Dragon Tamer

Chapter 982: Chasing Dragon Raptors

Zhu Minglang and the dragons admired the magnificent evening scenery, Bai Qi was also curious about whether this Xuanlong would join this big family, and then Zhu Minglang would give someone a strange name.

The beautiful sunset sank down the mountain, although it was magnificent and beautiful, Zhu Minglang's heart also sank, his eyes dimmed like twilight.

It's already dark, it won't appear anymore.

Xuanlong has never stayed after the sun goes down. This is a dragon that doesn't like night.

It did not come.

After a full recovery, it must have continued its nomadic life.

As night fell, on the broken wall, Zhu Minglang slowly got up, and said to the other dragon pets who were waiting for the Xuanlong like him: "Let's go, we should get on the road too."

"My god, don't you want to wait another day?" Cai You said.

"No, it won't come today, and it won't come later. Although there are some regrets, it is not a bad experience. At least I have seen the mythical dragon that no one else can see in a lifetime. I also feed it. It's been a little over half a month," Zhu Minglang said.

Now let Zhu Minglang choose one more time, he still doesn't use Dragon Bound God Silk.

Zhu Minglang could clearly see that the moment he used the dragon-binding god's silk, he was either killed by Xuanlong or Xuanlong chose to die.

Xuanlong is very unique, Zhu Minglang also likes it very much, appreciate it, can not help each other in the same boat, it is not a bad thing to have a good expectation between each other.

Zhu Minglang has been on the road overnight, and it has been a long time here. Although every dragon has been well experienced these days, he still has to return to the BDS. After leaving for so long, I don't know what earth-shaking changes have taken place in Beidou Shenjiang.

"My god, no matter what, Xuanlong is a new friend of ours. He doesn't want to walk with us, so it's good for us to take the initiative to say goodbye." Cai You said.

"It's not impossible, but we don't know where it lives." Zhu Minglang said.

"I know." Cai You laughed.

"Are you following it secretly?" Zhu Minglang asked a little surprised.

"Well, I thought that my **** would still adopt a strong tame method in the end, so I stepped on it a bit in advance. Of course, my **** is a dragon shepherd and understands the temper of dragons better than me, and if Xuanlong really yearns for that kind of nomad In terms of life, forced taming will probably only hurt each other. My **** should have expected it, so I have never done that... My **** is a very gentle god, and God must have made other arrangements for you." Cai You said .

"I hope." Zhu Minglang nodded.

Following Cai You's guidance, Zhu Minglang walked towards Xuanlong's cave.

Xuanlong actually lives very far away, outside of dozens of mountains, and it doesn't live in the dragon cave. Instead, it has built a dragon nest on top of an outstanding group of green pine trees.

"Is it really here?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yes, it's weird, I remember there is still a piece of green pine that touches the sky, how did it disappear... My god, my god, it's not right, look here!" Cai Youfei fell to a black earth.

There is nothing bare here, but you can smell the smell of burnt wood. Zhu Minglang swept it with his spiritual sense, and immediately felt that this area was still mixed with a mess of energy, as if it had been roasted by a powerful light. .

Walking towards the green pines of the sky, Zhu Minglang saw that these green pines, standing like a small mountain, turned upside down, some were directly shattered into wood chips, and some were like ruined walls...

Fight here!

And from the residual temperature of the energy, it can be judged that it is within a day!

"My god, it's Xuanlin..." Cai You found a scattered dragon scale with mottled blood on it.

Zhu Minglang also found a piece of armor near the dragon's nest, similar to a human shoulder armor, with a palm bead pattern on it, which is obviously a special symbol of a certain force.

Zhu Minglang continued to move forward and passed through the huge wood in front of him. He was shocked to discover that the huge wood here actually contained countless organs and equipment, which were destroyed and scattered all over the ground!

There are throwing locomotives that throw golden silk nets, there are locomotives that penetrate dragon scales, there are spider puppets that can spit out some kind of slime venom, and there are gear remains of giants of infinite power!

In addition, sword marks, knife marks, dragon's breath, traces of thunder, fire, soil, and frost can be seen everywhere. You can imagine what kind of battles have been experienced here. There are supernatural powers mastering thunder and fire, and there are also commanding dragons. The Dragon Shepherd, and there are even the mechanics who control the heavy machinery of the organs.

These organs are quite advanced, and many of them are made of sacred wood and mysterious metal.

Zhu Minglang frowned tightly. When it saw a large blood stain and an extruded dragon-shaped pit mark on the ground, Zhu Minglang's heart sank even more.

"Xuanlong may have been captured, life or death is hard to say." Zhu Minglang said.

"There are many dragon net equipment here, indicating that their purpose is to catch alive, not to slay the dragon, my god, we have to rescue the Xuanlong!" Cai You said.

"Well, I'm collecting clues. I'd better know who it is." Zhu Minglang nodded.

Now, Zhu Minglang is very angry!

I didn't want to be rough with Xuanlong, but a group of dogs started to attack Xuanlong!

Zhu Minglang just walked all the way and observed it very carefully. He found that some restraint heavy equipment had been arranged in advance.

That being said, the other party has also been eyeing Xuanlong for a while...

Is it possible that Xuanlong will be poisoned, and it is also related to this group of people? ?

It can be seen that these people have no compromises.

Xuanlong has only recovered his health, and his strength should be slowly recovering. These people must have targeted Xuanlong when he was weaker and succeeded!

"My god, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, they left toward the west, we chased after him." Cai You said.

Locked the direction, Zhu Minglang did not delay any more.

If your Xuanlong has any shortcomings, you must let these rough dogs be buried with you!

I wish Minglang an angry stomach!


As if feeling Zhu Minglang's anger, the lazy little white dragon finally took the initiative to jump off Zhu Minglang's shoulders. Although its physical strength and endurance were not as good as other dragons, it was the fastest flying in a short period of time.

If you want to chase down the enemy, Fengyue Baichenlong is naturally the best choice.

Zhu Minglang and Cai You both leaped onto Bai Qi's back. Bai Qi opened up that gorgeous frost moon wings, and the layers of snow and silver wings galloped in the night sky, and the mountains, earth, and jungle below them were more like The huge paintings are generally quickly being left behind and sinking below the horizon. The scenery in front of you is more like the pages of a book blown by the wind...

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