Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1418 Divine Soldier From Heaven

The entrance of Heishui City is still the same as usual. There is an endless flow of people coming in and out. There are already two long queues in the city and outside the city. Whether it is a monk or a commoner, if you want to enter and leave Heishui City, you must pay Lingshi and accept interrogation. , everything is orderly and orderly, no difference from the past 153 years.

However, on the majestic city wall, there is a figure of a person who seems a little anxious, pacing back and forth non-stop, from time to time subconsciously looking out on tiptoes, it is Wang Mang, the commander of the outer city guards.

Tuohai has already brought Wu Yi's order to Heishui City, and the general attack is today. At this moment, his mood is like fifteen buckets fetching water, he is up and down, and his nervous palms start to sweat. Let him jump up like a frightened rabbit, his own destiny will come to an end today, anxiety, fear, excitement, excitement, all kinds of emotions interfere with his thoughts, just like a summer rainstorm The sky at that time was covered with overcast clouds, lightning and thunder, wishing that all this would start and end sooner, the feeling of waiting was really tormented.

After Wu Yi left Heishui City, Wang Mang carefully recalled the experience during this period, and finally realized that everything was destined since he sent someone to take away Wu Yi's stall, and he suffered so much. I don’t know how many times I greeted Zhao Wuliang’s ancestors in secret, but everything can’t be turned back, the mud is deep, and I can’t extricate myself. I can only fight with Wu Yi once. If it succeeds, it will reach the sky in one step. If it fails, there is only a dead end.

Wang Mang is a smart man. After recognizing his situation, he didn't hesitate any longer. In less than half a month, 80% of the guards had already been dragged down by him. Anyway, he only knew one thing, the more people following him, the greater the chance of success. At this moment, half of the off-duty sergeants had been mobilized by him to the gate of the city, lurking nearby, waiting for that exciting moment.

In the Heiji Palace, in the secret room of Tie Yucheng, the leader of the Black Divine Guard, there were also nearly 300 people sitting quietly and waiting for orders. Compared with Wang Mang's restlessness and restlessness, Tie Yucheng seemed much calmer. For so many moments like this, the matter of She Ji has already made Hua Zang on guard against Tie Yucheng, and now there is no way to retreat, so he can only fight to the death, for his family, and for the brothers who swear to follow him, do everything. In the final effort, the order for the general attack has been issued. As long as they wait for the horn of Wu Yi's attack, they will rush out like a whirlwind and take down the princes and officials of the Jiao clan. excitement.

On the crowded street, Yiwu Thatched Cottage is still operating normally. In the spacious hall, there are already many patients waiting for medical treatment. Shuttle back and forth, delivered the weighed and packaged medicinal materials to the hands of patients, busy but not chaotic, orderly, but in the secret room behind the hall, it seemed like a pot had exploded, very restless.

"We are the shadow squad formed by the prince himself, why don't we participate in the final battle?"

"Yes! This clearly means that we don't trust us. Is it really an order from the crown prince?"

"Brother Liu, you are the closest to the prince, and you are the captain of the shadow team. Why don't you say a word at this time? If we can't participate in such an important battle, won't we regret it forever?"


In the secret room, all the members of the Shadow Squad gathered. They thought they were arranging some special missions, but the military order that Takumi brought them was to let them continue to lurk, not to reveal their identities, to maintain the normal operation of the ground network, and not to be affected by the war. For a group of passionate men, it was even more uncomfortable than letting them go to battle to kill the enemy. They talked a lot, expressed their dissatisfaction, and even began to doubt Takumi's identity and the military orders he issued on behalf of Wu Yi.

"If you still know that you are a member of the Dragon War Legion, you should understand that obedience to military orders is the prerequisite for all actions. Do you want to disobey the military orders issued by the prince himself?" Tuohai reminded coldly, it was his first time When I came to Heishui City, I was not familiar with them. Seeing their questioning attitude, I was very unhappy.

Liu Kuan was silent for a long time, and finally waved his hand and said: "His Royal Highness made such an arrangement, there must be his intentions, we can't presume, besides, the shadow team can only be effective if they hide in the dark. With our strength, we can really fight Enemy, I'm afraid that even a small team can't handle it. If you lose your life in vain, wouldn't it be a disappointment to His Highness the Crown Prince's training for us? Go back and stay dormant to keep the information flowing. Blame me for not remembering the past, and engage in military law."

After Wu Yi left, the Shadow Squad and the Ground Network were handed over to Liu Kuan. These players were almost all developed by him, and they had absolute prestige among them, so when he said that, the rest of the team felt a little dissatisfied , finally accepted this fact, quietly left Yiwu Thatched Cottage, returned to his original post, and continued to collect intelligence.

"Brother Tuohai, I'm sorry, my brothers have been waiting for this day for too long, and now they are suddenly out of the game, there must be some emotions, but please rest assured, they will never disobey the military order, let alone live up to the crown prince's respect for them Hope." After the last person left, Liu Kuan clasped his fists and explained apologetically.

"I can understand their feelings. In fact, I am even more excited than them. The mermaid tribe has been slaughtered. Such a bloody enmity has long been at odds with Heishui City. I have been looking forward to this day in my sleep, but now I can only hide here. Waiting for the final result is really not a good feeling." Tuo Hai shook his head, his eyes extremely disappointed, because when he left, Wu Yi also issued a military order to him, that is, to lurk in Yi Wu Thatched Cottage, and not to participate in this time battle.

Liu Kuan comforted: "The prince is far-sighted, he must have his intentions, we'd better wait patiently!"

At this moment on the city wall, Wang Mang felt that his neck was about to become sore, but there was no movement at all. He was about to turn around when he suddenly found a black shadow beside him, which turned into a dazzling golden color in an instant, with dazzling light and strong aura. He suddenly had difficulty breathing.

"His Royal Highness, you... did you come down from the sky?" Wang Mang's voice trembled.

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