Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1419

The sudden appearance of Wu Yi scared the restless Wang Mang half to death, because he kept staring at the gate of the city, but he didn't find anything unusual. The strangest thing was that when Wu Yi was already within one meter behind him, there was no response When it comes to breath, Wu Yi's spiritual sense detection seems to have completely failed, which is completely unreasonable and beyond his comprehension.

"My lord, you look so out of your mind that you don't seem to have the slightest confidence in today's battle, and you are not optimistic about me, the Dragon God Prince, at all. It's really disappointing!" Wu Yi stood in front of him , said with a smile.

"Putong..." Wang Mang knelt down on his knees, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Don't dare...don't dare... the little one is really a little panicked, and specially greeted the prince at the city gate. As long as the prince's army is together, it will be like a broken bamboo. Destroy the dead, directly take down the Black Pole Hall, right...why hasn't the main force of the Dragon War Legion arrived yet? The crown prince appeared in Heishui City alone, I'm afraid it's too risky!"

"The Dragon Warrior Legion is in the cuffs of this deity. Immediately close the city gate and open the defensive circle. From this moment on, no entry is allowed, no exit is allowed. You stick to this city gate. If you put in a reinforcement, take it off first." I hit your head." Wu Yi's tone suddenly became fierce, and at the same time, with a thought, the golden cauldron flew out, and soon a huge cyan monster sprang out from the cauldron, opening its mouth clumsily , spit out a piece of light blue mist.

"This subordinate obeys...obey!" Wang Mang nodded again and again, his mouth could not be closed for a long time, the blue mist dissipated, and the main street of Heishui City was blocked by armored soldiers. Looking around, there is a dazzling golden color, and the primordial force is surging, forming a violent whirlwind, whizzing back and forth, motionless like a mountain, with a vast momentum.

Ao Yeshuo flew to the top of the city, took the battle flag in Wu Yi's hand, and shouted loudly: "The Dragon War Legion, mighty and sure to win, take down the Heiji Palace, destroy the Qingjiao King, attack!"

"Must win...must win...must win..."

"Must win...must win...must win..."



The aggression was like fire. After the order to attack was issued, the Dragon War Legion immediately divided into three forces, followed the route that had been designed, and rushed towards the Heiji Temple. overwhelming.

"This is too amazing! Hurry up...quick...quick...the Dragon God Prince's army has arrived. Immediately close the city gate, open the defensive circle, and block Heishui City." Wang Mang woke up from the shock and shouted loudly , those sergeants of the guards who had been lurking in the dark did not hesitate to attack, killing those teammates who had not been drawn in or were not worthy of trust. Everything erupted so suddenly that there was no time to resist. In just two minutes, the After controlling the entrance and exit throat, there was a loud bang at the same time, and a black light curtain was added outside the city gate, isolating everything outside.

At this moment, Blackwater City has become a complete mess. They have heard about the prestige of the Dragon God Prince and the Dragon Warrior Legion, but they all think that they are tens of thousands of miles away in the bitter cold sea, and it is impossible to appear here, so When the divine soldiers descended from the sky and suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, there was nothing left but begging for mercy in panic and evading hastily. Those miscellaneous troops who were in charge of daily patrols and guards were overwhelmed by the army before they had time to reveal their spiritual weapons , didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his head was already in a different place, and his body was dismembered by knives.

Ji Wuyang held a mace in his hand, inspired by Yuanli, and swept away thousands of troops. Wherever he went, figures flew around. Those black water troops who rushed out to meet the enemy were smashed to pieces just by meeting each other. The street became red, and it also stimulated everyone's nerves, making them more excited, violent, and almost crazy.

Xiao Huo turned into a wild beast and led the vanguard team not to be outdone. Opening his mouth, he opened his mouth to see a large piece of sky fire, which rose in the wind and spread into a vast sea of ​​fire in an instant. The essence of Tianyuan melted everything. Anyone who was submerged by the fire cried out incomparably and miserable finally turned into ashes, but he did not rush to the front of Ji Wuyang, but kept pace with him. After all, his main task was to ensure the safety of Ji Wuyang. .

Ao Yeshuo leads the two most elite corps among the six major corps. They are the vanguard of this siege battle. The main task is to break through the last line of defense and join Tie Yucheng before the defensive circle of the Black Pole Palace is opened. , eat the Black Divine Guard, and at the same time control a group of princes and ministers in Heishui City, all of them are the patriarchs and elders of the major water tribes, with high positions and great influence. Once they are controlled, those tribes will be wary. It is also very useful for persuading surrender in the future, and it can get twice the result with half the effort at critical moments.

As for the elite troops stationed in several large battalions in Heishui City, Wu Yi ignored them at all. When they received the order to rush over, the day lily was half cold. Casualties, so from the moment the order to start the war is ordered, every minute and every second is related to the success or failure of the battle situation.

Wu Yi wore a golden armor and flew high in the sky. His goal was also very clear, that is, King Qingjiao, the number one warrior in the East China Sea. The old feud between the two had been forged a hundred years ago. It was destined that there should be one today. Finished.

When Heishui City was still in a daze, Tie Yucheng stood up abruptly, and said in a loud voice: "The Prince's army has arrived, act immediately to meet the Great Elder, if you encounter resistance, you will be killed without mercy!"


The Black God Guards who had been sitting quietly and waiting for orders stood up in unison, screaming with their strength, and disappeared into the secret room according to Tie Yucheng's arrangement. Their original duty was to guard the inner city, and they were familiar with this task without too much pressure .

"Hua'er, you follow me to the east gate, which is the closest to the main meeting hall, and it will definitely not be easy to control it." Tie Yucheng held the broad sword in his hand, feeling deeply moved, as if he had returned to the glorious days when he fought against the East China Sea.

"Okay, we've finally waited for this day." Tie Lihua said excitedly, and the two of them appeared at the east gate in a flash. There was already a roar of killing, and there was only a middle-aged man in a black robe. Waving a crimson iron chain, wherever he went, figures flew, and a gap was forcibly smashed into the closed gate, soldiers in golden armor swarmed in, and a scuffle broke out.

From Wu Yi's order to Ao Yeshuo leading his troops into the Heiji Palace, the whole process also took less than two minutes. As Wang Mang said, it was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

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