Dragon Tamer

Chapter 690: Bloody Night Orchid

A letter was left to Nan Yusuo and asked her to take charge of the Zulong City State.

After finding the Ming season, Zhu Minglang, Li Xinghua, and Mi Rong planned to leave the city overnight.

But just when they were planning to go to the Great Mountain City-state, Mi Rong's words made Zhu Minglang a headache immediately.

"Ye Niangniang is outside. I am afraid she will not leave easily. As long as we leave the Zulong City-state, we will be torn to pieces by her."

There are so many things that happened today, Zhu Minglang almost forgot that there was a ghost queen outside guarding herself...

If this runs out, his life will be gone.

But they can't wait until the day to set off, because the dark vortex will only form at night, and Zhu Minglang will not be able to quickly rush to the Imperial Palace through this special spatial vortex at dawn!

"By the way, Ye Niangniang's little hand is still in Nuwa Dragon, can we use this to distract Ye Niangniang?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, it just so happens that we have to rush to Jiuling City-state. We let people throw her severed hand to the south, and then we leave toward the north." Mi Rong also agreed with this approach.

As long as she can divert Ye Niangniang away, and then use the Dragon's Dragon's breath to hide the smell of these living people, even if Ye Niangniang reacts, it will be difficult to track them in the end.


The tactics of adjusting the tiger from the mountain were very successful, and Ye Niangniang took back her slender hands with satisfaction, and the terrifying wind on the plain seemed to be much milder.

Zhu Minglang and the others have also successfully left the Zulong City State. The Tianshalong is now several times faster than before, and it does not take much time to reach Bei Jieling.

He explained the situation with Hong Geng, the leader of Shengque Continent, and the leader whose body was still wrapped in gauze did not hesitate.

He showed his physical condition. In terms of strength, the ordinary king-level can't compete with him at all, but the time he can fight will be relatively limited, and the wounds will open completely after the fierce battle.

With this emperor, Ming Ji found the nearest Dark Vortex near Beijieling, and several people once again entered the crossroads of the underworld, searching for the flow of time and space with fear.

"It's a flow of time, shall we ride it?" Ming Ji asked.

"Is this different from the flow of space?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Although the essence is different, the effect achieved is the same. The flow of space is like a special tunnel that shuttles from one place to another, and the flow of time is equivalent to extending the time of the outside world. We are here. After walking for several days, maybe only one stick of incense time has passed outside." Ming Ji explained.

"It may be too late to find another Anxuan, just this one," Zhu Minglang said.

"it is good!"

The flow of time is somewhat similar to the situation of ancient ruins. Time is chaotic, but if you can master the law of this flow of time, you can use it to do many things.

In this way, it is equivalent to giving Li Xinghua more time to deduce and get deeper foreseeing information.


Drifting in the stream of time is indeed a long process. Li Xing painting and Mi Rong have frequent exchanges.

One is a prophet and the other is a stargazer. Li Xinghua lists as many numerology clues as possible to Luo, so that Mi Rong can tell her the specific time of all the small things.

After all, the Sparrow Wolf God is a god. There are many variables in the things Li Xinghua foresees, but if a stargazer corrects some information for her, she can master some things that happen in the next few days as much as possible.

"Sister Xinghua, I don’t quite understand. Since a prophet like you can see the future, he must have seen the scene where the Sparrow Wolf God gets the Jade Blood Sword. Just lock the Jade Blood Sword directly. Why? Still so hard looking for clues to numerology?" Mi Rong was a little curious and couldn't help but ask.

Although the holy monarch of Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom is also a prophet, Mi Rong rarely has the opportunity to come into contact with the true mystery of the prophet. It is rare to meet here, and naturally there are many questions about the prophet.

"The prophet is not omnipotent. An event is like a huge pattern from its occurrence to the end. What the prophet gets is always incomplete fragments, and may even seem to be irrelevant..." Li Xing Painting patiently explained to Mi Rong.

Bamboo shadows shaking outside the window.

Pebbles under the stream.

A hurried figure from the back.

Flying birds under the sunset.

A dead body in a pool of blood...

These are fragments of unrelated pictures, but there are many events in them. If you can't find a reasonable numerology clue to run through them, they are meaningless things.

For example, Li Xinghua saw a pile of sand at the corner of the city a few months ago.

This pile of sand does not represent much, it may be used to repair the tower, but if there are more numerological clues, it can be predicted in advance that the Zulong city state will fall into a quicksand crisis.

Although the prophet can expend his own spiritual power to make more specific predictions of an event, so as to collect more "pattern fragments", this process is quite energy-consuming, and it takes a long time to rest. once.

Therefore, when you can't continue to use "foresight" about something, you need to find numerological clues.

And if something can be clearly answered by looking for clues, there is no need to waste precious spiritual power to use "foresight."

There are still great benefits to entering this stream of time.

This means that Li Xinghua has time to make deductions and can use his foresight ability one more time.

The whole thing has gone through these several times of searching for numerology clues, but in fact it is already very clear. This extra foresight may have a miraculous effect.


In the flow of time, not only can Li Xinghua see more things, but Zhu Minglang, who has gone through several battles, can just rest. Huang Wang Honggeng’s injuries are also healed bit by bit, compared to leaving the city state at the beginning. Much better when

"This time flow is relatively rare, and we are lucky. We have had enough time to rest from the east of Ji Ting to the vicinity of the imperial capital." Ming Ji said.

Since entering Dark Xuan last time, Ming Ji is now more and more curious about Dark Xuan, and more and more eager to unearth those unknown secrets. Perhaps people who have mastered these things will not be afraid of those feminine things in the dark night.

Zhu Minglang didn't have time to study these things. After leaving Anxuan, Zhu Minglang found that they were not far from the palace. As soon as he looked up, he could see the magnificent palaces...

"This Dark Xuan is actually in the garden behind the palace. Doesn't the palace also suffer from dark things?"

The palace is brightly lit and brightly lit, but the entire palace is shrouded in a frosty moonlight. Under the pale cold moon, one by one weird figures linger in the palace, greedily looking for those living people... …

Without any protection, the palace in the night is no different from the ghost town. Zhu Minglang even saw a few night dire eating a palace guard, and blood slowly flowing from the eaves.

The windows and doors are closed, and the lights can't stop the hunting spree of these dark things.

It seems that the royal family has nothing to do with these nightcrawlers.

"Let's get to Dishui City as soon as possible." Zhu Minglang said.

"My son, wait a minute." Li Xinghua's gaze was staring at the **** eaves at this time, despite the pity and helplessness on her face, she still stared there.

Several long blood strands slid down from the eaves and dripped onto the petals of bunches of night orchids in the flower bed. They quickly dyed these night orchids into a bright red color, in the cold moon frost. It looks very coquettish and evil!

However, this scene is very familiar to Li Xing's paintings, she has foreseen it more than once in her sleep!

Many things that will happen in the future will flood into Li Xing's dreams in a disorderly manner. These foreseeable images that do not know when and where will not lose spiritual power.

She only saw the dripping blood of the night orchid, but didn't know that the blood red night orchid was killed by the night demon because of a guard on the eaves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if this scene happened at this moment , That means another thing is also tonight.

"My son, let's go to the Imperial Concubine Pavilion." Li Xinghua said.

"Imperial Concubine Pavilion?"

There is only one imperial concubine in the Great Court, and that is the imperial concubine Zhu.

If the gate of Zhu and the imperial concubine Zhu are inseparable, many people think that the reason why the imperial concubine Zhu has its current status is that the imperial concubine Zhu is supporting Zhu Tianguan, including the current emperor who is also partial.

Zhu Minglang doesn't know much about these things, and Zhu Tianguan never tells himself anything about Princess Zhu.

The Imperial Concubine Pavilion Zhu Minglang had been there several times. They avoided the night monsters and flew towards the dark Imperial Concubine Pavilion.

However, as soon as he stepped into the courtyard near the Imperial Concubine Pavilion, Zhu Minglang smelled a strong smell of blood.

At first, Zhu Minglang thought that the Imperial Concubine Pavilion was also harassed by those nightcrawlers, but soon Zhu Minglang noticed that there were traces of dragons raging here, and those imperial concubine guards seemed to have been killed by dragon beasts!

The imperial concubine's pavilion was dead, and every time one step inside, the corpse could be seen.

It was not until Zhu Huang concubine's bedroom that Zhu Minglang saw a living person.

This person was sitting on a chair, alone in the dark palace, and there was a terrible breath all over his body!

At his feet, there was a gorgeously dressed female corpse, just like the blood-stained night orchid, beautiful but oozing red!

Zhu Minglang glanced through the window...

From the side face, Zhu Minglang recognized this female corpse, it was Princess Zhu!

And sitting on that chair, the person who didn't say a word in the dark was actually the Emperor Zhaoyuan! !

Emperor Zhaoyuan killed everyone in the Imperial Concubine Pavilion, including Princess Zhu? ? ?

Is Emperor Zhaoyuan crazy! !

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