Dragon Tamer

Chapter 983: Mountain sea world

"Bai Qi, wait." Zhu Minglang suddenly stopped Fengyue Yingchen Bailong.

The white dragon's wings stood up, forming the shape of a monarch butterfly, and suddenly hovered his body while galloping through the air.

In this way, the speed of the meteor chasing the moon was instantaneously static, and the Fengyue Bailong didn't even have a trace of forward inertia, let alone bring up the messy air current, it just stopped.

"Cai You, look at the trees, do they look like fossil trees?" Zhu Minglang said, pointing to a group of tall pine trees.

"Yes...fossils, fossils, isn't that caused by Xuanlong's fossil eyes!" Cai You said excitedly.

"Well, those who captured it shouldn't know that it has this fossil eye, but Xuanlong used this ability to seal my actions. It knew that I would recognize the Xuanlong of these fossil trees and begging for help." Zhu Minglang said very positively.

"Great, we can catch up with the dragon thief all the way based on these fossil trees!" Caiyou said.

The ancient mountains are so vast, and the chasing direction is slightly off, and they are tens of thousands of miles away from the real goal. The dragon robbers are very professional, and there is no trace or breath left along the way, which makes them very difficult to track. Ascension, the Xuanlong petrified the trees along the way, which is tantamount to leaving a mark along the way!

Continuing to chase west, Zhu Minglang and Caiyou soon saw the second petrified forest.

However, this time the range of Xuanlong's petrified forest was narrowed by a large circle, which also showed that Xuanlong's power was exhausting.

"Can you be faster, Bai Qi?" Zhu Minglang asked.


Fengyue Bailong groaned for a long time, it began to lift into the air, and began to fly toward that round of Xiyue.

The moonlight of the bright moon sprinkled on the flying path of the white dragon of Fengyue. Suddenly the white dragon disappeared in the moonlight, as if traveling through time and space. When the white dragon of Fengyue appeared again, it was already in another part of the moon. On the earth.

This moment spanned thousands of miles!

Zhu Minglang was also very surprised, and didn't know how Bai Qi, who was sleeping all day long, understood these powerful abilities.

The distance was shortened suddenly, even if the dragon thief had been ahead for a while, I believed it would not take long to catch up with them.

The mountains began to increase, and the primordial forest gradually submerged under the earth. Zhu Minglang was looking for the petrified objects among the rolling mountains.

Finally, he saw a small piece of fossilized alpine bamboo on a mountain top. The direction was right, but he could see that Xuanlong had not much power left.

Looking ahead, Zhu Minglang found that there were not only rolling mountains, but also a grey sea.

The sea water is not connected together. They surround the ancient high mountains, soak the valleys, and fill up the mountains.

Bai Qi rested for a while, and took off again. It flew over this sea surrounded by mountains, only to find that the next world was surrounded by seas and mountains.

The mountains surrounding the sea are endless, as if they have been for millions of years. Numerous straits, bays, sea valleys, sea lakes and mountains, fairy islands and islands, giant reefs are intertwined, entwined with each other, and nestled together. An extremely complicated but beautiful world of mountains and seas. This is a scene Zhu Minglang has never seen before, and there seems to be no end to such a scene...

At first there was fog, it was the fog of nothingness.

The sea at the beginning was also gray, a sea of ​​nothingness.

&nbbsp; But as Zhu Minglang passes through this gray isolated area, what is shown before him becomes a colorful and magnificent mountain and sea. Although Zhu Minglang is completely unfamiliar with this kind of place, he can be sure This definitely does not belong to the ancient mountains, nor does it belong to the Tianshu Divine Territory...

"We have already left the ancient mountain. This is a certain Xingjiang." Cai You said.

Zhu Minglang nodded.

When leaving, the Queen of God Xuanwu also said that the ancient mountains they entered did not know which border of the gods connected, so Zhu Minglang was also mentally prepared.

I wish Minglang let Bai Qi continue to fly, leaping across this barren frontier of mountains and seas, and finally see a group of closely connected mountains, but the surrounding mountains are actually a wider sea and lake.

Zhu Minglang used his divine sense to search, and finally noticed the presence of human beings.

Bai Qi flew there, Zhu Minglang saw an island town, where the spiritual energy for cultivation was very thin, and it should be just a group of ordinary people on the island.

Zhu Minglang let Bai Qi and Cai You look for clues in the air, while they flew to the island town to find out the news.

Entering the island town, Zhu Minglang concealed his spirit. He walked like an ordinary traveler on the narrow streets of the town...

At the end of the street, there is an old man selling oil.

His oil is very fragrant and fragrant, but the oil scent Zhu Minglang makes Zhu Minglang feel a little familiar. He had smelled a similar scent when inspecting the heavy machinery that was left behind.

"Old man, how is your sesame oil sold recently?" Zhu Minglang asked with a smile.

"Haha, young people, what do you want to find out? UU read www.uukanshu.com and just say it straight. My old man doesn't like to whistle around." The old man said with a smile.

"That's it. When I was walking on the other side of the mountain, I saw some heavy machinery that was abandoned by people. They just exude the smell of your sesame oil. I wonder, is it because the machinery still eats oil?" Zhu Minglang Said.

"Ah?? Spoil the good things, spoil the good things, such little beasts actually take my sesame oil to feed the organ puppets, can those organ puppets eat tree oil, my sesame oil is used with delicacy!" The old man exclaimed. Said.

"Who are they?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Who else can it be? Except for the ancestor of the weapon, Mo Shou, who else can create those tree-eating monsters? We are not enough to eat, and we have to give it to those monsters...Oh!" The old man was obviously very dissatisfied with the **** of Tianji.

"May I ask, where does this Mo Shou live?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Tiange City, you young man doesn't know anything, could it be from other Shenjiang, my old man heard that people from all the Shenjiang are moving about each other now..." the old man said.

"I'm from Tianshu." Zhu Minglang said bluntly without concealing it.

"Oh oh oh, about a month or two ago, a few young children with extraordinary clothes came to me to buy oil. They asked for a lot of oil, and they were generous in their shots. I sold a lot to them. They are indeed from Tiange City. People, and they should be big people like gods and gods, don't trouble them." The old man said.

"It's not, it's not, just ask me curiously, thank you old man, I have a small fruit here, which can prolong your life, and I will give it to you." Zhu Minglang said.

"Then my old man is not welcome." The old man accepted the fruit without being hypocritical.

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