Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 648 Star Boundary Roaming

In the boundless star realm. It is cold, empty, and dark. Compared with the main plane, the matter here is extremely scarce. There is no air, no gravity in the astral world, and objects move very fast.

In the depths of the star realm, a dim starlight appeared, and then the starlight moved rapidly. As the starlight continued to approach, the outline of a city appeared in the star realm. In the star realm, this huge floating city was like a speck of dust. Unremarkable.

You must know that there are many meteors floating in the star world, and the largest of these meteors are even bigger than the main plane. Although the floating city is not small, it is just an inconspicuous little brother compared to these behemoths.

There are many ways to travel in the astral world. The fastest way is to lock the space node and then carry out space teleportation. Because the matter in the astral world is very scarce, it can easily travel thousands of kilometers or even tens of thousands of kilometers. , The distance of a space jump can span hundreds of millions of kilometers. This method is also the most common way for travelers in the astral world to travel.

Allen’s Floating Void City originally used this method to travel, but it was too boring to travel in the astral world. Accelerate by gravity, rely on the gravitational acceleration of the star to approach the star, and accelerate from the tangent of the gravitational force when leaving the star, so as to accelerate to get rid of the star. This method consumes less energy and takes a long time. If you are lucky, you will encounter Some planets with life.

There are many unknown treasures in the star world, or dangers, for example, the corpses of ancient gods, the star cores born from dead stars, or some demiplanes, broken star fortresses, damaged floating cities, etc. Warped space jumps are the safest, but basically you will not encounter these things, unless you are lucky and just completed a warped space jump, these things wander around the space node, but this probability is higher than if you buy a two-color ball The odds of winning the first prize are tens of thousands of times lower.

The chances of using Astral Wandering are much higher, but the chances are still very touching. Allen's purpose of doing this is more to collect materials. If you can run into these things, you can only say that you are lucky.

The corpses of ancient gods can be said to be precious treasures or disasters. Although these ancient gods have been dead for a long time, the divine power carried by their corpses is still extremely powerful. It is not easy to obtain them. People are crazy.

The most dangerous thing when traveling in the astral world is encountering a space-time storm. The chance of such a space-time storm is very small, but if you cannot escape as soon as possible after encountering it, once you are involved, you will be in big trouble. In the space-time storm, every second The bell will be torn apart by the power of space, its power is no less than that of legendary spells, and it lasts for a long time. If you are not careful, it will be torn into pieces by the space-time storm. You randomly throw it at any position in the astral world, even if you cross the crystal wall system, it is not impossible.

Allen is drinking afternoon tea leisurely now,

Next to it, several mermaid maids are teasing a black cat. The black cat is small in size, with a shiny coat and a pair of golden eyes. It looks mysterious and handsome, but now this black cat is lying down in despair On the cushions, the mermaid maids around me were laughing and playing, whether or not they rubbed the cat with their hands.

Maybe they talked about some interesting things, several maids giggled, and glanced at Allen from time to time, the black cat sensed the opportunity, and jumped lightly, trying to escape, but just jumped out and hadn't landed on the ground , its body flew back involuntarily. The expression of the black cat suddenly stepped down, exuding an aura of despair.

This black cat was the evil god that Allen caught. After careful research, Allen finally let him go temporarily. However, in order to prevent the black cat from escaping, he sealed the black cat again. Most of the black cat's power was forcibly extracted, and then sealed into a gem by Allen. The black cat's soul was also divided, and then pretended It was stored in more than a dozen special containers, and the body was also sealed by Allen's magic sealing circle with divine power, and then he used transfiguration to turn the evil god's body into the black cat in front of him.

The following days will be the beginning of the evil black cat's tragic life. I have to say that apart from being interested in shiny items, women are also interested in all kinds of furry and cute things, so this black cat has become Allen The new favorite of these maids, these maids are very interested in this new toy.

An evil god, now sealed into a kitten, after resisting hundreds of times in a row, this evil god still cannot accept his new identity.

"Let go of me, I am Sisko, the great ruler of the mind, let me go quickly, or I will make your soul suffer forever... Meow" The black cat bared its teeth and claws to scare these maids but , his words obviously did not have any deterrent effect. A cat teaser hit it directly on the head.

"Honestly, you're just a cat." Selena teased the black cat with a cat teaser.

The black cat jumped up involuntarily, trying to grab the cat teaser, but just as it jumped up, its body lost its balance and fell directly on the cushion. Up to now, the evil spirit still refuses to walk like a cat. just off balance...

"Take this cloth mouse away, I am a god, not a cat!" The angry black cat lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. It's just that his eyes are secretly staring at the cat teasing stick. This cat teasing stick is Allen's evil taste. He sealed part of the power of the black cat in the gem, and then embedded the gem on the cat teasing stick, and teased the cat. A mouse doll was made on the stick, and the result was that the black cat couldn't help but grab it every time he saw the cat teasing stick... But he didn't know it was, even if he got the cat teasing stick, without Alan's unblocking, he would It is impossible to get back your own power.

Allen didn't care about the maids teasing the black cat. He is now further upgrading the Floating City. After the interstellar travel, the Floating City has encountered many problems. These problems did not appear when he was in the material plane before. Only manifested after a long interstellar voyage.

After the problem arises, it is natural to solve it. Allen designed an upgrade plan for the Floating Void City, and then handed it over to Taling No. 1. He did not ask him to divide the plan into various links, and then hang it in the task hall in the form of tasks. In the end, the wizards in the Floating Void City will complete it, and Ta Ling will accept it after the task is completed. If it fails, the punishment will be doubled.

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