, it seems that this sparrow wolf **** is indeed your destined enemy. Even if you did not meet him near Wutu, he will appear in your destiny because of this jade sword." Li Xinghua said .

"Well, I'm afraid that at that time, it was the catastrophe of Zhumen." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"The clues of numerology are very clear, son, we may have to rush to the imperial capital overnight." Li Xinghua said.

"right now?"

"I saw some signs. At first I thought it was just the struggle between you Zhumen and King An. Now I think it may not be as simple as what I saw..." Li Xinghua said.

There are many scattered pictures in the prophetic dreams painted by Li Xing. If there is no deduction based on the clues of reality, it is impossible to judge the cause of the whole thing.

She saw a blood fight in the inner court of Zhumen, and the initiator was Wang An.

Although Prince An’s Mansion and Zhumen have been fighting for many years, and there are often fights, this time it is likely that the Sparrow Wolf God has found out the whereabouts of the blood jade and instructed the back of Prince An’s Mansion to attack Zhumen!

"It's not too late, we will return to Zhumen now!" Zhu Minglang also realized the seriousness of the matter.

The major forces themselves have been in chaos due to the arrival of the Tianshu Divine Territory. Some large forests and clan gates may even disappear overnight. Behind the Royal Palace of Ruoan is supported by the Sparrow Wolf God, the current situation of the Zhumen is quite dangerous!

"My son, it will take ten and a half months to get from here to the imperial capital. If you go back and forth, wouldn't the Ancestral Dragon City-state that was so easy to defend will fall into the hands of others? I think we still Choose to trust the sect master, he will deal with this crisis well, even if it is really lost to the fierce offensive of the major forces, the sect master has left a way of retreat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We can become the Ancestral Dragon City State by defending We wish Men Dongshan a place to rise again." Elder Jing Lin said.

"Did Tianguan Zhu tell you something?" Zhu Minglang frowned.

"No... nothing said, the master just doesn't want the son to be involved in the fight in the court." Elder Jing Lin hurriedly shook his head.

"When is the time, quickly explain it honestly!" Zhu Minglang glared at Elder Jing Lin.

"The son, the master sees it more clearly than all of us. Since he does not allow the son to stay in the imperial capital and the son in Zhumen, he naturally has some concerns." Elder Jing Lin said.

"Forget it, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Zhu Minglang pulled up Li Xing's painting and Mi Rong and turned and left.

The Sparrow Wolf God already knew that the Jade Blood Sword was at the Zhumen, and King An even launched an offensive. This was a **** battle between the clan sects. It is very likely that the entire Zhumen would cease to exist in a few days!

Zhu Minglang must rush there overnight, and must not let the Jade Blood Sword fall into the hands of the Sparrow Wolf God. Once he succeeds, not only the Zhumen will be destroyed, but the Ancestral Dragon City State will be buried alive! !

This **** is extremely dangerous!


Before the change, Zhu Minglang really couldn't manage things as far away as the imperial capital, but after experiencing Dark Xuan's shuttle journey, he could arrive near the extremely court imperial capital in the second half of the night.

It's a pity that there must be as few people as possible who can pass through Dark Vortex, otherwise it's easy to be targeted by those ghosts in the Underworld. This time, the masters that can be brought to Huangdu overnight are quite limited.

"At dusk, I heard Mrs. Dong say that Shengque's leader Hong Geng recovered faster than expected. If necessary, you can invite him out of the mountain." Mi Rong said.

"Okay, take him." Zhu Minglang nodded.

With this great saint, I wish Minglang more confidence, after all, the water in the imperial capital must be deeper!

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